(3) 15 Date Ideas That You Can Do At Home

As promised, the final part of the #LockdownDating series is here. Hope you all have a fun time reading.

Go on binge on your favourite series together with your loved one by your side and enjoy it to the fullest. Keep the romance rekindling with feeding each other popcorns loaded with extra cheese. Whatta cheesy date, right? But trust me, does wonders!

If you are a married couple then you must be having the dresses that you wore on your big day for the nuptials. What’s the wait for? Get them on and re-dress as bride and groom and relive your wedding day. Because, unlike that day, you would not be so nervous and shy today but alike a confident duo out on a date. Let’s recreate the magic of the day when you two officially became ONE and for life!

Usually it happens that one of the parents is made responsible for taking care of the child’s studies. But have you thought how interesting and fun it would be if both the parents teach their kid together. This way they would not only understand the child better but also themselves better as the parents of their little one. Family time is calling guys because as I said life is emminently about the simple joys in the company of your loved ones and very little of what is too fancy. I included this point so that your child does not feel neglected with the overflowing of romance between his parents.

Grab an old T-shirt or a bed sheet and do a couple activity of painting together. Take those brushes, paints and let the colour of love unleash and unfold upon the pale fabric which is now coloured beautifully through your love. As much as you will enjoy the process, you would even cherish the outcome, the masterpiece which you would have created.

If you have a pool in your bungalow, what’s the waiting for? Slip in your sassy skin-fitting swimsuit, wear that fancy hat and those nice sunnies. Get ready to be tanned by not only just the sun but also by the love of your life. Going skinny-dipping can be a wild move but who ever said no to it?

So I hope you got some really innovative ideas on how you can keep the spark in your relationship alive even when you can’t get access to materialistic things (very relatable with the present situation of Covid 19). You cannot gift anything to your spouse or take him/her out on expensive dates, go for exotic holidaying in lavish resorts but one thing to remember is that true love is expressed from kind gestures that the two do for each other and from within the heart conversations. All these diamond rings, flowers, foreign vacations  might bring temporary happiness but love is eternal and that is maintained through the heart’s devotion. All my best wishes and loads of love to all our readers. I pray and hope that you are all staying safe in your homes along with your loved ones. Take care.

(2) 15 Date Ideas that you can do at home

Hope you guys checked out my previous article of the #LockdownDating series where I  listed down four budget-friendly methods of  keeping the spark in your relationship alive during these times of Covid 19. Here are the other few suggestions.

Who said that you need to go to a theatre crowded with 50 other people to celebrate you and your partner’s togetherness when you can do it in the privacy of your room itself. Decorate the room with scented candles, get into your comfy pajamas, snuggle closer to your loved one and boom here goes… Watch your favourite movie or maybe a new one together in the warmth of your home & partner’s arms. Works magically for home theatres.

Backyard is for out-the-room romance. Everyone is well aware of this but have you ever experimented it practically yourself? If not then go dress up and enjoy playing some sport i.e badminton, gully cricket with your beloved partner. This won’t only keep you fit in a gym-free world right now but also rekindle that dying out flame of romance between you two.

No two people are exactly similar no matter how compatible you two are. So why not try and teach other one of your favourite hobbies which your partner admires the most about you. It can be learning to play a guitar, sewing sweaters, baking cookies, lifting weights, trying entangling yoga poses or just anything. Watch how the process of being a mentor to your loved one soon turns into a moment of celebrating love.

Lockdown has kept us from visiting hair salons and I am sure you must have missed out on so many of your  appointments. So why not let your love experiment with your hair and give it a fresh, new cut? That way, you’ll free yourself off a monotonous look and also sneak in a few moments of marital bliss. Don’t forget to return this hair stylist favour to your partner too.

Waking up next to the person you love the most is undoubtedly one of the most calming and grateful feelings ever. Don’t you agree too? Try planting a soft kiss on your partner’s forehead to remind him/her of how serene and blessed you feel to be with him. Go brushing together, snap some cute selfies, have breakfast together and watch your love growing unfathomably.

By now you must have been bored in your daily wears even if they are the most comfortable pyjamas on the planet. I know you desperately want to slip into your sassy outfits that you bought long ago, wear those fancy braids, put on that awe-inspiring makeup and woo your partner just like you used to in the pre lockdown era. So what are you waiting for? Make the use of the golden opportunity when your partner is busy working from home on his laptop and get ready to dress to impress and transform a normal evening into a dazzling date.

P.S~ Stay tuned for the last and final part of this article. I am sure it is going to be an interesting one. Hope you all had a fun time reading.

The creation of the swiftest fifth-matter

We know the usual three-phase or the state of matter exist around us, namely solid, liquid, and gas. What exactly is it? We can define it as something which exists in this universe, which has some weight of its own and consists of several atoms. When we move to the molecular level, we can see that they bind to each other; hence they’re the building blocks for every material. Let’s discuss them in detail.

Solids in which the particles are close to each other with almost no movement. This structure is visible through a powerful microscope. You know that a solid with its shape doesn’t change unless we apply some external force. Due to its high density, it attains stability. The liquid, which we commonly drink like water have slightly less force of attraction, so it can change its shape when we alter it. Gas is all around us. The atmosphere itself consists of 78 percent nitrogen, 21 percent oxygen, and other major constituents.

Ripples in the water

Let me introduce to the two unfamiliar matters we rarely know. Plasma found in televisions, and I guess you may already make this guess earlier. This matter is also present in neon signboards, computer chips, and even the inner lining of your favorite chips packet, the shiny metallic layer. Most importantly, it is the most natural state ever found in the entire universe; after all, the stars are also plasma at very high temperatures.

So, now moving on to the fifth matter, the BEC. Originated back in 1924, one of the great scientists, Albert Einstein, along with the Indian physicists, Satyendra Nath Bose in his papers, described the condensate and named after them. This matter was created in 1995 at the University of Colorado using lasers and magnets. They cooled a sample of a metal known as Rubidium, atomic number 35 to almost zero degrees at an instant. Due to the sudden change of temperature, the atoms internally couldn’t move much. Later the kinetic energy lost, and a giant molecule got created.

A shiny beam of light.

In the year 2020, the researchers were able to recreate it with less than a blink of an eye, which is still very slow and maybe much less than you could ever imagine. It just got created in 100 femtoseconds, i.e., only in 10-13 seconds. Even the advanced cameras couldn’t work so fast. The researchers of Finland described the process where they pumped in energy in 50 femtoseconds was visible, but with 300 femtoseconds, it wasn’t noticeable. The condensate generates a very sharp striking band of light, very bright, which may have more uses in the future. Now with further advancement, the matter was even created in the space on the largest space station, ISS, where there is zero-gravity. The research in areas got carried out using Cold Atom Lab, a 70-million-dollar lab with only 0.4 cubic meter space with all necessary items to create the BEC. The lab process of creation was also patented, and they are eager to work more in the field.

The revival of Neanderthal: The Return of our ancestor

We, the homo sapiens, now are the most advanced creature compared to our ancestors after a long evolution history dated back around 15 million years ago. Humans belong to the order primates and class Mammalia with our other members like the well-known apes, gorillas, chimpanzees, macaques, orangutans, etc. which originated from 85 million years ago. You might have seen several illustrations of human evolution, as shown below.

The evolution of a man . Courtesy: Britannica Encyclopedia

If you are familiar with the biology subject, you may know the reason. Charles Darwin, the father of evolution in his book, The Origin of Species, mentions about the series of natural selection, the struggle to exist in the world, survive by making proper tools, variation, and changes in the body like shape, color, etc. As a result of mutation and many more factors like genetic recombination, We know the stages of human evolution right from Dryopithecus, Ramapithecus, Australopithecus, Homo Erectus, Homo Sapiens Neanderthals and finally Homo Sapiens Sapiens. The closest ancestors were Neanderthals. There were others in the timeline like Homo Habilus and many more, but now researches have found a way to revive the brain of a Neanderthal. By this we can know more about, let’s see how.

The Father of Evolution: Charles Darwin

Neanderthals with a big brain and vast muscular body in size compared to Homo Sapiens. Additionally, a large head was its specialty along with powerful jaws, hunters with the tools used by them were advanced when compared to their ancestors. The researchers at Basel, Switzerland, the neuroscientists specifically grew up small replicas or copies of the brain from stem cells along with the DNA of Neanderthals. We, being a modern man, still may share about 1 to 4 percent similarity in the genes compared to them. This theory holds as the genomes of a European family matched with the reference of a 2010 model of Neanderthal genome by Svante Pääbo, a geneticist.

The following finding helped to generate three-dimensional objects of brain tissues in a petridish used in laboratories. Organoids of these miniature-sized brains are commonly used to test the effects of drugs. This information may help us more to know about the previous lifestyle, the diet of a Neanderthal. Our ancestors had a problem of communication, maybe due to the absence of language as we use today effectively. These brains were grown from pluripotent stem cells using five cell lines to produce brain organoids, leading to single-cell RNA sequencing data to learn more about their cell composition in the past.

The miniature brain cells grown from the stem cells.

We still share some common characteristics with our ancestors, like hair and skin color. Neanderthals and Denisovans genomes were found in caves, depicting they lived around 80 to 120 thousand years ago. This researches in the future may help to find the proper treatment for cancer. Just imagine, for a while, the stem cells are a gift from nature. It’s unique, usually seen during the development of a baby child, and it can generate all different cells right from a muscle cell to the most crucial brain cells. They help to recover the damages formed in the tissues also. The science of cell being so small may amaze you, and it does.

For more details, refer to the PDF: https://www.cell.com/stem-cell-reports/pdf/S2213-6711(20)30190-9.pdf

WORLd music day 2020: 21 june

This article consist of power of music and some important quotes by famous personalities on music.

June 21 is celebrated as “World Music Day” every year. It is celebrated to honour amateur and professional musicians all over the world.

World Music Day started in 1982 in France as ‘Fete de la Musique’, a music festival. World Music Day was founded by France’s Minister of Culture, Jack Lang and also Maurice Fleuret ,a French composer, music journalist, radio producer, arts administrator, and festival organiser, in Paris in 1982.

Due to covid-19 pandemic, it is decided to celebrate indoors this year.

Evert year music lovers organize concerts in parks, bus stations, museums, cafes and other public places and it’s a common sight on that day to see even people in a hurry stop by to listen to music. The day is also a great opportunity for young talents to showcase their music. Free concerts are organized across the globe to make music accessible to all.The main aim of celebrating World Music Day is to provide free music to everyone, and also to encourage amateur musicians to showcase their work to the world.

Power of Music:

  • Mood refreshment- music regulate emotions, create happiness in everyday life.
  • Cures Depression- Amid lockdown situation, people are suffering from depression. Listening music at this time can reduce symptoms of mental illness.
  • Reduces stress- music acts as stress reliever.It decreases the level of stress.
  • Provides motivation- Researchers sys that listening to fast-paced music motivates people to work out harder.
  • Removes boredom- people are bored sitting inside homes during lockdown period, listening to music can get their time-pass.

Have a look to “famous quotes” by some personalities –

  1. To live is to be musical, starting with the blood dancing in your veins. Everything living has a rhythm. Do you feel your music? – Michael Jackson
  2. The idea of music is to liberate the listener and lead him to a frame where he feels he is elevated – A. R. Rahman
  3. One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain. – Bob Marley
  4. There is a gap between the heart and brain – that is where the soundbox lies. Some sing from their heart; others use their brain – Asha Bhosle

So, the best way to celebrate it, spend your time listening to great music both old and new sitting at home. STAY SAFE STAY HEALTHY……!!!!!

Common mistakes beginner made while learning coding

Some common mistake beginner programmer make that hold them back to become a good programmer.Firstly make one thing clear in your mind that by learning a programming language no one can become a coder until you start practicing it .It take a lot of patience and practice . It might take few setbacks , few trials to getting started but ultimately fire up your coding skills.I hope this blog helps you take your first step in coding journey.Let’s get started.

Never Sit back and take the action

There is no right time to get started .Start off immediately .I know you might feel bit nervous.It happened with me too.But sitting back and not taking action will definitely hold you back to start your journey .

And Eventually a question arises how to get started ?After learning a certain programming language you can’t master it until you start implementing it .The most important step is to take action . Start practicing on any any competitive sites like HackerRank ,Codechef .It’s okay if you come up with a straight forward approach (Brute force algorithm) it not be the best way to solve a question but eventually you can do better .Start thinking for a more feasible and optimal solution .Don’t hesitate to take help or read other programmers code .Don’t be in hurry to move onto next question.Clear your concept thoroughly and you would surely make a mistake along and that’s the next point to learn .

Never be afraid to make a mistake

You will eventually make mistakes along the way but rather to avoid it learn from the mistake .

Nobody will come with a best solution everyone start with worst but eventually lead to best.Everyone needs to debug their code it doesn’t passes all the cases including side case in one go.So don’t need to panic.

Even you will find yourself making foolish mistakes sometimes i.e missing semicolon ,out of bound.

There is a lot of stuff to learn .It’s more difficult than you think .More you came to know more you realize there is quite a lot to learn.

Come out of your comfort zone

Most beginners made this mistake .They stuck themselves in their comfort zone .And feel afraid to learn new stuff .They eventually end by solving easy question through they can’t improve yourself ,Start trying hard one which needs a lot of brainstorming .It will surely improve your skills.

Start building projects and participating in online contest

Best way to implement your knowledge or check is building up projects even a minor one or participating in online contest .Even one can take ideas from YouTube ,or any source .While building up your project you will learn a lot and even came to know why is it so important in programming to write a clean code ? and surely online contest are the best way to check your knowledge and prepare for interviews.

Sometimes it’s feel terrifying but it’s okay

When you entered the world of coding it start feeling scary as it is more complex than you think.It’s okay .Everyone has gone through that feeling. You will probably have those days when you start feeling that nothing is going the way as you think and it happens .Sometimes you will not able to solve questions.But nothing to be panic about .When you start understanding this world you will start living in it and then it will not feel scary to you.

In last i want to say that take your first step immediately and turned-on your coding skills.

Please let me know your thoughts in the comment below and have a wonderful day.

Who Does This Body Belong To?

Remember the Magic Mirror from Snow White? The one who always answered in the affirmative that the Queen was the fairest of all in the whole world?

I feel this was specifically scripted for young little girls who are coming of age just so they could understand that each of them is the fairest (read: unique).

Whenever you look into the mirror what do you see? Is there anything about your appearance that you like? Is the anything you want to change, or maybe alter in some way? Is the number of things you want to change more than the number of things you like?

Most people see at least one aspect of themselves that they don’t like. Worrying about the body image has been rooted deep in our minds from a very young age. Constant media exposure of flawless human beings without an ounce of shortcomings has been fed to our minds since birth. Magazines are filled with articles on how to get a toned stomach or six-pack abs, those sharp cheekbones or, a sexy summer body. No wonder there is an increase in the number of people facing body image issues.


Someone is slightly annoyed by a tiny birthmark above her left eyebrow. Someone spends all her time to exercise for leaner legs. Then there is almost every other girl not happy with her flabby stomach. Many-a-times people develop an obsession with a small body part that comes to rule their lives. These flaws intrude every waking moment of the people suffering from body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) which is a mental health disorder, characterized by a continuous obsession a body part. This is the cause of severe distress that interferes with their daily functioning and the worst part of it all is the flaw that is affecting the person so much may even be nonexistent or barely visible to others.

The issue is so deeply ingrained in the minds of people that they don’t even realize they are body shaming someone. A little remark here from your grandmother and a little poke there your brother could make all the difference. Even if at first you feel there is nothing wrong with your body, the frequent gibes and quips add up one day and you slowly give in to the cultural expectation that everybody is inherently flawed.

Then there comes a point when, if something cannot be changed, you simply accept it for what it is and stop wishing for something different before it consumes you wholly. This is your moment of acceptance.


Even if you feel you are flawed in some way, be grateful that you are still breathing. Listen to the needs of your body; no one knows it better than you do. It is the home of your soul and it needs nourishment and nurturing. Rewire your brain to interrupt your negative thoughts. Most importantly, re-evaluate your self- worth. Meditation makes you more aware of your body and soul. A radical shift in self-worth can be experienced in a few days’ time.

People get so caught up in one small thing they don’t like about themselves. You need to remember that salt and baking powder go into a cake and those things taste funny alone but the cake turns out to be pretty delicious.

Image Courtesy: GOOGLE

The youngest baby star in the universe

We all like to gaze up at the sky during the night. Some even try to count them. You may calculate them in your test paper or rate a hotel based on stars, but there are many, and it won’t be possible to count them. According to an estimation, there are more than 9000 visible stars in the sky and around 100 thousand million stars in the Milky Way Galaxy and more in the entire universe.

A neutron star was found and made it on the list when it was nearly 240 years old. Yes, that’s the youngest star, a neutron star to be precise. But what does it mean? Neutron, by the name, consists of 95 percent neutron, which is indeed made from protons, releasing the particles called neutrinos. There’s a lot more to know about in the world of astronomy. These neutron stars have a mass nearly 1.4 times compared to the sun.

A supernova in the galaxy.

These originate after the death of another giant star and form newer stars. There are many types of neutron stars, and the recently found one is a magnetar. Magnetar usually has a powerful magnetic field. The field can be so strong, about a hundred million times stronger than the most potent magnets on Earth made by the humans, and it can manipulate the shape of an atom. These magnetars can remain active for around ten thousand years, considered as a short time in cosmic history.

You may have heard about supernova. The neutron star is created due to the same supernova, as mentioned above earlier. There are more than 3000 neutron stars, and researchers know only 31 magnetars. The magnetar discovered is named Swift J1818.0-1607 on 12th March this year 2020, along with a substantial amount of X-rays, gamma rays, and stable beams of radio waves. This star was noticed at NASA’s Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory.

The actual image of Swift J1818.0−1607. Courtesy : NASA

The star is a part of the Sagittarius constellation and 16000 light-years away, making it somewhat close to Earth when compared to other stars. Do you know the nearest star to the planet Earth is Alpha Centauri, which is about 4.3 light-years away? The neutron stars can be merely 15 km to 30 km wide, and it can turn around once every 1.36 seconds, one of the fastest-spinning matters. This star also falls in a category known as radio pulsars, and the magnetar is one of the five radio pulsars ever discovered.

An illustration of a magnetar. Courtesy: EAS

There is very little information about these categories, and this single discovery can help in learning about its formation, aging, and its existence. This discovery was made when there was an outburst at that moment. So some findings may occur unknowingly; the researchers wished if they could see from its existence. This star was observed when the X-ray emissions were at the peak, making it ten times shinier than usual as the magnetar was out-bursting. Some inventions may happen accidentally but may make a significant change to humankind. Let me describe with an example: the discovery of penicillin was made by Alexander Fleming in 1928 when he had returned from a vacation.

15 Date Ideas that you can do at home during lockdown

Yes, you heard it all right. I am here with yet another article to make love blossom between you and your partner. With the nationwide lockdown still going on, we presumed that there might have been a temporary hault to the intimacy & romance because you can’t step out for fancy dinner dates or weekend getaways. It must be frustrating since the summers are already here and you just can’t travel. But as they say, Love isn’t just about all fancy and over-the-top things but it is more of those little gestures which make your hearts beat faster for each other because the fairytale has to end one day and the normal life would soon commence so why not try getting used to it from now only by taking pleasure in simple joys of life.
So no more worries when we are here to the rescue.
Here below are enlisted 15 Budget Friendly Date Ideas that you can do at home and keep the romance brewing. So what’s the waiting for? Let’s get started…

Oh yes who would have thought that planting saplings together could turn out to be so romantic and eco-friendly. If you don’t think so, go try it out for yourself. You can sneak cute, lovable glances while you plant the sapling together, hands closely intact in mud as if solidifying the bond between you two. And if you’re more of a naughty one, try throwing off the mud on your partner and notice the magic of love and romance taking over you.
Make an effort to water the plant together each day and watch your love grow alongwith the plant.

All you need is to get your bathrobe on and your partner in his towel. You can sway your hips to some romantic music together and embrace each other under the shower. A glass of wine and rose petals would be like an icing over the cake. Typically bollywood na? Still sounds just oh-so-romantic!

Tired of cooking everyday with no domestic help available  given the current circumstances? Bring that guy along into the kitchen who vowed to stand by your side always and then cook something special or maybe experiment on an altogether new recipe. What could be more romantic than putting flour onto each other, tasting the food through each other’s fingers and savouring the taste of LOVE with some nice music playing at the background!

Thanks to the Indian daily soaps that I don’t need to brief you about this one. I am sure everyone of you is well aware of how the decorations should be, the type of music, the outfits and the couple dance steps. Lastly imagine self-cooked dinner being fed to each other, gazing at the twinkling stars in the bespangled sky and then ending the night in each other’s arms. Ohh! How romantic!

(To be continued…)

Indian farmers – backbone of economy

Comprising 61.5% of the total population in the country, the Farmers today are, but the least creditable chunk of our economy. Despite providing us with a substantial amount of produce, they are being neglected on many grounds; be it machinery, techniques, money, or knowledge, they have to bear the burden of being backward and incompatible. Although farming is such a primitive and productive jobs to opt for, most of the people face similar kind of problems regarding farming and activities related to it. But the disaster of farmers committing suicides has become a great phenomenon recently; what could be a decisive reason? Why its been so drastic in recent times?

Farmers and the legacy-

Agriculture or so to say, farming has been opted by a large number of people since it was introduced or, invented. The history of agriculture in India dates back to Indus Valley Civilization and even before that. It became one of the substantial activities that could sustain a huge amount of people. The upsurge in the activity as this resulted in the discovery of new techniques, machienaries, and even the crops which gave a boost to their own consumption, as well as the trade and commercial regulatories.

The colonialization, in the 18th century, was the period that saw a dramatic increase in the number of farmers in the country, under the force of the East India Company, that turned out a large amount of people engaged in other sectors to too seek for the agricultural work. Leaving almost 65% of India contributing to farming, the country came up with its own revolutionary ideas and schemes, such as the Green Revolution, which turned out to be a fancy for the country. But the irony is, still the farmers have stuck with the old and bygone techniques of agriculture that doesn’t provide any kind of fruitfulness to them. And contribute only a less figure to the economy.

Agriculture and differences –

With the Green Revolution adding more to the production of crops in the 19th century, there were still many differences in India itself, in terms of production and output.

While it states such as, Punjab, UP, Haryana, Tamil Nadu and Kerala saw an upsurge in the agricultural pattern. With the farmers and the government officials focusing on farm productivity and knowledge transfer, India’s total food grain production soared. Such rapid growth in farm productivity anabled India to become self-sufficient by 1970s. It also empowered the smallholder farmers to seek further means to increase food staples produced per hectare. On the other hand, areas with shortage of water and nutritious soil were left behind and it took many years to bring them up to the mark of other states with high production.

Due to such huge diversity between the states producing crops,India accounts only, on average, for about 16% of GDP and 10% of export earnings.

Problems and initiatives –

low agricultural growth is a concern for policymakers as some two-thirds of India’s people depend on rural employment for a living. Current agricultural practices are neither economically nor environmentally sustainable and India’s yield for many agricultural commodities is low. Poorly maintained irrigation system and almost universal lack of good extension services are among factors responsible. Farmers’ access to markets is hampered by poor roads, rudimentary market infrastructure and excessive regulation.
– World Bank

  • Climate change
  • Marketing
  • Infrastructure
  • Farmers suicides
  • Productivity

The above listed points are some of the good reasons why the agricultural sector faces huge loss and is unfortunately unable to develop as per the will.

The government has done a great deed in the past for the improved condition of farmers and farming, andis alsos currently practicing so. It has launched many a such schemes to benefit the farmer and improvise their method of farming.

As per a saying in hindi –

Jai Javan Jai Kisan, ye dono h desh ki shaan

If the “Shaan” if the country is always under immense pressure and is supplied with voulantry salary, the sustainability of millions of people in the country would be largely affected, and it would not be able to enlarge its economy and only would be counted in the developing one.