Can You Give Up?

“You can do it. Just a little more effort. You’re almost there. You’re the hero. I know you have it in you. You can’t give up.”

Well, here’s some newsflash for you. You can give up.

Be it movies, songs, books, everyone’s pushing the protagonist to do a thing which is clearly out of their scope. They may not have the physical or mental strength to do the thing but we still expect them to. It doesn’t matter whether you want to do that thing or whether it’s actually for a greater good. You just have to do it. You cannot give up. Because giving up is for losers. And the hero cannot be a loser, right? Or it’s the opposite? A loser cannot be a hero?

Shah Rukh Khan’s character from Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi was a scrawny guy who tried to fight with a samurai. Since they are selling their movie to you and it’s ‘the SRK’, obviously he’s going to win that fight. But think about this. You are up against some buffy wrestler let alone a professional sumo wrestler. Do you think you stand a teensy bit chance? You have your answer right there.

Provided this whole notion of not giving up works on some people, but it’s warping the minds of others. Most people cause some irreversible damage while not giving up. And more often than not, this damage is to them. I am not saying giving up is a good thing. But it’s not a bad thing either. Don’t you think, it would be nice to have an option of giving up, backing down from doing a particular thing when it is clearly out of our reach, and not be judged for it?

give up

Most of you might not know this but there is a Disney movie Moana whose scene would be apt in a situation like this. When Moana confesses she couldn’t defeat the villain, Te Fiti, her Grandma clearly says that it is not Moana’s fault. She states that the burden is too much for her granddaughter and that she would be with her even if Moana wants to go back home.

Moana did end up defeating Te Fiti in the end. But that wasn’t because someone pushed her to do that. Instead, she realized her power and strength on her own. This just shows that even if you don’t have enough strength to do something, you are not a loser. What matters is you gave your best. And there will be people who’re there for you, supporting you even when you get defeated in life because it’s not your fault. It was just too much burden.

Or a more relatable example would be Aamir Khan’s character in 3 Idiots who fought against all odds to study not because someone was pushing or cheering him but because he himself wanted to do that.

Having said all that, I’m not against actually working hard. But the focus remains on working hard because you yourself want to achieve something. What I’m saying is we should all try to find our inner voice and be happy with whatever outcome there is to our situations.

Judgemental mentality!!

As a person you will be knowing that judging is the primary behaviour of a person. The one who gets judged by others also will be the one judging others. We are so much into this behaviour that we started enjoying it, and slowly it turned into bullying. We as a part of being judged know how that feels but despite of that we judge others. What more a person can go through. Some has strong mind, they don’t bother giving a damn about others. On the other side there are some people who are so much afraid of being judged that as a result they start to live according to others to please them, this category even involve me! Speaking frankly I am a coward and I myself is afraid of being judged by others and always bothering about what they are thinking about me, have I did something wrong, blah blah. Even while writing this I am thinking that using such words will be alright, will it offend others. But we have to stop right here, right now.

Seeing as a part of a person who is being judged by others, let me tell you..How many peoples mouth you will shut!? We cannot reach out to every person and ask them to shut their mouth. There are people who will start harassing you! But you can do a simple task and that is not giving any consideration to them. People are suffering through this behaviour from a very early period. Talking about the era where lord Ram was born. Even lord Ram has suffered through the judgment, as he overheard people talking about Sita mata being impure and as a result Sita mata has to give ‘Agni pariksha’ but this didn’t satisfied others and as a testimony of her purity she returns to the womb of her mother, the Earth. So, don’t let others unnecessary thoughts bother you.

Seeing as a part of person who is judging others then as I said that this is a primary behaviour of a person, then one cannot stop oneself to stop judging others. We cannot go to each and every person to know what they’re going through or what situation they are struggling in. We have to come upto a conclusion. Let me tell you by giving an example, suppose you are watching a suspensive movie and someone stops you to watch the climax and asks you to watch it the other day or say that a situation arise where you cannot make upto the climax then what you will do? Yes you start assuming, you start making conclusions on your own, you have your own scenarios. This is how a persons brain is developed. And you are helpless until you seriously wants to change!!

Even the lord has to suffer from the judgment back then, then what are we! We have to suffer through this ordinary stuff but one thing we can do is ignore these all things and mind our own business! Minding our own business will not let you bother about others even as judging others or being judged by others. But don’t get mistaken between being judged and being bullied. If this happens then you must stand and report. This surely is a crime making others suffer through trauma and depression.

PS:- If you read until now then let me know about your opinions. No, this is not the ninja technique to increase comments ; ) I want to know that people made it upto the ending.

11 Tricks and tips of facebook

Millions of Facebook records were exposed on public Amazon server ...

As the most seasoned, greatest online networking stage, Facebook has developed into an entangled and useful asset for association. It’s constantly been engineer well disposed so it has a ton of niches and corners to lose all sense of direction in.

Utilizing Facebook like an ace takes an ability to investigate, also a tolerable venture of time. We’ve featured these astounding highlights and simple successes to give you a head start.

General Facebook tips

1. Stunt out your profile

There are a cou

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ple of steps associated with setting up an essential Facebook Page, yet the key to extraordinary commitment rates is setting aside the effort to enhance.

Make your Page simple to discover with a basic username (a.k.a. vanity URL) with the goal that individuals know what your identity is. In the event that you figure you may be a large enough brand, go for the stars and apply for that definitive blue confirmation checkmark.

2. Direct people to Facebook

Facebook Marketplace: 5 Unique Ways To Use It For Business

In case you’re simply beginning, let your current crowd realize where you’re at. Odds are they’re on Facebook, as well. Get more Page prefers on Facebook by adding Follow or Share catches to the code of your site or blog. Feel free to cross-elevate by including connections to your Facebook page on your other online life stage profiles.

3. Convert the inquisitive

12 Things that Successfully Convert a Great Idea into a Reality ...

Conveying mass welcomes to like your Page can feel somewhat unoriginal, or more regrettable, nasty. Set aside some effort to create a message that diagrams why an individual should focus, and stay in contact.

4. Grandstand your best work

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As a Page chairman, you can stick a post to keep it top-of-mind for guests. Regardless of whether it’s a declaration, an advancement, or only a high-performing post that your crowd as of now adores, make the most of the chance to get more eyeballs on it.

You can stick a post by tapping the ellipsis button in the post’s upper right corner.

facebook stunts

5. Be amicable

Meaning of Amicable

Dale Carnegie said that the best stable is an individual’s own name. On Facebook, it appears as though the best solid is the notice ping.

Notice an individual in a post and they’re much bound to impart that post to their companions. In case you’re a brand, why not give another brand a like and check whether the inclination is shared? This sort of mindfulness raising, when done right, is as healthy and natural as a Whole Foods plate of mixed greens: it sets you up for sound development.

Facebook stunts for business Pages

As a business Page, you can exploit exceptional advantages and highlights intended to enable you to lock in.

6. Flawless your source of inspiration

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The CTA button is an up front open door at the highest point of your Page, so ensure it’s sending your crowd the correct way. In case you’re hoping to impart, “Join” or “Send message” may be great. In the interim, “Book now” or “Shop presently” can assist you with distinguishing prompt possibilities.

To alter the CTA button on your work area, drift your mouse over the default “Send message” catch and snap Edit.

7. Alter your tabs

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Each Facebook page has some essential tabs on the left-hand side, including About, Events, and Photos. Make the following stride and feature your advancements, applications, custom points of arrival or gated content by making a custom tab so your inquisitive crowd can look at your best highlights.

You can work with an engineer or utilize a Facebook Page application to make your custom tabs.

8. Casing your fans

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Facebook’s photograph/video overlay impacts are a fun, innovative chance to associate with your crowd as they utilize the Facebook camera. While a full video overlay takes some specialized skill, a straightforward photograph edge can be made in a snap utilizing the Camera Effects apparatus.

9. Accumulate your greatest supporters in a Facebook Group

10 Common Mistakes Political Campaigns Make with Facebook Pages

Facebook Groups are perhaps the most ideal approaches to assemble network among similar individuals. Furthermore, since Facebook’s calculation is concentrating on significant connections to the exclusion of everything else, organizations are observing. A brand-embraced Group is somewhat similar to a center gathering of your superfans, where they can find out about advancements and occasions, share encounters, or collaborate with one another and your business.

From your Facebook Page, you can begin a Group by tapping the ellipsis button, naming the Group, and conveying a first round of solicitations to join. Steady administration is essential to keep the Group flourishing, so look at more systems for business Facebook Groups.

10. Go live

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Facebook Live video has the best reach of any post type. Furthermore, it draws 10 fold the number of remarks as ordinary video and individuals watch it for multiple times as long. Facebook effectively organizes live video by setting it at the highest point of the News Feed, just as sending warnings to conceivably intrigued crowd individuals.

Hop on every one of these focal points by planning a communicate in Publishing Tools, or simply go live by choosing the Live Video symbol in the Update Status box.

Livestreaming on Facebook is ideal for giving instructional exercises or demos, broadcasting an occasion, making a major declaration, or going in the background. The more you’re live (Facebook suggests in any event ten minutes) the higher the probability that individuals will tune in. For additional methodologies, look at our total manual for Facebook Live Video.

Facebook stunts for distributing

Remove the mystery from an ideal Facebook post with these tips.

11. Compose smart duplicate

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The perfect length for a natural Facebook post is under 80 characters (getting 66 percent greater commitment, as indicated by Buzzsumo). For a paid post, attempt to adhere to under 18 characters. With so little space, you will need to get Shakespearean to demonstrate that quickness is the spirit of mind. (Or then again you can utilize the Hemingway application.)

In any case, there are consistently exemptions to this standard: individuals esteem distributers and thought pioneers for their thoughts, not their concision. Nuanced and significant thoughts can occupy more room. Yet, since abilities to focus are on a lofty decay, remember that the initial not many words are the most critical to any peruser.

Fashionable masks :on DEMAND

Have a look to different masks in the article….

Corona-virus : During lockdown , Indian textile and apparel manufacturers have been facing difficult times as they have lost almost all their orders for the summer and faced huge losses in sale. But, as the lockdown rules are relaxed, huge consumption of masks are in demand. The virus that created problem also offered a lifevest to textile industries.Orders of masks are flooded and production process are in load to meet the demand of masks for the population. With manufacturers ramping up production of face masks since the outbreak of covid-19, India has turned into a surplus nation choking production lines.

“India, according to the association, has a production capacity of 1.5 billion three-layer masks and after accounting for domestic demand, the surplus capacity is 532.03 million”.

Wearing masks in corona began to be mandatory for prevention from corona virus that saw a spike in recent times in many parts of the country.Wearing mask is no longer just a safety accessory,but people use it as a fashion accessory. Due to this, many apparel companies have started producing masks according to public interest. The textile industry is gearing up and making variety of masks as people are increasingly becoming safety conscious. Fashion is the right industry to make masks.

“Suddenly this (mask manufacturing) has come as a great opportunity for the industry, as a different product line, at this moment of crisis,” Ram Bhatnagar, Vice President and Head – Sales,Raymond Ltd. said adding, “nobody could have ever imagined about this segment from a fashion perspective.”

Textile industries are continuously on research to invent new forms of style in masks which would attract customers.This pandemic has brought out the innovative side of people.Mask made from different cloth,coloured or printed fabric are in demand.
Masks are in demand according to workplace, events etc. Have a look to some of these-

  • Matchy- Matchy masks :

Indians are buying multiple masks for themselves and their loved ones, as masks are reusable. Fashion conscious peope are buying multiple masks with different colours to match their outfits. People who are working during the pandemic are using masks according to their dress matching.

  • Children’s masks :

Textile industries are creative and designing attractive masks for kids. From cartoons to super-heroes, characters from sci-fi films,birds, animals and flowers to the range. Cheerful characters like dora, Chotta Bheem, Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck are in demand.

  • Face print masks :

This new surge in the demand for masks has led to people unleashing their creative best in the form of creating face printed masks. The mask is printed with the person’s face from nose to chin, which makes it easy to recognise despite wearing it. People are attracted towards their own face printed masks these days. The trend has become quite popular in other parts of the country too, with several other photo studios having started offering similar services.

  • Wedding masks :

Few Indian weddings have taken place during the lockdown and the bride and groom are seen wearing coloured, sparkling masks. The wedding wear market is also taking the trend seriously and a couple of clients have shown interest in custom-made face masks.

  • Organic cotton masks :

Organic material based masks are also in demand to promote ‘Swadeshi ‘.The fabrics used are pure cotton dyed in extracts of turmeric, neem, tulsi, red sandalwood and indigo.They are healthy and easy to breathe.

For now and post-covid world, masks are here to stay and so, designer masks. Perhaps, these masks is what may help people to get protected from coronavirus.So keep wearing face covers, masks or whatever you have. Stay safe, stay healthy….!!!!

Film Review Of an overrated B’wood Movie I’ve Seen In Recent Times

Well, overrated would actually be quite an inappropriate word to use, so let’s just say it was a disappointing movie for it did fail at delivering what I and most of the viewers expected it to.

This movie that I had watched just 2 weeks ago ,”Laila Majnu” set in Kashmir directed by Imtiaz Ali went a bit over my head and hence became a reason of my dislike. The first half an hour is fine and in fact quite engaging. The male and female protagonist are into a kind of flirtationship, some cliché stalking from the guy’s side happens and then they soon fall for each other, ask the girl finally gives into to the boy’s advances. The romantic medley depicting this blossoming of love is just amazing! #Aahista Check out this clip here.

Their families are arch rivals. Laila gets married to somebody else owing to a misunderstanding. The story then takes a turn of events until both of the leads get united post Laila’s repentance as she came vis-à-vis the reality of (Qais) Majnu’s innocence and her husband’s real attitude soon after her marriage. So she was delighted to see Qais aka THE Majnu back in the town after 4 long years. After her husband’s demise in an accident, Laila had to wait for 3 more months to be able to marry Majnu as per an Islamic tradition.

Majnu was heartbroken still did not express anything because he was tired of waiting for his ladylove so he sought refuge in his distant, tranquil farmhouse. There he is portrayed as a mad lover through typical actions of running around, screaming out loud and it just didn’t seem to make sense to me. Seemed as if he got struck by sufism and that he came to realize that he didn’t any longer require Laila for the fulfillment of his love story. For he is so content and at absolute peace by just seeing Laila (an illusion actually) in a beautiful white fairy gown in front of his eyes, he is seen talking to her and that’s the reason why the people declared him mad.

  Laila then came to see him and she realised this as well that Majnu no longer needs her physical self to celebrate his love, for his love has evolved much more in deeper sense and left her body soonafter. Majnu is also shown to be dead near Laila’s grave. The ever-so-mind-bewildering story then ends with the song Jab Se Tu Meri Hai Tab Se Main Tera hu Laila. What questions pops up on my mind is that when one attains such deeper, higher form of divine, selfless love then it definitely would not lead to the downfall of that person that he would go insane. From what I know, true love only supports growth of both individuals and can never result in negativity as it is the only positive this world has to offer. So this story line contradicted the universal truth and just didn’t go well with me otherwise the scenes, the acting, the dialogues,
music and everything was top notch except for the way in which it’s plot progressed.

The leads, Avinash Tiwary and Tripti Dimri are coming together, yet again, for a Netflix Original “Bulbbul”. Checkout the trailer. Given that the chemistry of the leads was sizzling and they look cute together, I am sure you would not want to miss out on this one, especially if you love psychological, supernatural or thriller stuff.

Digital Learning Vs Classroom Learning andits functioning in the times of Corona.

Traditional Classroom Learning, of course can not be replaced but  Digital Learning, I feel, has proved out to be a boon in disguise especially in these times of Covid 19. If the concept of Digital Education had not been introduced long before then there would have been a complete hault in the process of shaping the intellect of students through academics.
Moreover,  I reckon that Digital Education is a much better version of Classroom Education since students, especially in the younger grades, often mistake studies to be a burden since they are not exposed ,that seriously, to the idea of career-building yet. Hence, they deliberately lag behind when it comes to adopting a serious attitude in the higher grades. On the other hand if Digital Education is introduced early on in their lives, then they get fantasized with the illustrations, cartoon-voices, colourful theme etc which only draws them more towards studies and seems far more interesting than a black and white themed Classroom Education. Also, things when depicted through visuals tend to stick by much longer in the human brain than bookish texts.

Now talking about the senior lot, Digital Education has helped the students massively. The vast courses available online permit students to go for self-paced i.e flexible learning. They can understand the dimensions of a particular topic as per their own speed of grasping and can repeat a particular lecture multiple times. It also makes students acclimated to the idea of using technology the right way towards their best interest.
It is also a major boost for widening the scopes of teachers as they could never use technology in these complex yet  enhancing ways during their years but now they are all also becoming used to and not only learning but also appreciating it. This accentuates that learning never stops and so doesn’t the advancement of technology.
However, just like a coin has two sides, Digital Learning also comes with its own sets of pros and cons. The pros have already been discussed so now let’s take a deeper insight into the cons i.e the demerits, I personally observed in the present scenario of the pandemic.
Online lectures, these days, are conducted through apps like Zoom in most schools, including my college. 

Apps like Zoom which are of Chinese origin allow students to close the application without actually exiting from the ongoing lecture  so their teachers  kind of mistake them to be still attending the lecture while they are actually surfing through social media platforms or busy playing games like PUBG. Students can also watch their lectures while keeping the microphones muted. Now does that make any sense? What is the use of watching the lecture when you just can’t even hear the teacher and you’re watching some movie in the meantime.
So, I don’t think digital learning has been able to generate a fruitful result as far as the academics and portion completion in lockdown is concerned for students of higher grades, since they are very smart. Schools and officials need to reconsider the thought of spreading education through this means and should consider other better options like Google meet in which you can’t press the back button and exit the lecture just like that.

Stop Finding Your Happiness IN People!


Don’t you remember those terrible days when you walked off sad empty sometimes due to other’s fault and sometimes due to your fault. If you have forgotten then it is sad on your part. Remember those betrayals, lies, manipulation and cheating you once suffered. How many times you were used and dumped. I think still you have not taken a lesson. You are still wandering around those selfish people your so called friends and lovers who left you when you badly needed them. Do you still can’t see that they don’t care about you. It is you only you who is expecting love and care from them. So stop now thinking about these selfish people. You were not sent on this planet to just love people either as a lover or as a friend. You have your own life and there has to be a bigger purpose in your life. That purpose was always their in your life but it was hidden in any corner behind your stupid emotional foolish feelings that you always had for people who always cheated you. You definitely knew what you wanted but you always allowed distraction to find you. Shit happens. Yes, it happens with you, with me and everyone else. But you can’t let your whole life become a shit. So wake up!

Stop finding your happiness in other people. For being truly happy you neither need other people nor materialistic things. Your true happiness is inside you only in your dreams and goals. I want you to be selfish now. Yes you heard it right selfish for your own growth and development. Enough of this melodrama crying and waiting for them. And enough of this always favoring other people. You are not only meant to be nice with others. Learn to say no, blunt no. Others need to realise your importance too. They have wasted your precious years by consuming all your love, support and care and these monsters left you when they were full and no more needed you in their life. So it’s time to stay away from every person who isn’t adding a value to your life.

I know I have talked so much about your pain and sufferings but have you changed yourself? If not then please change. Listen your inner voice. Noone matters litteraly noone matters. What matters is you, your inner peace, mental health, success and your happiness. For that you have to change. Please for your own sake change. Let people around you think whatever they want to. They don’t matter. They will leave you one day. But what will not leave is your family and your goals. That is enough for you. Don’t bring in distraction. Focus on your life and your dreams. You are not meant for these small things. You have to achieve something big. Today is not yours but tomorrow definitely future will be yours. So start working on your goals. One day you will definitely achieve a lot of success. That day everyone will be around you. Your all pain and sufferings will vanish and your life will be filled with happiness. Till then don’t tolerate bullshit . Don’t allow blood suckers enter your life. Don’t date snakes. To hell with these people. You have to think only about your life, your own happiness and success because it’s your life. Noone has the power to change your life only you can change . Think about it! That’s it for today!

A new Journey to the center of the earth

This post is not about the movie, but this is about reality. Whenever you stand on the ground, have you ever wondered what beneath the mud, stones, and soil. Groundwater, fossils? That’s true, but as deep as you go, there’s a lot more to discover until the inner core, which is 6, 371 kilometres equivalent distance from Bali to Amsterdam. But what exactly is present at the center-most point of the Earth.

A globe model in the hand.

We know almost 71% of the Earth is water. The deepest hole on the land is the Kola Super-deep Borehole, which is about 12.2 km deep, which is 0.019 percent till the center of the Earth. At the same time, the scientist of the Soviet Union had a target of 15 km, but the temperature was too high and more than 350 degrees Fahrenheit. The temperature of the core is estimated at up to 10800 Fahrenheit, even if Tungsten was in place for drilling, which has a melting point at 6177 Fahrenheit; still, it will be impossible to reach the core. But even the deepest hole is merely having a diameter on 9 inches.

A comparison to the tallest to the deepest point ever discovered. Courtesy: Pinterest

So, how do researchers predict the information they gather information about the Earth? Recently at the University of Maryland, the researchers used seismic waves to get the inside view of the Earth. But it has a drawback due to weak echo from the unwanted noise as a part of data collection. So, to overcome this, a team of space and earth scientists by analyzing thousands of seismographs from the past 30 years using an algorithm known as Sequencer. After replicating like how bats and dolphins use echolocation, which will help to create new theories to understand more about plate tectonics working in the development of the planet in the early ages of the planet Earth.

The new inner earth map after the research.

The geophysicists are progressively engaged underneath the Pacific Ocean bowl for the particular waveforms of seismic wave echoes traveling. The data gathered is backed the advancement in the computer sector, using Machine Learning, they were able to map the data collected. At the point when the earthquakes create seismic waves pulse, the waves move slow and disperse because of dissimilarities in rock thickness, temperature, and so on. After the movement, time took, and the power of the bouncing back signs as they strike seismometers in various zones set, researchers can make different models about the physical properties of rock under the surface.

The actual method for data collection. Courtesy: University of Michigan

But what is our benefit in the research? We will know more about our planet, but most importantly, we can discover minerals after knowing more about the composition more precisely. Mponeng gold mine in South Africa is the deepest gold mine at almost 4 km; the temperature down reaches up to 140 degrees Fahrenheit. Also, geothermal energy will generate by heating the water to produce steams, saving fossil fuels. Also, there can be new researches if the life of bacteria or microbes can exist at such high temperatures. We can also discover ancient fossil remains if it exists, and many more mysteries are yet to be solved.

Perform marketing

Performance marketing is the latest marketing system in the present times. The term may feel unfamiliar and something that boggles your mind, but let us break that down for you. It’s simple, marketing based on performance. It’s a lot different from traditional marketing. 

This article should be a must-read if you are just exploring the field.

What is performance marketing?

Performance marketing is a relatively new term. The marketers doing it have twin objectives: 1) Brand marketing 2) Advertising

While traditional marketing only encompasses advertising, the retailer has no idea about the productivity/ un-productivity of the ad for which (s)he spent some big dollars. 

Performance marketers get paid only when a ‘performance’ is generated by them for the retailer. 

Chennai Super Kings suspend team doctor over insensitive tweet on Indian martyrs in Galwan Valley

Chennai Super Kings on Wednesday said it has suspended the service of team doctor, Dr. Madhu Thottappillil over his remarks on the death of Indian soldiers in Galwan Valley, Ladakh.

20 Indian Army personnel, including a Commanding Officer, lost their lives in what is termed as one of the worst clashes between the Indian Army and Chinese troops in over 5 decades. Government sources said the Chinese side too suffered ‘proportionate casualties’ but chose not to speculate on the number.

Reacting to the news of the violent scuffle, CSK’s team doctor, Madhu Thottappil had put out a ‘distasteful’ tweet that received quite a bit of flak on social media on Tuesday.

“Just curious if the Coffins will come back with a “PM CARES” sticker on them?” Madhu had said.

Chennai Super Kings said the Indian Premier League franchise regrets the tweet after swiftly taking action over the controversial tweet.

“The Chennai Super Kings Management was not aware of the personal tweet of Dr. Madhu Thottappillil. He has been suspended from his position as the Team Doctor,” the IPL franchise said in a social media post.

“Chennai Super Kings regrets his tweet which was without the knowledge of the Management and in bad taste.”

Earlier in the day, several India cricketers, including captain Virat Kohli, mourned the death of the Indian Army personnel in the bloody lash which has soared the ongoing tension between India and China.

Reactions started pouring in on social media as news of the violent scuffle, that resulted in the deaths of 20 Indian soldiers, broke. The bloody clash which has soared the ongoing tension between India and China has left many in shock.

“Salute and deepest respect to the soldiers who sacrificed their lives to protect our country in the Galwan Valley. NO one is more selfless and brave than a soldier. Sincere condolences to the families. I hope they find peace through our prayers at this difficult time,” Virat Kohli tweeted.

Yuvraj Singh also took to social media to salute the brave Indian soldiers.

“I salute the courage of our Indian soldiers who have been martyred at #GalwanValley. All these atrocities must stop and hope we can have a peaceful world where human life is valued. My thoughts are with the bereaved families, I pray for their strength,” Yuvraj tweeted.
