Population Explosion

The enormous increase in the population is called population explosion. Population explosion is one of the major problems that all developing countries face. According to a report by the United Nations Population Fund, the total number of population is likely to reach 10 billion by 2025. Though India ranks second in population, it has the highest density of population in the world. India’s population is growing at an alarming rate. India alone has a population of more than one billion, inspite of the fact that India was the first country in the world to have a population policy. There are several factors that contribute to high population. In the past, short life span of people limited population growth. But today’s world, the rate of death has decreased to an extent that it creates a rapid increase in the population in many countries. This was achieved by improved nutrition, sanitation, and medical care. This results in excess population.

Over population creates many problems like lack of adequate food, adequate drinking water, shelter, education, and employment. It also leads to depletion of natural resources, increased level of pollution, deforestation and loss of ecosystem. It allows poverty to persist. Some fear that overcome that overpopulation will bring the extinction of the human race. More public education is needed to develop awareness about population growth. Population education should be a subject for study in schools and colleges to develop an awareness of the population problems. Action plans and strategies can be developed to increase the public understanding of how rapid population growth limits our basic needs. World poverty can be reduced only if the population growth is brought under control. Take care of the world that takes care of you.

” If unchecked, population would grow in geometric progression while food production could only grow in arithmetic progression “- Thomas Malthus

A tale of the second largest egg in the world

Sorry vegetarians, this post is still for you to go through. Did you know or remember that the world most liked post of Instagram was for an image of an egg posted on 4th January 2019, which set the world record is now at 54.5 million likes, and it is still growing. White or brown eggs, when we have them for breakfast or in cakes or several other recipes, we know that eggs are good for health, bodybuilding and it acts as a vital source for daily body requirement. But what exactly is an egg? It’s a cell overall, with the zygote, which fertilizes later if it is under the necessary condition.

Eggs in a bowl.
Are these eggs happy or sad? We don’t know.

Okay, concluding to the actual topic, what’s all about the second-largest egg? The giant egg ever recorded was of a 1,000 year-old extinct flightless elephant bird at Madagascar. The recently discovered egg is a 66 million-year-old egg laid by an ancient reptile. Let’s uncover the mystery about it. The egg found as a fossil at Seymour Island, Antarctica. It may look like a deflated football, and the size is considerably huge, with the dimensions 28 cm by 18 cm kept at the National Museum of Natural History, Chile.

A fossil egg.
The Thing, that’s the name of the egg given. Courtesy: National Museum of Natural History, Chile

Nicknamed as “The Thing,” the most giant soft-shelled egg, also being the first fossil egg found in Antarctica, is said to be of a mosasaur (marine lizards) or the long-necked plesiosaurs. The egg-to-body size ratio of 259 modern reptiles made as a part of a comparison with existing records concluding that the animal should be more than 20 feet long, excluding the tail.

The shocking fact to the scientist was that these animals were viviparous; that is, they give birth to young ones, but it wasn’t in this case. This egg found way back in 2011, but Julia Clarke, an enthusiast in the field of bird evolution and the dinosaurs, came across this egg in 2018 when she visited the museum.

A mosasaur.
A possible illustration of how a mosasaur may have laid eggs while being in the water.

There is no proper evidence of how the eggs got laid, but the researchers have two contending ideas. Birth of a new organism occurred while eggs got hatched in the open water, similar to some species of sea snakes or else reptiles leaving the eggs on a beach as sea turtles do. But conflicting to the approaches, giant marine reptiles were too hefty, and they won’t be able to support their body weight on land. So, the creatures may have to twist their tail on the shore while staying underwater.

Egg being hit by a hammer.
Will the egg break?

Well, that’s all about one of the oldest eggs ever discovered. Today the egg we consume is comparatively tiny. Still, it is rich in protein of about 13 grams per 100 grams. It is a source of livelihood for many poultry farmers. Breaks as we hit, or if it falls by mistake, the shell isn’t that strong. A small science tip, next time, try holding an egg in your hand and crush it from the top and the bottom. Comment if it breaks, but I won’t be responsible for the messy smell. Similarly, you can motivate yourself to be that strong and survive for a longer time like the recently researched egg did.

India’s Big Victory In Incomplete Journey Of Moon – Chandrayaan-2

If everything was fine, then India had became the first country to land it’s spaceship on the south pole of moon. Before this, America, China and Russia had also done soft landing on the but not on the South pole. It can be said that it is difficult to go on South pole so that the mission moon left 2.1 Km less away from the lunar surface. When Chandrayaan-2 was just to land on the surface of the moon that Vikram lander lost contact with it.

PM Narendra Modi was also arrived to ISRO Banglore headquater to become a witnesses of this historical moment, but at the end the journey of Chandrayaan-2 of 47 days left incomplete.

Was this a failure or there a success in this failure? Why the journey of Chandrayaan-2 left incomplete at the end moment? Was there any technological problem?

At the end moment, Vikram Lander lost the contact with ground station. Chairman of ISRO told that when the Vikram Lander of ISRO was 2.1 km away from the lunar surface of moon, at that time it lost the contact with ground station.

PM Narendra Modi discussed with the scientists of ISRO’s control room and indicated that Vikram lander was in hurry to land on the moon’s surface. At the end moment, there was any defect so that they cannot get success.
There was a disappointment from Vikram Lander but this mission was not failed, because Chandrayaan-2 orbiter is working on the moon’s surface. In this orbiter there are many scientific equipments and they are doing well. Vikram Lander and Pragyan Rover were used and it has definately suffered a setback.
There is a success in this failure. India has reached the orbiter before, but this orbiter was more modern than before. Chandrayaan-2’s orbiter was more modern and equipped with scientific instruments than Chandrayaan-1 orbiter.

The use of Vikram Lander and Pragyan Rover was for first time. But the chairman of ISRO Dr K Sivan said that it doesn’t matter that it’s Southern pole or equitorial plane, difficulties are same for each. He clearly said that be it is Southern pole or even other, in all there are same challanges for each.

It is true that Chandrayaan-2 was sent at a new place so that new things can be seen. There was no benefit to go on older so new place was selected.
Orbiter is still working. The discovery of water on moon was a main aim of India and is continued by orbiter. In future it’s data will also be seen.
That was a scientific mission and it had taken 11 year to be completed. It’s orbiter was successful and lander rover was unsuccessful. Due to this failure, ISRO won’t go back ad Pm Modi also repeated this.

America, China and Russia got success in soft landing to moon’s surface. Soft landing means to land a satellite through a lander protectively and it will work smoothly.

In the whole world, less than 50% mission got success. Who understands the space science they will definitely give encouragement to this practice of India. Now the next mission of ISRO is Gaganyaan in which an astronaut will be sent.

CLAT: Common Law Admission Test

What is CLAT…..?

CLAT is a national level exam controlled by central government. Through this exam one can get admitted into any Natinal Law University out of twenty two.

Various colleges and other institutes also fill their seats on behalf of the CLAT score. These Universities and colleges offer UG and PG courses for Law. Usually the exam was being conducted in online computer based till 2018 but due to technical glitches body decided to take exam in offline mode from 2019 and onwards.Exam is conducted by a permanent body established by NLUs. Exam is held once a year.


for UG:

candidate should have passed/ appeared 10+2 with 45% (40% in case of SC/ST).

there is no age criteria for the candidate and no specified no of exam attempts.

For PG:

candidate should have hold LL.B or equivalent degree with at least 55% marks(50% for SC/ST).

Exam pattern:

time given: 120 minutes

question:150 each of one mark

negative marking of 1/4

total five sections

english-30 Gk-37 mathematics-15 logical reasoning- 30 logical aptitude-38

candidates selection is based on this exam pattern .candidate has to fill preferences for colleges and by that list merit list is prepared.

all the best…



Amartya Sen’s -The Capability Approach

Life is full of surprise and miracles. The struggles of life teaches you a path but doesn’t define your qualities. Have you felt down for anything? Do you ever felt you are only reason for all your problems? Are you proud of what you’re doing or what you’ve done? Do you estimated your capabilities? Spare some time and answer to the questions. It will definitely define your capabilities of raising successful when others say you can’t.

What is Capability?
A capability is something a person is able to do . ( Capability defines for objects also). Let us take one example to explain capability
How the capability of students being tested in Foreign countries?
The indicating factors are life, body health, Integrity, senses, Imagination, Thoughts, Emotions, Practical Reasons ,Play and control over environment in which they are connected with core values of respect , caring ,fairness and their citizenship hence the schools believe when kids are kids as you can help them be the best they can be ,hopefully it turns out more capable.

Origin of capability approach
The capability approach was first articulated by the Indian Economist and philosopher Amartya Sen in 1980’s. Amartya
Sen contributed in the field of welfare economics, social choice theory, Development economy.Amartya Sen was looking for a practical approach of justice which is capable of elimination of all kinds of injustice in society. It is, for this reason, Amartya Sen develops a capability approach as a unique tool for evaluating issues like poverty, well beings, development, justice, equality, etc.

Amartya sen’s Capability Approach:
He is main aim is to exclude from all the traditional approaches to the economics of welfare. The main focus of this approach is on what individuals are able to do( I.e capable)

The Capability Approach focuses on purposeful capabilities of individuals, such as the ability to participate in economic transactions or to engage in political activity etc. Amartya Sen was of the opinion that an individual could be stripped of such capabilities for various reasons, such as government oppression, ignorance, lack of financial resources, etc. 

Amartya Sen uses the example of bicycle here. If you send a bicycle to a person who is disabled you haven’t improved the capacity of that person ,if the disabled person didn’t have capacity to ride a bicycle. This is to abstract the philosophy on concrete levels.

To all those above questions you have questioned yourself well, the answer should be determined by the development, justice , wellbeing, equality within yourself.According to Amartya Sen’s capability approach individuals should have the liberty to be able to make choices for the improvement of the quality of life by removing any problems that stands in the way of expanding their abilities. Develop the moral significance in you which builds up your capabilities results in a valuable life of a person. Don’t limit yourself to someone’s else opinion of your capabilities be you ,dream ,plan, excute.

“A Historical Match”

Cricket in india is considered to be the religion people all over the country not only feels the sensation created by cricket but enthusiastically participated in every edition in every format skips their meals skips every important chores head their long journey to witness the every single ball every single decision made by TV empire Every single word spoken by Harsha bhogle it is not just a sports but a center of prayers people do for their heroes for their teams it is the center of emotions of lakhs of fans. and cricket too offered beats to their fans with every cracking sound made by bat when a long six hit over the head of bowler it is just like with ease. every single ball every single spell every single innings produces thrilling moments where Audiance tend to bite their nails. wether it is classical centuries by tendulkar bombastic fours and sixes by veeru sixes by yuvraj or hammering power of dhoni every single shot provides a moment to live once more. Times comes times flows but one of the awaited moment which drags every single cricket lover over the globe to participate with their teams which is not only the dream of a player but dreams and aspirations of many who coloured themselves in the name of their heroes, teams and do fasts, pray, cheers with the amazement of players with winning shots , weeps with the losing moments of team it is WORLD CUP a long wait for many for which every single player every single fan waits with curiosity. it was 2011 India was organizing the world cup it was 28 years ago under Kapil Dev captaincy, India lifts world cup but the whole country was waiting since 28 years a moment which every Indian wants to live again a dream which every single fan want to live again. India had completed its tournament successfully beats Pakistan in Semi final in a thrilling match but the real thrill is yet to come it was final of world cup India has to face Sri Lanka Sri Lanka won the toss and choose to bat first sangakara the Srilankan captain decided to bat first srilankan

The Sri Lanka captain sangakara  chose to bat first after winning the toss.sri Lanka started slow for the first 17 years both openers had departed without significant contribution. Although wickets kept falling on regular basis but jayawardhane shows a tough battle with the conditions .srilanka reached to a score of 274 with the classical knock of jayawardhane.

Now it was time for India a big chance to repeat the history India was on the verge to repeat and the history and there was a chance to conquer the world whole country had awaited for 28 years viru and Tendulkar entered with the aspirations of 135 million people. Although sart For India was tough viru had departed on the second ball now every eye was there on Tendulkar but he also got departed but gambhir shows great piece of endeavour gots stagnant shows great struggle with Virat scored a best and wonderful knock of 97.but soon Virat departed and Someting happened which world of cricket will remembered for decades dhoni the magic arrived to bat Someting unorthodox and out of the box happened and he shows great hammering endeavour and delivered the best finish ever hit a six and chase down the biggest ever aspiration and dream which was awaited for long time India lift the world cup after 28 years and repeated history. A historical moment for India.

Dealing with feeling ghosted, lonely or over-missing someone

I understand that this quarantine must have been particularly hard. And I can only imagine how much more frustrating it can feel if you have been ghosted by someone, or if you feel as though a love interest has been withdrawing, or even if you feel obsessed with someone who isn’t actually reciprocating interest.

I’ve been there too. We all have been actually, at one stage or the other in our lives. Looking at our phones. Watching the minutes tick by. Waiting for who we thought was “the one” to pop into our inbox.. or maybe our snapchat… hell, at least our instagram DMs! I remember what the panic feels like, the confusion, the frustration, and the deep desire to keep it all to myself for a fear of my friends getting irritated with me talking about this person for the umpteenth time. And no, it’s not embarrassing. It is just a part of growing up. We experiment & experience, make mistakes and learn from then and finally, we EVOLVE and laugh back at these moments which were actually nothing but just a passing shower.
So you are not alone in this, we have all been through this and we have only come out more stronger and you shall too, JUST BELIEVE!

I know it’s not fun to experience it either. It’s not like you want to. You just.. do. Let me tell you why you do: you were raised to feel as though the people who don’t have the capacity to give you affection, time, and care are the people that love you. This is why we do inner child work. To navigate deep-rooted false truths like this one. So here are some quick tips to deal with the feeling of being ghosted or disconnected from someone during quarantine:

1. Remember that the strong attraction you feel to this person is most likely not attraction but instead, it is familiarity. How do I know this? Because someone who is interested in you would not be hot and cold with their communication with you. No one is perfect, but I’ll tell you what. Relationships are not built on fear, rejection, and confusion- you don’t have to repeat your childhood dynamics. When people care about you, they communicate with you. Maybe this person doesn’t have the ability to do that. This doesn’t make them a bad person. This makes them a person who is not in alignment with what you want. So there is absolutely no need to spend hours thinking about whether they love you or not cause if they really do, you would not even have to question yourself or even others about it, for that matter. Simple as that.

2. Remember that the fear of rejection is what is behind the whole obsession. Getting ghosted reminds you of how you felt as a child. Maybe your parent worked many hours. Maybe they didn’t pay attention to your needs. Maybe- or likely- both. This painful memory actually drives the desire to latch on to the very people that reject us. Remember this, them ghosting you has nothing to do with you and everything to do with what is going on with them which could involve a MULTITUDE of things from not being ready for commitment to having to deal with their own childhood trauma or maybe just prioritising their career or any other thing above the whole dynamics of relationships.

3. Remember that infatuation affects our logic. Literally, when we like someone it’s almost as if our logic is turned OFF. We can’t think straight! Suddenly everything is possible and everything makes sense- even when it doesn’t! Consciously remind yourself that a bunch of hormones are circulating through your body that may just be throwing off your logic. Get a journal and write down all the reasons you know this person wouldn’t be the best match for you based on your previous not so great experiences to help bring your logic to the forefront. Cause love  should have nothing to do with logic, whereas infatuation or that attraction feeling is centred around adversely affecting our logical thinking.

4. Remember that this infatuation with the emotionally unavailable person only lasts a season. Even though it feels like you’ll NEVER stop thinking about them or that you won’t get over them trust me, you WILL. I have. I know people who have and you shall too, you just need to believe in yourself and start working towards your own best interest. Especially if you start with following the above steps!

5. Nurture your bond with your friends and family instead because Family is where life begins and love never ends. Seek serenity in them till you learn to make peace with your solitude. Facetime them a bit more if they aren’t close by. Text them instead and watch how organically you heal your wounds in the warmth and comfort of your “actual” loved ones.

I hope these helped! And I hope you remember to re-direct your attention back to yourself as opposed to keeping it directed towards that emotionally unavailable person who doesn’t have the ability to see you for all your truly worth.

I hope you make it your daily ritual to show love to yourself- to make knowing yourself your highest priority.
Cause at the end of the day, you are your truest companion! Make sure you shower enough love and affection on *that companion* with whom you would be 24/7 spending the rest of your life.

P.S~ Major inspiration for this article has been my all time favourite “The Self Love Fix” podcast on Google.


Sea green” is a colour that gives fresh and calm look when you see it, so does this new kitchen design will. Today I came up with new design of kitchen so as to bring ocean to your home. When you look toward this design it is both nurturing and uplifting, that is at once you will sound it insane but in real life its sounds cool. If we talk especially about the kitchen then green colour shows a sense of renewal and growth. The green shade adds up interest into cabinets or other this like chairs which give a remarkable look to it. The lighter notes gives this shade more depth to embrace itself, like the wooden breakfast bar that cuts across these light kitchen cabinets. For the splashing of colour we advise you to add an easy kitchen installation by adding a hanging artefact of light colour which will work wonders in uniting an attached dining space too. This design consist of the expansion of your tiled area so as to create an entire feature wall from floor to ceiling, we can provide you two choices of either keeping the tiles or you want to use the wallpapers. To give it a more dominating touch we are keeping the walls around the kitchen in white colour. We did a small modification in this kitchen by adding an extra spacing for the refrigerator so that it doesn’t look like it is disturbing the elements of the kitchen. Natural light fits perfect with the sea green but in the night there is dark so we are applying large amoled led lights so as to brighten every corner of the kitchen. We don’t want to go all hog that is why we have added only few sea green cabinets so that it can be equally effective so as to add a finishing flourish too. A big plate of green grapes in kitchen decorations will always make a delicious fresh look centrepiece. A few indoor herb or plant of your choice will also give a stunning touch to that area. The shelve top of work station is made up of the fine marble so as to give a texture to the area with the wallpapers. The dining counter has a glass on the top touch which gives it a shiny finish and makes it feel luxury. The foam chairs is set up to give you a calm and comfortable feel while sitting. This setup for the small kitchen is worth doing because this kind of colour contrast with an attached dining bar and dining table can’t be found anywhere. Because at “homedine.com” ‘we create lasting impression through interior designing’

You only live once, BUT if you do it right once is enough..

Life is just a four letter word that’s is complicated enough to decode it’s true meaning.Whether you are born into a wealthy family or a poor one your life will be full of up’s and down’s.So the goal should be to minimize the down’s and live a life which is full of happiness and inspiring to others.In life unexpected things happens which is beyond our imagination what we want what we think hardly happens but think if “Life was predictable,it would cease to be a life without flavor”.In order to attain happiness in life one should have control in his mind and body what other people say or think about them should never affect them.At time’s in life people misunderstood you, people whom you trust leave you but you have to go with the flow and live.Somebody rightly said that not all storms you get in life are disturb your life some surely comes with a positive way to clear the path.In order to be happy in life one should have the guts to say what you want to say and what you always love and wanted to do.If you are afraid of taking next steps you will never be able to reach the goals.We all have two lives the second one starts when we realize we have only once so it’s necessary for all to appreciate each and every moment of life and enjoy.Laslty the most important thing is to be happy it’s all the matters.

Why books are better than movies🤔…

Most of the time books are better than movies. Books can let you imagine the setting or events happening in the story. They are also more detailed than movies because movies sometimes leave out some important details.In some movies, they switch up the characters because in the book they are different and totally the opposite.When we read a book, we tend to visualize the characters a certain way and in movies they don’t look like the way we want them too. It disappoints us in many ways. I’ve read books before that have a plot twist at the end and in the movie it never happens.Movies tend to last about two hours and books take their time and last longer. Movies rush things so that they can end it fast and there. Not everyone has access to movies or can afford going to movie theatres but books can be borrowed at the library or from a friend.Books are portable and can be read online as well, anytime. When reading books, we get more knowledge and it helps us improve our vocabulary. Characters are described much better and with more detail.One important thing that books do have and movies don’t is that they provide more background information than a movie does.