6 Ways To Adapt to New and Unfamiliar Circumstances in Life

Challenging and unfamiliar situations in your life can lead to a variety of feelings. Some people adapt easier than others and it’s important to find positive coping mechanisms to get through the changes. Adjusting to situations that are constantly changing will take some effort and time. 

Your experiences will help shape how you adapt to unfamiliar or new circumstances. If you are having trouble working through the change, counseling services can help you talk through the emotions. Check out Faithful counseling reviews and find the right counselor for you. They can lead you through a faith-based approach to adaptability. 

What is Adaptability?

This is the ability to acclimatize to situations whenever they arise. This involves using your emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical strengths. You must be willing to learn as well as make mistakes to be better at it. 

A lot of time people approach new challenges with the same mindset as before due to past experiences. But, this hinders you from learning new things and generally causes you to make mistakes. It is important to learn the power of adapting to new situations for life to be easier.

Here are several tips to help you adapt to challenging and unfamiliar circumstances:

1. Be Open Minded

Being open-minded means being receptive to new ideas, information, and arguments. It is actually considered a positive quality because it allows you to think more rationally and critically. For instance, as a newly married couple, you must learn to listen to your partner genuinely. This will help you to draw more emotional support as well as ease your communication. It may not be as easy as it sounds, so take the time to work on it.

2. Maintain Routines

Regular routines strengthen your cognitive function and allow you to become more creative. So, even while facing challenging circumstances, routines will help you adapt better. Habits help you to use less cognitive energy to complete everyday tasks. Routines also help you have a healthier life. They also make you feel better and in control of your current situation. They provide meaning and more fulfillment to your life.

3. Believe In Yourself

To have better chances of success, you must believe in yourself. You will be able to set better goals for yourself leading to a higher growth mindset. Do you think negatively or scold yourself when you make a mistake? At some point after making that mistake, you must forgive yourself to be able to move on. If you don’t, that negative energy will hold you back and prevent you from reaching your potential. If you don’t forgive yourself, who else will?

4. Prepare for the Unexpected

It is wise to always observe what the future may bring by mentally preparing yourself. To make things easier, write down a list of things that must be done before the event takes place. This can include having an emergency fund and saving for a car or house. Despite all this, there are many things you can’t control in life. Many times people plan yet unforeseeable situations arise. But, preparing for unexpected situations beforehand helps you be more comfortable and at peace with yourself.

5. Consider Self Care

Amid challenging situations, taking care of yourself is paramount. While in the transition process, ensure you rest enough, eat healthily, and exercise regularly. After all, it is your body and no one can take care of it better than you can. Self-care allows you to have more fulfillment in your life and also improves your health. You can also take care of yourself by practicing gratitude, staying connected with friends, and focusing on positivity

6. Get Support

When in unfamiliar situations, it can be challenging to make changes in your life. So, try and get support from your loved ones, friends, and other social circles. One in every six adults in the U.S. is facing mental challenges. Yet, most of these mental challenges can be addressed by having a great support system that can also include perfect strangers. A good support system will help you get positive influence. It also provides healthy distractions which in turn helps to lighten your situation.

Adapt More Easily

There are lots of challenges in life and you must be ready for any unfamiliar circumstances. You must be able to adapt to changing environments by preparing for unexpected events. You must also take care of yourself and keep an open mind at all times. Having a routine will also allow you to have better cognitive function. Don’t fear looking for professional support whenever you need it.


If you were to stand at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania and look up to its summit, wondering how on earth you are going to reach the top, the task may seem somewhat daunting – particularly if you are slightly unfit and haven’t done any exercise for a while!. Standing at 5895 metres, Mount Kilimanjaro is one of the tallest mountains in the world and requires time, strength and fitness to get to the top.

The act of going from the bottom to the top is a major leap. However, if you chunked the ascent down into manageable portions, the goal of reaching the summit suddenly seems that much more possible. Setting a target of 500-750 metres a day is achievable, even for the most unfit of people. Assuming time is not an issue, you can slightly increase the distance each day as you grow stronger. 

So within a couple of weeks, you’ll have reached the summit.

How do you eat an elephant?

It was Desmond Tutu who said: “There is only one way to eat an elephant: a bite at a time.” Though this phrase has been taken and used in psychology circles the world over. It is however a perfect way of illustrating a more circumspect approach to working towards some major goals that you may have set yourself. 

You may have some major life goals that you have set out for yourself. Those goals may be around having a certain amount of money in the bank, owning your dream home, going on two exotic holidays every year, driving a Ferrari – the extent of the goals don’t matter – they are your goals and dreams to have. However, if you are currently sat in a bedsit living off an overdraft with maxed out credit cards, that dream of a Ferrari may seem beyond reach. Often it feels so far away, and so overwhelming, that you feel frozen – unable to even take the first step.

However, chunking down what you need to do on your way to achieving that dream will help you make the first step (which we all know is often the most difficult). 

Take advantage of the compound effect

Just take one credit card and make a pledge to pay that one off first and foremost. Once you have got the momentum going on that, look at putting a small amount away each month into a ‘Do Not Touch’ account. Remember the compound effect – if you get £5 into debt week on week, that soon builds up to a larger debt. Similarly, if you put £5 a week into a saving account, that £5 soon builds up into some more substantial savings.

Darren Hardy, author of The Compound Effect: Jumpstart Your Income, Your Life, Your Success, wrote: “The Compound Effect is the principle of reaping huge rewards from a series of small, smart choices.”

He goes on to say: “It’s not the big things that add up in the end; it’s the hundreds, thousands, or millions of little things that separate the ordinary from the extraordinary.”

Dream BIG, but plan sensibly

An elephant typically weighs between 4000 and 6000 kgs – but can be bigger. That is a lot of bites to be consumed in one sitting. In all honesty – you would be ill at the end of it. Taking one bite at a time, you can make sure that you are making slow, but steady progress towards achieving one or more of your goals. Before you know it, you’ll be sat in the driving seat of that Ferrari and looking back in marvel at how you have progressed through life and achieved those dreams!

Human wildlife conflicts: A complex problem

How would you react to a wild cheetah in your backyard or an elephant in your garden?

The rapidly growing human population and urbanisation has led to Human wildlife conflict (HWC) to its pinnacle. Human wildlife conflict (HWC) arises when animals cause a direct and reiterate threat to the safety or the livelihood of the people, leading to the persecution of that species.

These conflicts have posed a question that can human and wildlife coexist together? 

However, this is not a new storyline – the human and wildlife have coexisted for millennia but the situation is more frequent and aggressive than before. Becoming a global concern for conservation and development to go hands in hand. The need for development requires a lot of natural resources that put the lives and existence of many wildlife species into danger. 

HWC mostly affects large or carnivores from whom the humans feel threatened. Elephants, bears, big cats, primates, sharks, seals and many more. HWC also severely impacts the livelihoods, lives and security of the people from whom we ask to conserve the wildlife. There are many immense challenges around the HWC because the causes of these are very complex and poorly perceived. A single HWC has many socio-cultural, political and economical factors that need to be considered. From research and studies for a long time it has been clear that every HWC problem is different from the next and cannot be solved by the same methods used beforehand. Thus understanding the root cause of the conflict is much needed to mitigate the effect of such incidents. Efforts to address the situations without fully understanding the deep rooted causes and effects often leads to temporary solutions or worse exacerbate the situation in hand. 

HWC are substantially “human-human” conflicts as the heart of the conflict is between the different stakeholders. Sometimes there are several groups assessing different interests and needs. 

Even in some cases the success in species recovery has led to another HWC. For example where carnivores have recovered and expanded a huge population they pose a threat to villagers nearby and their livestocks. 

The reports by UNEP says that it is impossible to completely eradicate the HWCs but a systematic approach can be devised to minimise the effects of these conflicts. The policymakers have to devise policies that can reduce the conflicts and create an ecosystem of coexistence between people and animals. Such steps needed careful studies on prevention, mitigation, response and rehabiltalation with the apt support of the local communities and tribes. 

journal for studies in Management and planning

Journal for Studies in Management and Planning (JSMaP) peer-reviewed and published monthly, is committed to publishing scholarly empirical and theoretical research articles that have a high impact on the management field as a whole. JSMaP covers domains such as business strategy and policy, entrepreneurship, human resource management, organizational behaviour, organizational theory, and research methods. This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

The Journal of MJournal for Studies in Management and Planning (JSMaP) is committed to publishing scholarly empirical and theoretical research articles, that have a high impact on the management field as a whole. The journal encourages new ideas or new perspectives on existing research. The journal covers such areas as: 

  • Business strategy & policy
  • Organizational behavior
  • Human resource management 
  • Organizational theory
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Research Methods

Review Issues are published on monthly basis. These issues include widely read and widely cited collections of articles in the field of management and have become a major resource for management scholars. The Review Issues cover a broad range of topics from a wide range of academic disciplines, methodologies, and theoretical paradigms.

The mission of JSMaP is to publish empirical research that tests, extends, or builds management theory and contributes to management practice. All empirical methods including, but not limited to, qualitative, quantitative, field, laboratory, meta-analytic, and mixed methods are welcome. To be published in JSMaP, the research must make strong empirical and theoretical contributions and the manuscript should highlight the relevance of those contributions to management practice. Authors should strive to produce original, insightful, interesting, important, and theoretically bold research that demonstrates a significant “value-added” contribution to the field’s understanding of an issue or topic. 

The European ManJournal for Studies in Management and Planning (JSMaP) ) is a flagship scholarly journal, publishing internationally leading research across all areas of management. JSMaP articles challenge the status quo through critically informed empirical and theoretical investigations, and present the latest thinking and innovative research on major management topics, while still being accessible and interesting to non-specialists.

JSMaP articles are characterized by their intellectual curiosity and diverse methodological approaches, which lead to contributions that impact profoundly on management theory and practice. We welcome interdisciplinary research that synthesizes distinct research traditions to shed new light on contemporary challenges in the broad domain of European business and management. Cross-cultural investigations addressing the challenges for European management scholarship and practice in dealing with global issues and contexts are strongly encouraged.

Send papers for publication to editor@ijrmpad.org

Link to Journal is https://ijrmpad.org/index.php/jsmap

How To Truly Be Happy In Your Relationship

When you’re in a relationship, you need to feel loved and supported by your partner. But, it’s important to note that your happiness shouldn’t entirely depend on them. As corny as this sounds, your happiness starts from within. It’s your responsibility to take care of your happiness, it’s also important to make sure that your relationship is a source of joy in your life.

Here are some ways to fill your relationship with happiness:

–       Be Honest

A lot of relationship problems boil down to problems with communication and honesty. To cultivate a happy relationship and avoid these problems altogether, you need to be honest with your partner. This will help you feel more seen and heard in your relationship, and make them feel less stressed and more in-tune with you. 

–       Be Direct

A lot of people rely on humor and sarcasm to communicate their feelings. Unfortunately, when you attempt to “diffuse the situation,” you are not being direct. You are making room for confusion and miscommunication. If something is weighing on you, be direct so they understand what you are trying to say. It will help you better support one another. 

–       Be Gracious

Everybody has bad days, so it’s normal to not be happy-go-lucky 24/7. But even if this isn’t possible, you should always make an effort to be kind 100% of the time. Kindness is an important part of any relationship – platonic or romantic. Focusing on being positive, despite your mood, will help you maintain happiness in your relationship.

–       Be Patient

Stressing about the future of your relationship will prevent you from being happy in the present. Learn to accept your current state of affairs and be patient about how things develop in your relationship. This will allow you to enjoy your relationship as it is. It’s important to think about your romantic future, but when you start to rush things, it can strain your relationship.

–       Be Forgiving

You and your partner are bound to have disagreements from time to time. While these are normal, you need to be able to move past these differences after they happen. Holding grudges, no matter how big or small, will make you dissatisfied in your relationship. To be happier, direct your energy towards forgiving, taking some space, practicing self-care, and discussing your problems healthily.

Top 5 Positive Effects You’ll Receive by Donating to Charity

“I slept and dreamt that life was a joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was a joy.”― Rabindranath Tagore. These great lines by Rabindranath Tagore who was a Bengali poet, writer, composer, philosopher and painter Who reshaped Bengali literature and music, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Emphasized on the true meaning and joy of life and charity.

Throughout the lifetime everyone is behind something or another, where their ultimate aim is to earn happiness and satisfaction. To discover the true joy of life. People work all their lives with this vision in mind, that making tons of money or becoming very successful will bring joy in their lives.

But after attainment of position and status still, they feel a void in their lives. When talking of satisfaction and joy in lives, a simple act of kindness can go a long way in ensuring such happiness and complacency. This is but only one such positive benefit of donating to charity.

Experience More Happiness:

According to a study conducted by National Institutes of Health, it was observed that participants who chose to donate a portion of $100 they were provided enjoyed activated pleasure centres in the brain. Even though this experiment was conducted in a controlled environment and had a scientific approach, it proved that by donating money one can immediately feel better and can bring about a positive change in life, which is something anyone can get benefit from. As it can enhance their productivity and help them in many ways. There are dedicated websites like CAF which make it easier to give, so if someone wants to give they can when and how they want.

Bring More Meaning to Your Life:

While donating can bring about happiness and satisfaction in life, it can also bring about various opportunities. As one gets to meet new people and form new connections with the person who believes in the same cause that inspires and motivates the people around. Along with this it can make a profound impact on those causes as well as can influence and infuse more meaning in one’s life by donating and connecting with various non-profit organizations.

It all comes back to you:

Be it a business person or an employee of some company, donating to charities and giving back to the society has its own perks of coming back to donors as well as the society as a whole. When someone donates a particular amount to a charity they are most likely to work on issues such as education and health care. These two make up for the most important resources among all that human resources. When human resources of a community or even a country are improved by investing in it, which naturally many charities do. It ultimately boosts the GDP and economy of the country, from which everyone benefits in terms of a better lifestyle and per capita income.

Promote Generosity in Your Children:

It is a common tendency which is observed in the children that they learn from seeing others. If they observed their parents and the guardians around them making donations and working that cause. It will arouse in them a sense of generosity and compassion for the lesser blessed or for those who have been afflicted with some kind of misery. This will ensure that when they grow they will not only become good professionals but great human beings. 

Various charities can be approached such as ME to WE which is a social enterprise enabling people to do well through their everyday choices. Founded in 2009 by Craig Kielburger who is a social entrepreneur and the co-founder of a family of organizations to provide economic opportunity in WE Village communities and a sustainable source of funding for WE Charity, ME to WE has grown into a global force for good.

Friends and Family:

When the idea of someone going about donating around in charity goes on it commences a Dominos effect. With this notion that if everyone around is donating for that cause it must be some pressing issue and hence demands funds. This can be very helpful to motivate the masses around to partake in such a healthy social activity of donating. It does not require large scale advertisements or campaigns if everyone starts taking initiative on their own by looking and taking inspiration from the ones who are ardently working for some cause and making a donation to do justice with that issue.

Thinking through Act

“Acting is behaving truthfully under imaginary circumstances.”

Acting is basically an art of imitation or reflection or representation. It is the quality of utilizing your own spirit body and mind in being someone else. Actors on the stage do not show themselves up there, but they show the character they get into to people.”  Acting is equivalent to forgetting the original self.

Acting is not about being someone different. It’s finding the similarity in what is apparently different, then finding myself in there.

Benefits of acting

There are many benefits of acting :

  1.  It is a self-cleansing art.
  2. It helps us to forget ourselves, our worries, or goals, our life pressure, etc for the same time.
  3. It helps us to “be present”. Through acting, we enjoy “the moment”. We are at “the moment”.
  4. It helps us to understand the small little worlds as well as the big worlds of various people around us.
  5. Every act gives us a different perception that adds to build our character.

Methods of acting

  1. Stanislavski/Strasberg/Method: It uses affective memory considering our past. We need to relate to our past events. It draws situations from real life and there is an “emotional recall” as we get in touch with your emotional self.
  2. Meisner Method: It is the method based on the usage of imagination only. We need to enforce us to ask questions to ourselves. We ask the questions “what if”. We need time to contemplate under what situation will I be like this and considers the hypothetical future.

Voice Acting

Our emotions come out of our voices. Talking to a person over a voice call, we can immediately interpret if he is happy, sad, angry, guilty, lonely, or anything else. The Voice of a person gives a strong sense of the feelings of a person. Therefore, in addition to bringing the character by our body movements, we also need to bring out the character through our voice. Indeed, the voice acting is so powerful that it has opened up a separate domain for artists. Voice acting by podcasts are becoming popular day by day. It is easy to access and very interesting helping listeners to create a world of their own by listening to the voice artists. In addition, in these difficult times of pandemic, where shooting is difficult due to the rules of social distancing, podcasts are the way for artists.

Irrespective of the form of acting, the main trick is to make your character your best friend. We need to study up on character traits; read testimonials, interviews, or watch videos. Then, we need to try to bring the traits through voice. Traits, in general, depending on age, geographical location, any distinct characteristic, or disability. There is a need to develops a culture of responsive acting. It is also important to tackles self-consciousness. It is an effective way of creating the world around us. An actor is an energy bank, always excited about his character and his story.

“Acting is a sport. On stage you must be ready to move like a tennis player on his toes. Your concentration must be keen, your reflexes sharp; your body and mind are in top gear, the chase is on. Acting is energy. In the theatre people pay to see energy.”

International Friendship Day

“True friends are never apart, may be in distance but never in heart.”

International Friendship Day is a day in several countries for celebrating friendship. It is celebrated on July 30 every year across the globe. The day is celebrated to mark the importance of friendships and friends in promoting peace in various cultures across the globe, to cherish friendship and value the people in our lives.

The idea of World Friendship Day was first proposed by Dr. Ramon Artemio Bracho in 1958 in Paraguay. He coined this term when he was having dinner with his friends in Puerto Pinasco. The dinner hosted by Dr. Ramon Artemio Bracho gave rise to the World Friendship Crusade, which is a foundation that encourages friendships across the world irrespective of race, color, religion, and ethnicity.  In 2011, the Friendship Crusade, on April 27, 2011, the General Assembly of the United Nations declared July 30 as official International Friendship Day. It was initially promoted by the greeting cards’ industry, evidence from social networking sites shows a revival of interest in the holiday that may have grown with the spread of the Internet, particularly in India, Bangladesh, and Malaysia. Mobile phones, digital communication, and social media have contributed to popularize the custom. It is also celebrated by exchanging gifts and planning outings with friends. In India, people celebrate this day by giving colorful friendship bands and flowers to each other.

Those who promote the holiday in South Asia attribute the tradition of dedicating a day in the honor of friends to have originated in the United States in 1935 but it actually dates back to 1919. The exchange of Friendship Day gifts like flowers, cards, and wrist bands is a popular tradition on this occasion.

Friendship Day celebrations occur on different dates in different countries. The first World Friendship Day was proposed for 30 July in 1958, by the World Friendship Crusade. On 27 April 2011, the General Assembly of the United Nations declared 30 July as official International Friendship Day with the idea that friendship between peoples, countries, cultures, and individuals can inspire peace efforts and build bridges between communities. However, several countries celebrate friendship day in before and after the UN-designated date. In India, Friendship Day is celebrated on the first Sunday of every August. In Nepal, Friendship day is celebrated on 30 July each year. In Oberlin, Ohio, Friendship Day is celebrated on 9 April each year.

“Friendship is the base of every relation. It is the golden thread that ties the heart of all the world.” 

According to the United Nations’ website, “Through friendship — by accumulating bonds of camaraderie and developing strong ties of trust — we can contribute to the fundamental shifts that are urgently needed to achieve lasting stability, weave a safety net that will protect us all, and generate passion for a better world where all are united for the greater good.” The UN resolution places emphasis on involving young people, as future leaders, in community activities that include different cultures and promote international understanding and respect for diversity. To mark the International Day of Friendship the UN encourages governments, international organizations, and civil society groups to hold events, activities, and initiatives that contribute to the efforts of the international community towards promoting a dialogue among civilizations, solidarity, mutual understanding, and reconciliation.

“Freindship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together.”

International Tiger Day

“Let us keep the tigers in jungles & not in history, save tigers”

Global Tiger Day, often called International Tiger Day, is an annual celebration to raise awareness for tiger conservation, held annually on 29 July. It was created in 2010 at the Saint Petersburg Tiger Summit. In the summit, governments of tiger-populated countries vowed to double the tiger population by 2022. Almost a decade has passed since then. The goal of the day is to promote a global system for protecting the natural habitats of tigers and to raise public awareness and support for tiger conservation issues. According to the WWF experts Darren Grover,  the world had lost around 97 percent of wild tigers in the last 100 years. Currently, only 3,000 tigers are left alive compared to around 100,000 Tiger a century ago.  Many international organizations, including the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), and Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute (SCBI), are also involved in the conservation of the wild tigers.

“The roar is rare.”

The awe-inspiring tiger is one of the most iconic animals on Earth. The tiger population across the world dropped sharply since the beginning of the 20th century but now for the first time in conservation history, their numbers are on the rise. Union Minister for Environment, Forests and Climate Change, Prakash Javadekar, on Tuesday, released the detailed Status of Tigers Report 2018. According to the report, released on the eve of Global Tiger Day, tigers were observed to be increasing at a rate of 6 percent per annum in India from 2006 to 2018. In good news for India, Environment Minister, Prakash Javadekar on Tuesday said, the country “has 70 percent of world’s tiger population”, after releasing a report on tiger census ahead of International Tiger Day on July 29. 

There are a number of different issues that tigers all around the world face. There are a number of threats that are driving tigers close to extinction, and we can do our bit to make sure that we do not lose these incredible creatures. Some of the threats that tigers face include poaching, conflict with humans, and habitat loss.  Poaching and the illegal trade industry is a very worrying one. This is the biggest threat that wild tigers face. Demand for tiger bone, skin, and other body parts is leading to poaching and trafficking. This is having a monumental impact on the sub-populations of tigers, resulting in localized extinctions. We often see tiger skins being used in home decor. Moreover, bones are used for medicines and tonics. This has seen illegal criminal syndicates get involved in the tiger trade in order to make huge profits. It really is a worrying industry. In fact, it is thought to be worth 10 billion dollars per annum in the United States alone. This is why we need to support charities and work hard to put an end to poaching and the illegal trade of tiger parts. While this represents the biggest threats to tigers, there are a number of other threats as well. This includes habitat loss. Throughout the world, tiger habitats have reduced because of access routes, human settlements, timber logging, plantations, and agriculture. In fact, only around seven percent of the historical range of a tiger is still intact today. That is an incredibly small and worrying amount. This can increase the number of conflicts between tigers, as they roman about and try to locate new habitats. Not only this, but genetic diversity can reduce because it can cause there to be inbreeding in small populations.

Since the tiger is an “umbrella species”, its conservation enables the conservation of their entire ecosystems. Several studies have shown that Tiger reserves harbor new species, which are found practically every year. Tiger reserves have also improved the water regimes in regions where they are located, improving groundwater tables and other water bodies, thus contributing favorably to the climate. This year marks the tenth International Tiger Day. On International Tiger Day, several countries discuss issues related to tiger conservation and also try to amass funds for wildlife preservation. Moreover, many celebrities also pitch in for International Tiger Day and try to spread awareness about the conditions of tigers using their massive social media presence. India is especially important for International Tiger Day 2020 as the country currently has 75% of all tigers on the planet. A lot of people are not aware of these threats, and so spreading the knowledge can help to make sure that we all do our bit to ensure that the tiger’s future is a fruitful one. There will be a lot of videos, infographics, and interesting pieces of content going around that you can share with others.

“Tiger is a symbol of Beauty, Bravery, Strength and Nationality. So Save the Tiger, Save the Nation’s Pride.”

online classes AMID Pandemic

COVID-19 began in the month of December in 2019 and soon it grew into a pandemic, leading to several losses of lives and locking down of many cities. Social distancing became the key to escape out of this problem. But, with this solution came other problems. We are able to follow social distancing by keeping us locked in our houses but this stopped students’ education too. But we can’t just stop everything due to this COVID thing. We need to find an effective solution to continue the education of students. We need to continue the functioning of schools and colleges.

Online Classes

In the times of the internet, the one and the only solution are online classes. The online way to share knowledge and information now is the internet. It has proved to be a real miracle these days, connecting millions and making information access fast and easy. Be it school, college, tuition, or coaching classes, knowledge is now being delivered to students who are sitting at their home and can learn things sitting there only. Students now need a mobile or desktop and fast internet connection to attend their online classes and learn things. It is not possible for a pandemic to stop students from learning.

How it is a different experience?

This way of learning is totally new to everyone, be it students, be it teachers or be it parents. We were already involved in some small ways of e-learning but a complete shift towards this type of mode is  something new and challenging to everyone. Teachers are continuously involved in finding new ways to make e-learning more interactive and interesting for students. They are continuously evolving their way of teaching and trying to give them a class-type of feeling. Teachers are also learning to adapt with new softwares and explore things. Students are learning how to deal with online homework submissions, doubt-sessions and examinations. But, the problem is that the medium of interaction is always an electronic device. Hence, students are subjected to fatigue and mental stress. They seem irritated and develop body pain sitting still at a particular position holding their phones or laptops. Students are also developing stress on eyes. It is quite difficult for them to adjust with all of these. It seems that this way of teaching costs their health, both mental and physical. Besides this, internet is not available to all the areas of the country and to all the students. Poor students can’t afford high speed data. This method of teaching, is thus, a barrier between poor students and education. It is a harsh truth that they are left behind. We need to work together towards this to make education available to these students also.