Impact of Covid19 on mental health

Fear, worry, and stress are normal responses to perceived or real threats, and at times when we are faced with uncertainty or the unknown. So it is normal and understandable that people are experiencing fear in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Added to the fear of contracting the virus in a pandemic such as COVID-19 are the significant changes to our daily lives as our movements are restricted in support of efforts to contain and slow down the spread of the virus. Faced with new realities of working from home, temporary unemployment, home-schooling of children, and lack of physical contact with other family members, friends and colleagues, it is important that we look after our mental, as well as our physical, health.

WHO, together with partners, is providing guidance and advice during the COVID-19 pandemic for health workers, managers of health facilities, people who are looking after children, older adults, people in isolation and members of the public more generally, to help us look after our mental health.

As the coronavirus pandemic rapidly sweeps across the world, it is inducing a considerable degree of fear, worry and concern in the population at large and among certain groups in particular, such as older adults, care providers and people with underlying health conditions.

In public mental health terms, the main psychological impact to date is elevated rates of stress or anxiety. But as new measures and impacts are introduced – especially quarantine and its effects on many people’s usual activities, routines or livelihoods – levels of loneliness, depression, harmful alcohol and drug use, and self-harm or suicidal behaviour are also expected to rise.

In populations already heavily affected, such as Lombardy in Italy, issues of service access and continuity for people with developing or existing mental health conditions are also now a major concern, along with the mental health and well-being of frontline workers.

As part of its public health response, WHO has worked with partners to develop a set of new materials on the mental health and psychosocial support aspects of COVID-19.

Self-care strategies

Self-care strategies are good for your mental and physical health and can help you take charge of your life. Take care of your body and your mind and connect with others to benefit your mental health.

Take care of your body

Be mindful about your physical health:

  • Get enough sleep. Go to bed and get up at the same times each day. Stick close to your typical schedule, even if you’re staying at home.
  • Participate in regular physical activity. Regular physical activity and exercise can help reduce anxiety and improve mood. Find an activity that includes movement, such as dance or exercise apps. Get outside in an area that makes it easy to maintain distance from people, such as a nature trail or your own backyard.
  • Eat healthy. Choose a well-balanced diet. Avoid loading up on junk food and refined sugar. Limit caffeine as it can aggravate stress and anxiety.
  • Avoid tobacco, alcohol and drugs. If you smoke tobacco or if you vape, you’re already at higher risk of lung disease. Because COVID-19 affects the lungs, your risk increases even more. Using alcohol to try to cope can make matters worse and reduce your coping skills. Avoid taking drugs to cope, unless your doctor prescribed medications for you.
  • Limit screen time. Turn off electronic devices for some time each day, including 30 minutes before bedtime. Make a conscious effort to spend less time in front of a screen — television, tablet, computer and phone.
  • Relax and recharge. Set aside time for yourself. Even a few minutes of quiet time can be refreshing and help to quiet your mind and reduce anxiety. Many people benefit from practices such as deep breathing, tai chi, yoga or meditation. Soak in a bubble bath, listen to music, or read or listen to a book — whatever helps you relax. Select a technique that works for you and practice it regularly.

Take care of your mind

Reduce stress triggers:

  • Keep your regular routine. Maintaining a regular schedule is important to your mental health. In addition to sticking to a regular bedtime routine, keep consistent times for meals, bathing and getting dressed, work or study schedules, and exercise. Also set aside time for activities you enjoy. This predictability can make you feel more in control.
  • Limit exposure to news media. Constant news about COVID-19 from all types of media can heighten fears about the disease. Limit social media that may expose you to rumors and false information. Also limit reading, hearing or watching other news, but keep up to date on national and local recommendations. Look for reliable sources, such as the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO).
  • Stay busy. A distraction can get you away from the cycle of negative thoughts that feed anxiety and depression. Enjoy hobbies that you can do at home, identify a new project or clean out that closet you promised you’d get to. Doing something positive to manage anxiety is a healthy coping strategy.
  • Focus on positive thoughts. Choose to focus on the positive things in your life, instead of dwelling on how bad you feel. Consider starting each day by listing things you are thankful for. Maintain a sense of hope, work to accept changes as they occur and try to keep problems in perspective.
  • Use your moral compass or spiritual life for support. If you draw strength from a belief system, it can bring you comfort during difficult times.
  • Set priorities. Don’t become overwhelmed by creating a life-changing list of things to achieve while you’re home. Set reasonable goals each day and outline steps you can take to reach those goals. Give yourself credit for every step in the right direction, no matter how small. And recognize that some days will be better than others.

Connect with others

Build support and strengthen relationships:

  • Make connections. If you need to stay at home and distance yourself from others, avoid social isolation. Find time each day to make virtual connections by email, texts, phone, or FaceTime or similar apps. If you’re working remotely from home, ask your co-workers how they’re doing and share coping tips. Enjoy virtual socializing and talking to those in your home.
  • Do something for others. Find purpose in helping the people around you. For example, email, text or call to check on your friends, family members and neighbors — especially those who are elderly. If you know someone who can’t get out, ask if there’s something needed, such as groceries or a prescription picked up, for instance. But be sure to follow CDC, WHO and your government recommendations on social distancing and group meetings.
  • Support a family member or friend. If a family member or friend needs to be isolated for safety reasons or gets sick and needs to be quarantined at home or in the hospital, come up with ways to stay in contact. This could be through electronic devices or the telephone or by sending a note to brighten the day, for example.

Work from home:pros and cons.

The pandemic sweeping the world, COVID-19, has rendered a large proportion of the workforce unable to commute to work, as to mitigate the spread of the virus. This has resulted in both employers and employees seeking alternative work arrangements, especially in a fast-paced metropolitan like Hong Kong. Due to the pandemic, most if not all workers experienced work from home (WFH). Hence WFH has become a policy priority for most governments. In doing so, the policies must be made keeping in mind the practicality for both employers and employees. However, this current situation provides unique insight into how well working from home works, and may play a vital role in future policies that reshape the current structure of working hours, possibly allowing for more flexibility. Using an exploratory framework and a SWOT analysis, this study investigates the continuing experience of the employer and employees face in Hong Kong. A critical insight and related recommendations have been developed for future policy decisions. It will also critically investigate if this work arrangement will remain as a transitory element responding to the exceptional circumstances, or whether it could be a permanent arrangement.

As appealing as remote work is to employees, it wouldn’t be such a strong trend if employers didn’t also recognize benefits from their side of the desk. Companies with work-from-anywhere policies can boost employee productivity, reduce turnover, and lower organizational costs, according to recent research at Harvard Business School.1 Telecommuting workers with very complex jobs who don’t require a lot of collaboration or social support can perform better than their office-based counterparts, according to another study.2 Also, in the event of a natural or manmade disaster, a distributed workforce is in a better position to keep operations running, even if some of the group goes offline.null


  • For employers, working from home can boost productivity, reduce turnover, and lower organizational costs, while employees enjoy perks like flexibility and the lack of a commute.
  • To work effectively from home, you’ll need to make sure you have the technology you require, a separate workspace, internet service that meets your needs, a workable schedule you can stick to, and ways to connect with others.
  • Top fields for remote work include IT and healthcare; positions include customer service reps, sales reps, project managers, and more.
  • A variety of top firms, including CVS Health, Dell and Salesforce, offer remote work opportunities, but it’s also important to be aware of scams.

Advantages for Employees:

  • Travel time to and from the office will be saved.
  • They can spend more time with family. This is beneficial for many especially for parents of young children.
  • Even in modern times, women are expected to take care of home and children. With this responsibility, several women are forced to leave their jobs. The rise in WFH culture is a boon for them. With this more women can join in jobs again.
  • The location will not be a barrier. Employees can get a job, even if the office is located in another city.
  • If they want to get to know their office and colleagues better, they can attend the office at regular intervals like once a week.

Disadvantages for Employees:

  • The line between work and home will be blurred. In general, employees leave work tensions at office and come home to relax. But this opportunity will be lost and it may cause anxiety. If work and personal life are not balanced well, work will extend to longer hours. This can create WFH burnout.
  • Employees have to set up a work environment at home, which will incur extra expense. Even then, some people may not focus on work due to the lack of a professional atmosphere.
  • Some companies are giving so much work just because their employees are working from home.
  • Teamwork is a bit difficult while working from home.
  • Working from home from a long periods of time can hamper social and interpersonal skills.
  • Continuously staying at home may make some people feel isolated.
  • For some people, setting up office space at home may not be an option due to lack of extra space in the home.
  • Some jobs may require employees to be online during work hours and the continuous power supply may not be available to many.
  • It can be difficult to establish connections with new colleagues because the opportunity to meet and talk with them during coffee breaks will be lost.

Advantages for Companies:

  • Less expense for office maintenance.
  • Can hire talented people, even if they reside in another city.
  • Employees may not ask for much leaves.

Disadvantages for Companies:

  • Training new staff can be tough with all the employees working from home.
  • Have to deal with WFH specific challenges like information security and hacking of video calls etc.
  • It’s difficult to monitor work from home employees.
  • It’s hard to establish connections among employees.


Even though work from home culture is on the rise due to COVID-19 situation, work from home opportunities will increase in number to adapt to the changing times. With time, companies and employees will take steps to reduce the disadvantages.

Impact of Covid-19 on global economy


  • COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019) was first identified in Wuhan city of China in December 2019. On 30th January, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID19 as a Public Health Emergency of International concern (pandemic). As of 16th April 2021, more than 13 crores 90 lakh people were affected by Covid globally and nearly 30 lakh people died due to the virus.
  • Coronaviruses (CoV) are a group of viruses that affects animals and humans. The first coronavirus that can affect humans is discovered in the 1960s. Before COVID-19, this family of viruses caused the SARS outbreak in China in 2002, the MERS outbreak in Saudi Arabia in 2012.
  • COVID-19 is not just affecting the health of the people, but also the economies of many countries. So the topic – ‘Impact of COVID-19 on Global economy‘ is widely discussed.

Impact of COVID-19 on the Global economy:-

  • Many people lost jobs, and the informal sector is badly hit. Unemployment is increasing. This is a huge setback for economies.
  • Due to the consumption slowdown in the world, exports and imports are affected. So, this affects the economies of almost all countries.
  • The International Monetary Fund (IMF) estimated that the global economy shrunk by 4.4% in 2020. This is the worst decline after the 1930’s great depression. Many countries are facing a recession.
  • The health care sector hit hard and the expenditure is a big burden on many countries.
  • The movement of people is restricted due to the fears over the further spread of COVID-19, and hence tourism industry has faced huge losses in the initial months of the pandemic. Tourists spend money in the countries they visit, so the loss of this money is affecting the economies of many countries.
  • Due to the low demand for fuel when several countries imposed lockdowns, crude oil prices have dropped. Low crude oil prices are beneficial to oil-importing countries like India and detrimental to the economies of OPEC (Organization of petroleum exporting countries) countries like Saudi Arabia. Now, crude oil prices are improving.
  • According to the World Trade Organisation (WTO), China is the biggest exporter and second-biggest importer of merchandise as of 2019. Many industries in other countries are depending on China for many raw goods such as pharmaceutical ingredients, automobile components etc. So, coronavirus has hit global supply chains badly. As many factories in China were closed at the start of the pandemic, production has halted for the dependent companies in other countries. Some companies went for alternatives, which is the costlier option. At present, several countries are trying to be self-sufficient. This is resulting in the dominance of nationalism over globalism.
  • Pharmaceutical companies, hygiene products manufacturing companies are benefitting from this situation.
  • Just like past pandemics, Covid too is coming in waves. At the time when countries are recovering from the first wave, several countries are facing a second wave of Covid and thereby weakening their economic recovery.


COVID-19 caused severe damage to the global economy. Nations are trying hard to rebuild their economies and to prevent further downfall. Vaccination drive should be at a faster pace to prevent further loss of lives and also the collapse of economies.

Lockdown and Mental Health

In March 2020, when the WHO declared the pneumonia-like virus as a pandemic, it overwhelmed countries all around the world. Educational institutions, workplaces, malls and airports were shut down, and we were all forced into a mandatory lockdown. This lockdown was tough for all of us, but we adopted some coping mechanisms to deal with the anxiety we felt. Slowly we adjusted to this new way of life. Now, about 5 months later, as countries ease their restrictions and we all step out of lockdown, we feel the same sort of anxieties we felt back then. 

We have to accept that the end of lockdown might be just as difficult as its start, and this transition can negatively impact our mental health. As workplaces and schools reopen, people fear being infected or passing on the virus to their loved ones. These fears are completely reasonable as the times are tough, and the virus is extremely contagious. However, we must find ways to cope with this fear and reduce our anxieties. This isn’t simple, but necessary. A few ways to make this transition easy on your mental health are:-

  1. Focus on the present 

The major fear most of us have is being infected with the virus. However, overthinking will do you no good, and only make you feel anxious. We have to stop thinking about the future, as it will only add to our suffering. Instead, one should try to live in the present and not let their imagination run amok. Realise the fact that the future is uncertain and no one can control it. Focus on what you have and do your best with it.

2. Limit your news consumption 

Although the news is extremely helpful and keeps us informed, sometimes news outlets tend to over exaggerate and dramatise the situation and portray it as much worse than it is. Nowadays, news fatigue has become very common. Absorbing all this negative content will do you no good. Limit the number of times you check the news and make sure your sources are trustworthy and evidence-based.

3. Talk it out

Bottling up one’s fears never does anyone any good. Talking to those you trust is helpful. The best thing you can do is consult a therapist, as it helps clear your mind and reduce your burden. Talking to your friends or family is also a good option, as familiarity can be a source of comfort. You can even try writing it down to ease the stress.

4. Go at your own pace

 Recognising that you need to go at the right pace for you is important. Don’t let others pressure you to change your pace or do something you don’t want to. At the same time, don’t let this be an excuse to not work hard. It can be difficult to see the world move on while you’re still stuck in the past, but don’t let this get you down and reassure yourself that one day and things will get back to normal for you too. 

Most importantly, don’t forget to stay safe and follow the proper guidelines for your country. Wear a mask, practise social distancing and wash your hands whenever you come back home. The times might be tough, but the human spirit remains undaunted.

Rakshabandhan in 2020: How it is going to be different…

“There’s no other love like the love for a brother. There’s no other love like the love from a brother.” –Astrid Alauda

Rakshabandhan is popular, traditionally Hindu, annual rite, or ceremony, which is central to a festival of the same name, celebrated in India, Nepal, and other parts of the Indian subcontinent, and among people around the world influenced by Hindu culture. The festival is a festival of love, care, and happiness. It symbolizes the existing love between brother and sister. On this day, sisters of all ages tie a talisman, or amulet, called the rakhi, around the wrists of their brothers, symbolically protecting them, receiving a gift in return, and traditionally investing the brothers with a share of the responsibility of their potential care.

Despite being a part of Hindu culture, due to its moral values, the festival is celebrated by other cultures as well. Among women and men who are not blood relatives, there is also a transformed tradition of voluntary kin relations, achieved through the tying of rakhi amulets, which have cut across caste and class lines, and Hindu and Muslim divisions. In some communities or contexts, other figures, such as a matriarch, or a person in authority, can be included in the ceremony in ritual acknowledgment of their benefaction.

Every year, this festival has been awaited by all of us. It gives a chance for the celebration of a selfless and beautiful relation. For some families, this is the occasion where sisters get a chance (out of their busy schedule) to finally visit their brother and celebrate their love. The occasion begins from the previous day itself, with sisters buying beautiful rakhis and sweets for their brothers and applying Mehendi on their hands. Next early morning, both sisters and brothers dress up in new clothes. The sister ties Rakhi on brother’s hand offers him sweet and sings love songs for him depicting brother-sister relation. The brother then gives her sister a gift and along with that a promise of “protection against any problem in her life.”

Every year, this is the time when families travel to each others’ houses to celebrate the festival. But this time, the festival falls amid these harsh times when the whole world is standing against a pandemic, COVID-19. Rakshabandhan is the first major festival of Hindus after the beginning of the pandemic. Therefore, it is a challenge for all of us to get along with the charm of the festival by taking all the precautions and by maintaining social distancing. This year, it is difficult for sisters to visit their brothers if they live in a different city or state. Each year, we can easily have a get-together and celebrate the festival. But, every year, we have our soldiers, policemen, doctors, workers who are away from their home, on their duty even during festivals for the service of their country. This time, we have got a very golden chance to serve our country and fight against the pandemic by staying at our homes. We can spread happiness and celebrate the festival with our police brothers, doctors, and nurses who are truly working as our safeguard for our protection. We can tie Rakhi out of respect to them, making them realize that they are true heroes and fulfilling the responsibilities of a brother. 

Apart from this, in this time of the internet, even though we are staying far, we are always connected through the internet. We are never apart. We can celebrate the festival over a video call. It will a new experience and it will be great fun. One more thing we need to remember that though some sisters are not able to go to their brother, due to pandemic, colleges and schools are closed. This brings young brothers and sisters together who usually don’t get holidays on Rakshabandhan when colleges run regularly. They must be together after a long time and enjoying the togetherness.

“As we grew up, my brothers acted like they didn’t care, but I always knew they looked out for me and were there!” – Catherine Pulsifer

AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine

The initial trial data for the COVID-19 vaccine that has been developed in a joint collaboration between Oxford University and AstraZeneca. The data has been widely awaited as the world looks forward to some good news on the front of a vaccine that could shield people from the deadly coronavirus outbreak that has already infected over 14 million people worldwide and killed over 6 lakh. 

The potential vaccine is already in large-scale Phase III human trials to assess whether it can protect against COVID-19, but its developers have yet to report Phase I results which would show whether it is safe and whether or not it induces an immune response. The developers of the vaccine said this month they were encouraged by the immune response they had seen in trials so far and were expecting to publish Phase 1 data by the end of July.

How does the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine candidate work?

When someone is infected with the Covid-19 virus (SARS-CoV-2), the reason it spreads in the body easily is because of the spikes on its surface. These spikes, known as the ‘spike protein’, allow the virus to penetrate cells and, thereafter, multiply. The vaccine developed by Oxford and AstraZeneca, which belongs to a category called non-replicating viral vector vaccines, tries to build the body’s immunity against this spike protein. The idea is to create antibodies to fight this spiked surface so that the virus does not even have the chance to penetrate the cells. The vaccine uses a different virus — in this case, a weakened version of a common cold virus (adenovirus) that infects chimpanzees — to carry just the code to make the spike protein, like a Trojan horse. The adenovirus, genetically modified so that it cannot replicate in humans, will enter the cell and release the code to make only the spike protein. The body’s immune system is expected to recognize the spike protein as a potentially harmful foreign substance and starts building antibodies against it. Once immunity is built, the antibodies will attack the real virus if it tries to infect the body.

Since the Covid-19 vaccine has been developed by a United Kingdom-funded university, UK will have intellectual property rights. Other countries such as India will need to enter into commercial deals or understanding via foundations such as Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) and Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI). AstraZeneca also entered a deal with the Pune-based Serum Institute of India to supply one billion doses for low-and-middle-Income countries, with the first 400 million nicely before the end of 2020. It is not yet clear how many doses India will be able to land at first since the rollout of the vaccine will be subject to considerations that are commercial as well as that of equity. The World Health Organization’s chief scientist has described the Oxford vaccine as the leading candidate in a global race to halt the coronavirus pandemic that has killed more than 600,000 people. More than 100 vaccines are being developed and tested around the world to try to stop the coronavirus pandemic, which has killed more than 600,000 people and ravaged the global economy.

World emoji day : 2020

Yeah !!!!  It’s world emojii day today .
Social media is just  practically incomplete without these emojis. These are not only bring the smile on our face but also the way of showing expression, feelings and our thoughts which might be we can’t explain in words such as anger, love, happiness, joy, playfulness, laughter, shock, disgust and more. These make our conversation more interesting and show the proper emotions.

In this pandemic situation, we bound to stay home, there social media plays a vital role in this situation and which is totally incomplete and meaning less without these emojis.

“Effectiveness Of Our Sanitizing Tools-Soap Vs Sanitizer”

Health has become an issue of concern especially during the prevailing pandemic of coronavirus. Covid-19 is increasing day by day due to it’s effectiveness of spreading by touch.We know that these viruses do require a host to be effective enough to perform function. But we do see that there is no such effective way out to be free from it. Scientists do believe that the best option to do so is to take precaution and preventive measures to fight this harmful virus. We know that this  virus spreads from person to person through contact or through any medium which helps this virus to be transmitted. The major area of concern for doctors and scientists who are helping us to fight it against this virus is the Mutation possibilities. Mutation are the gene changes in these viruses which occur whenever they replicate to other and future viruses. Their mutations are either due to environmental conditions which do help them to be adaptive to it or due to the complexity of their gene which does get different while transmitting. It is an area of concern since these viruses do mutate and with this mutation going on increasing it may happen that doctors may not be able to know about the virus even if it is present due to the old ways to detect them, this could surely be harmful for patients and this people near us. As we see that this virus is increasing and many people are getting affected by it, the possibility of its mutation also increases. 

But since we know that there is no such vaccine which could prevent and save us from its effect, the better way out is to use preventive measures. This mainly included maintaining a distance of 1-2 metre when we talk or even in the market. Use a mask and wash hands frequently. But the main question which still hits the mind of people is which is better Soap or Sanitizer? Since soap has been a part of human’s life for many centuries, sanitizer has also helped humans to remain clean and healthy. So are these both equally sufficient to fight against this virus or do we have better ways out in them to help us remain safe. 

So in this fight to find out which is better between soap and sanitizer, scientists did some of the experiments to find better results. For this they took bacteria known as E. Coli and rubbed in their hands completely. 


  • For the first case they took sanitizer. There were two conditions recorded in it. The first was to rub with a small quantity of sanitizer and record the result and second was to take an amount more than the usual quantity and record the details. 
  • For the second case they took soap. For the first experiment, they washed their hands for about 10 seconds and recorded details while for the second time they washed their hands for about 30 seconds and recorded the details.


The outcomes were really worth watching. Considering The first case, a sanitizer of less amount did clean most of the bacteria but a sanitizer with more amount cleaned almost all the bacteria over hands. Soap for about 10 seconds removed bacteria but rubbing for about 30 seconds did remove most of the bacteria as compared to 1st case of rubbing for 10 seconds. But the difference between soap and sanitizer and their comparison, sanitizer was found out to be more effective than soap in their results. Sanitizer was recorded to remove most of the bacteria while there were few left out even washing hands for about 30 seconds.

We do know that sanitizing either with soap or sanitizer both can be effective to be free from virus and bacteria, but sanitizers do have an edge over soap in their capabilities of performance. Washing hands with sanitizers thus can be effective enough to help any individual fight back this virus with other preventive measures also. We know it’s a difficult time and we all need to be aware about the do’s and dont’s and this need to be aware enough to protect ourselves as well as other people in our country and thus bring back everything back to normal and make our country and world better, safe and healthier. 


Doctor’s Day

”The good physician treats the disease, the great physician treats the patients who has the disease”.

  • William Osler National Doctors’ Day is the day celebrated to acknowledge the contributions of physicians to individual lives and communities. The date might vary from nation to nation reckoning on the event of commemoration wont to mark the day. In some nations, the day is marked as a vacation. Though imagined to be celebrated by patients and benefactors of the healthcare organization it’s sometimes celebrated by health care organizations. Employees might organize a lunch for doctors to gift the physicians with tokens of recognition. Traditionally, a card or red carnation could also be sent to physicians and their spouses, alongside a flower being placed on the graves of deceased physicians.
    The very first time the Doctor’s Day was marked in March 1933 within the North American country state of Georgia. This day was celebrated by posting a card to the physicians and placing flowers on the graves of late doctors.
    In India, it’s celebrated on 1st July as a result of it’s the birth and death day of remembrance of Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy (Dr. B C Roy), one amongst the foremost far-famed physicians of Republic of India who was also the 2nd Chief Minister of West Bengal.
    History of Doctor’s Day in India:
    National Doctor’s Day in India is well known for the memory of Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy, the second Chief Minister of state and a legendary medical practitioner. He was born on Dominion Day, 1882 and died on a similar date in 1962, aged eighty years. He’s one in all the few folks in history to own obtained FRCS and MRCP degrees at the same time.

Dr. Roy was worthy of the country’s highest civilian award, Bharat Ratna, in april, 1961. The celebration of the Doctors’ Day is a lead to emphasize the worth of doctors in our lives and to supply them our respect and relentless services.

Doctor’s Day in Bharat was established by the govt. of India in 1991 to be recognized and celebrated every year . Doctor’s Day is ascertained on totally different dates across the globe. In the US it’s ascertained on the 30th of March, in Cuba on the 3rd of Dec and on the twenty 3rd of August in the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Doctor’s day 2020
The theme of this year’s Doctors Day is “Lessen the mortality of COVID 19”. This includes awareness regarding symptomless drive and early aggressive medical care. Because of the widespread of coronavirus, National Doctor’s Day celebration won’t embody face to face conferences and celebrations.
This day has special significance this year. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, doctors and physicians all around the world are recognized for his or her self-sacrificing services and acts. Operating continuous shifts and putting their lives into risk. This day provides us an ideal chance to appreciate their work.
Doctors around the world in the frontline of the battle against coronavirus pandemic that has currently affected on the point of five thousand in India and has claimed 149 lives. With reports of para-medical employees and doctors getting infected by the coronavirus are coming up, the main focus has currently shifted to those brave souls.
The toil and dedication of the doctors since the beginning of the pandemic has been admirable. Also, this day jogs our memory to thank our doctors in providing us with selfless service and health facilities.

Thanking them for such a lot for what they create within the lives of their patients! Their kindness, sincerity caring nature, and concern build everything higher and furnish a good upliftment.


Lockdown is helping every country to protect its citizens from spreading of Corona Virus. Due to which people are sitting idly at home for so long which is the main cause of an increase in domestic violence and child abuse. Most women and children are not feeling safe at their home because of domestic violence and child abuse. According to PTI report in the starting of Lockdown (March 20-31), they got over 92,000 SOS calls from the ‘CHILDREN HELPLINE NO. – 1098’ from across the country for the protection of their children from child abuse. National Commission for Women (NCW) got 315 complaints from across the country in April reported another source. The complaints in NCW faced a surge of more than 50% calls regarding domestic violence than in the normal days.
The reason behind the increase in domestic violence
Domestic violence is not an option if you are frustrated. When the abuser feels hopeless and not able to control the things in other aspects of life he chooses domestic violence as an option to reduce his stress. According to Psychologist Schita Sethi “, the victim is in front of their eyes. It becomes even more acceptable to them to commit such acts” also she expresses her views on child abuse by saying “the younger ones will find it tough to understand and express their situation, while older ones will experience guilt, shame and anger”

Not just there is an increase in the domestic violence but women are also facing marital rape as well on this Poonam Muttreja, executive director of NGO population foundation of India said “not just in India, any kind of health disaster leads to increased violence, across the world, against women and children. Therefore I’d like to request our government and women commission to look at global trend, and let’s get ready for the response now, as the vaccine is many months away” also after liquor shops opened there was an increase in the no. of domestic violence and also because of lockdown women and children are forced to live with the abuser they cannot leave the house or not able to seek the help.
Due to domestic violence and children abuse, victims are going through physical and emotional breakdown as well many victims are suffering from depression, anxiety as they are not left with any option their life is getting miserable day by day and as days are passing abuser are getting uncontrollable.

How can a victim come out of this?
One of the senior police officers shared that victim can inform about domestic violence and child abuse in the police station of their area. Not only this but they can also send SOS message to Crime Against Women or through email, handwritten copy, or they can fax them and victim’s message will be directly sent to women commission or Chief Minister’s office and from there it will go to DCP and get recorded in women’s cell. A similar process is being followed with the regards to child abuseabuse, but a different unit is assigned to look after these cases.
NCW has launched a WhatsApp no. “7217735372” for filling the report against domestic violence.