COVID-19 pandemic is a Humongous problem for companies everywhere, and it’s practically impossible to ignore the issue – it has changed the way business is executed everywhere.

Many owners and work managers are failing to shift the regular marketing strategies to a digital marketing (The new normal)

They are overlooking the situation because perhaps they have hope that some sudden turn of events towards normalcy will occur in the times of chaos. 

 Whatever may be the cause but this inability to adapt will cause grave concerns to the economic survival of the company.

Whereas, many organizations that have shown great adaptability by appointing digital marketing.

·       The impact – COVID: 19 on Businesses

There is no business which lies unaffected by the pandemic, worst sufferers are startups that do not have the capital or reserves to keep the struggle on and companies that relied completely on physical interactions, like salons, clothing stores, and yoga studios.

Accustomed to growth incitation by customer referrals and their awesome service reputations, they have experienced a very high revenue loss that their impulse reaction has been to cut marketing costs rather than exploring new and more effective options.

In turn, this unaccustomed reaction has had a detrimental ‘trickle’ effect on larger B2B companies work as providers to these smaller businesses.

Every business, be it your neighborhood departmental store or an enormous multinational firm, can benefit from digital marketing. Customers still need the products and services as much as ever—what these companies need to do is change the way they reach their target audiences. Even if a small enterprise doesn’t have an online page or portal (one in four do not have), it’s not very late to join in the businesses that are thriving online.

  1. Coming to – HOW TO?

It’s time for the affected businesses to make the transition from a fortress store to a digital provider by contacting their customers, reviving unused online assets like websites and social media profiles, and pedaling full speed ahead.


Contacting customers

The first step is to commence a dialogue between business and customers and carrying it forward. For companies that never collected email addresses, created a database, or engaged on a regular basis to their followers, it’s time now to do so.

Announce COVID-19 changes in an existing newsletter. 

Companies with an existing newsletter can convey to its subscribers about any corona virus-related changes in the next edition. Send out a newsletter to let your customers know how your business is reacting to the pandemic 

Boosting the company website Sorting businesses with SEO marketing

Coronavirus is changing the way that consumers shop. Approximately 47% of shoppers have stated that they are avoiding malls and shopping centers.

On the contrary note, SEO is undergoing a strong rise, with many brands reporting a significant hike in their organic search visibility from January to March 2020. 

It is evident it’s time to invest in, not to cut back on, SEO. It is one of the most cost-effective digital marketing strategies, it’s also delivering results.


Shifting daily operations online

There are very few organizations that cannot make the transition of their daily operations. Credit to video conferencing applications like Zoom, Skype, and many other executives and managers can communicate and impart instructions to staff and hold client meetings from anywhere. 

· Sales teams can take orders and reservations and provide services to customers via email, chat, or video. They no longer have to commute; they can even start work early leaving customers with longer support hours.

· Services that were previously delivered in person are surprisingly amenable to video presentations. Clients can pay online and receive a video link to live sessions.

Staff education also plays an important role in a successful transition—and this is time to enhance your team’s skills?

Online courses are highly cost-efficient, and teams can learn new skills that enable them to support each other whenever one department is down or facing issues. Courses on digital marketing are available on how it works and how to make the most out of all the opportunities.

·       The biggest question-What are my business benefits?

Many businesses are cutting costs on their marketing efforts due to COVID-19, but what they should really be doing is grabbing advantage of the new opportunities that are rising.

This emphasis on digital marketing is not something that they’ll want to slow down on once the lockdown ends. Online shopping is going to stop no-time soon, and most companies will find those web-based interactions to be convenient than in-person meetings.

Stores will reopen but alongside newly adopted ways of selling and engaging with customers.

While digital marketing may be regarded right now as an emergency plan, but by the time this is over, everyone will likely realize that it’s more than a temporary measure rather than a sustainable one. So GO DIGITAL AND BE FUTURE READY

Top 5 places to visit post-corona

The unexpected wallop of the novel Corona Virus has violently thrown and locked us up in our homes. We are all stuck in our beds dreaming about the sublime places we can only wish to visit anytime soon. While nature is at it’s zenith right now, exploring  some of them post- lockdown would be different and mesmerising! Let’s put them on your radar.


A glimpse from trekking base camp, Mt. Everest.

Kathmandu, the name of serenity and tranquility. Located at a whopping height of 4600 feet, the city is the capital and the only metropolitan city of Nepal.

It offers everything— ranging from spiritual peace to thrilling adventures, all one place. It’s monasteries, temples and notable places of Buddha’s life are the major spiritual tourist hotspots. Trekking, rafting, rock climbing and a hot air balloon ride are a few attractions from a bunch the place offers!


Popularly called, “The Live Music Capital of the Universe”, Branson has over 50 musical theatres! It has almost every genre of live music. The outdoor recreational activities likes biking, climbing and canoeing, make it one of the most popular tourist destinations in the U.S. This is an awesome place to visit with family.


Situated in Hawaii, Honolulu is the capital of the country, best known for beaches and tourism. Waikiki beach is one of the busiest and most popular beaches. You can have thrilling water adventures in waves, be it canoeing or paddle-boarding. This should be a go-to destination for all water sport freaks!


Why not, Dubai has to be there. And guess what, Dubai is already planning to open it’s tourism. With the most exotic malls, Dubai is famous as a shopping centre. necessary and thrilling visit to the world’s largest skyscraper and structure— The Burj Khalifa. `The Palm Island is the largest artificially created island, with the best recreational activities. The country has amazingly maintained a low temperature throughout the island, while the country has one of the most arid climates. 


Well known for some of the oldest temples and Ram Setu, Haridwar is a tourist hotspot. But more than any of that, River Ganga needs to be given a prime importance. Since the outset of lockdown in India, the industrial dumping of effluents has stopped and the river is at it’s peak of beauty. Pure, cold and soothing— everything you need after a long and tiring stay in your house!

Let the adventure begin!

“Coronavirus: A great lesson for all!”

The coronavirus has affected all the sections of the society and the entire globe is battling with this invisible enemy. Today, all the people of the world are sailing in the same ship. Everyone is dealing with the fear of this pandemic and struggling with it.

Everybody is exercising, taking medication, avoiding physical contact with others, following safety measures and doing everything possible in order to remain safe from the virus.

While we are in the phase of fighting with this pandemic, we are getting to learn and experience so many different as well as new things about ourselves, others and our society.

Following are some things that we have learnt from the coronavirus:

● Life is very unpredictable. So it is very important to value each and every moment of our life and live it to the fullest. This virus has taught us to not take things for granted and respect them.

● In our normal life, we are so busy with our daily routine that we hardly get time to spend with our dear ones. But, this pandemic has brought us closer to our loved ones. People have understood the importance of family and friends and how crucial it is to communicate with them.

● We work hard to earn money. In the process of making money, we forget to look after our health. But, now we have finally understood that nothing is more important than our health. We need to take care of ourself and practice proper hygiene procedures in order to prevent us from falling prey to this deadly virus.

● Every one of us actually dreamt of taking a break from our hectic life. Now, the lockdown that has been implemented to slow down the virus has given us the time and opportunity to follow our passion and hobbies.

● This lockdown phase has shown us that nature can heal itself if there is minimal or no human interruption. The level of pollution has significantly reduced and wildlife has shown signs of happiness during this lockdown period.

● We have learnt from this pandemic that we can live our life happily and peacefully with the basic needs of life. All that you need to have is the ability and knowledge to use these facilities appropriately.

● The coronavirus has given us important lessons on fitness and exercise. You need to keep yourself fit and boost your immunity power by engaging in some of the other forms of exercise to stay away from this virus.

● This invisible enemy has shown us that many of the commercial works in this world can happen from your home, without actually being present at the site of work or office. ‘Work From Home’ can be implemented and it can give as good results as the office work does.

We cannot predict how our life will be, once this deadly virus completely vanishes from the entire globe. But, I am sure about one thing that life will never be the same as it was before coronavirus.

We need to accept and learn to adjust in this new life. This virus has definitely given us some valuable lessons in life and educated us about the things which we otherwise couldn’t have learnt or understood.

Amazon to stop use of it’s facial recognition software by cops

In a major policy shift for the company, Amazon is placing a one-year moratorium on use of it’s facial recognition software by the police . For years the company has been a fierce defender of the controversial software.

The company would suspend the use of this program for law enforcement to allow policymakers some room to establish system for regulation  that has been sparking controversy for years and shining an uncomfortable spotlight on Amazon’s cloud computing department. This step was taken in the wake of police violence and racism riots, after an cop killed George Floyd, an unarmed black man. In research, facial recognition technology has been found to often have trouble recognizing individuals with darker skin, recalling previous policy overreaching that infringed civil liberties for advocacy groups.

Amazon Web Services, the cloud computing group of the company, released Rekognition in 2016, a software service designed to identify objects in images and videos, including the ability to match a face with images in a database without taking the time to compare images manually.

Recognition isn’t the only software of this sort. Rivals from Amazon like Microsoft Corp., and Google have similar capabilities. But Amazon ‘s software became the focus of an intense debate about the potential for powerful, new software to undermine human rights after the American Civil Liberties Union called out the risks of misidentifying people with such software. The group highlighted the relationships between Amazon and a sheriff’s office in Oregon and Orlando City, two commitments that Amazon had made in marketing materials.

“We’ve advocated that governments should put in place stronger regulations to govern the ethical use of facial recognition technology, and in recent days, Congress appears ready to take on this challenge,” the company said. “We hope this one-year moratorium might give Congress enough time to implement appropriate rules, and we stand ready to help if requested.”said,Nina Lindsey, an Amazon spokeswoman.

The House and Senate Democrats included a provision in a sweeping police-reform bill introduced Monday that would block real-time facial recognition analysis of federal police body camera footage. Amazon said other organizations will continue to use the software, including those using facial recognition to fight human trafficking. Rekognition runs on Amazon servers, and is delivered as an internet service to customers, making it theoretically relatively easy for Amazon to suspend access for police users. How many law enforcement departments did use Rekognition remains unknown.In an interview for a PBS Frontline investigation that aired earlier this year, AWS chief Andy Jassy said he didn’t know the total number of police departments using Rekognition.

“It’s sort of the first, real, meaningful concession we’ve seen from Amazon allowing that use of facial recognition by police might not be good for communities” harmed by biased policing, said Shankar Narayan, who expressed concerns about Rekognition to Amazon officials while at the ACLU of Washington, which he left earlier this year. “The move shows that Amazon is vulnerable to public pressure and optics,” said Narayan, a co-founder MIRA, an organization working to give civil society groups a greater say in how new technologies are used.

Amazon, who has long been reluctant to bow to external pressure on public policy issues, claimed those studies did not accurately reflect its software capabilities. The corporation has said there have been no documented incidents of Rekognition’s harassment by law enforcement, but the ability by Amazon to monitor the use of the app is restricted by the security of AWS and regulations against consumer data analysis.

Following a January 2019 study by two AI researchers, pressure on Amazon stepped up , showing the software made more mistakes when used on people with darker skin, especially women. Amazon argued with the paper’s conclusions and methodology, authored by Inioluwa Deborah Raji and Joy Buolamwini, leading some of the top AI scientists, including Yoshua Bengio, the Turing Award winner, to criticize both Amazon’s sale of the product to police and its treatment of Raji and Buolamwini. The ACLU tested the software separately on Congress members and found it falsely matched 28 of them with mugshots, selecting minority lawmakers disproportionately.

“We believe it is the wrong approach to impose a ban on promising new technologies because they might be used by bad actors for nefarious purposes in the future,” Matt Wood, an executive in Amazon’s machine learning group, said in a 2018 blog post. “The world would be a very different place if we had restricted people from buying computers because it was possible to use that computer to do harm.”


The story of human beings

Homo – sapiens is the word used all over the world, scientifically for the modern human beings and has greatly evolved from the beginning of this human civilization. The story of human civilization marks it’s beginnings million years ago (23 million to 5.3 mya) to the development of tool-based and symbolically structured modern human culture.

Beginning of the human race-

It was 5.6 mya when historians first trace the existence of a creature which resembled the features of present day human beings. A large number of species emerged on this earth and got extinct, it was nearly 160,000 years ago human beings resembling us originated over the earth’s surface. And gradually evolved into what we see as present day human beings, sometimes learning how to make tools, or obtaining food, hunting animals and discovering the use of wheel and fire.

The story of human evolution is enormously long, and somewhat complicated. There are many unanswered questions, and new data always come up which ultimately leads to a modification of earlier understandings of the human history.

The story of evolution –

The story of evolution of humans started back between 36 mya (million years ago)to 24 mya when primates a category of mammals emerged in Asia and Africa. It was by 24 mya when a subgroup of these wild primates emerged, namely, Hominoids, who were primarily Apes.

Again these hominoids evolved into a more advanced category which famously came to be known as Hominids (5.6 mya). Now, these primates or “modified primates”, so to say started to make and use tools at the same time. These had a larger brain size as compared to the former and walked upright unlike the hominoids. While hominids included all forms of human beings, they can also be subdivided into branches-

  1. Australopithecus (southern ape)
  2. Homo (man)

2.5 mya, the period when the species of Australopithecus depleted, leaving behind the Homos. It was due to the major climate changes (glaciation) that the former failed to adapt itself, leading to their gradual extinction.

  • The Homos –

Homo is Latin word, meaning man, although there were women as well! The specie further evolved itself into more modernised being and four types of fossils were found which were then regarded as –

  1. Homo habilis ( discovered at Omo in Ethiopia)
  2. Homo erectus (discovered both in Asia and Africa)
  3. Homo Heidelberg (discovered at Heidelberg in Germany)
  4. Homo Neanderthal (discovered at Neander valley)

All of the above existed between 1 mya -40, 000 years ago.

The story of modernization –

The real step towards modernization started between some 195 mya to 16 mya,when the archaic Homo Sapiens in different regions gradually evolved at different rates into modern humans.

  • The race towards being modern-

The tools and techniques that we see today is the evolution of the simplest methods that were used by early humans, a large part of our lives is prompted through the use of such substantial art of living that was used million of years ago, be it hunting, cloth making, discovering fire, or finding the way of living.

Talking about the food they collected for themselves, evidences prove that hunting started about 5 mya when hominids were in existence. And this eventually made them use fire in order to grapple the thick meat of animals.

When the earliest humans watched for the need of a fine and peaceful shelter for themselves, they sorted to move from open air or trees to a more safer place, i.e. caves. It is evident from the finds that date between 7 mya to 5 mya. It is possible that places with abundance of food resources were repeatedly chosen to live.

Tool making is again a useful technique which has contributed massively towards human growth. The earliest evidence for the making and use of stone tool makers comes from Australopithecus. About 35,000 years ago, improvements in the techniques were evident along with the language development. It were the Hominids whose language involved hand gestures; spoken language was evolved only by vocal but non -verbal communication, such as singing;human speech probably began with calls like the ones that have been observed among primates.

An overall observation of the evolution of Homo Sapiens makes us come to a conclusion that, it is not merely a thousand years of work and scientific developments that we have reached such a stage when “human is the cruelest animal”, but million of years have been passed to achieve such a degree of unhackeneyed society.

English poetry on Environment. By Debalina Mukherjee.


We cut the trees and make the concrete forest
The trees never complain but the normal atmosphere bids us farewell;
We dispose waste in the rivers we consider to be our Goddess
She never complains.. But the purity bids us farewell
We use the vehicles that emit the poisonous gases
Freshness of the air never complains but bids us farewell
Our industries discharge chemicals in the ponds with aquatic ecosystems
The water never revolts but the aqatic life bids us farewell
Our continuous cropping tortures the soil
The soil never complains but its fertility bids us farewell
We use the high speed networks that emit heavy radiation
Nature never complains but the birds bid us farewell
We r clearing more forests that is the habitat of our wildlife
Ecology never complains but wildlife bids us farewell
We use the refrigerators and ACs that are the source of green house gases
Environment never complains but the soothing climates bid us farewell
All the above mentioned,being a part of mother  earth never complains..
Its true that a mother endures everything for the sake of her children
But doesn’t She is under a threat?
If we dont rectify our mistakes within the little time left
I am afraid,our mother earth will soon one day bid us farewell….


Positive thinking is a word we have heard several times and we always advice others to think positive. If someone is upset or worried very lovingly we put our arm across their shoulders and ask to think positive. It is a word we believe in and want to live in. But have we ever thought what is positive thinking?

What is Positive thinking?

Positive thinking is a mental attitude in which you expect good and favourable results. It is the process of creating thoughts that create and transform energy into reality. A positive mind waits for happiness, health and a happy ending in every situation.

So the question now arises why we feel negative or are negative thoughts wrong?

The answer to this question is that like positive thoughts a person may get negative thoughts too. It is a natural process. Being negative for a minute is not wrong as it is natural but being negative all the time is wrong because it gives you mental stress as well as distracts you from your goal.

What are Negative Thoughts?

Negative thoughts can be in the form of fear or worry. Blaming or belittling someone, feeling jealous, comparing with someone, feeling hurt about what someone said, feeling resentful about someone all comes under negative thoughts. So any thought which disturbs your state of mind, makes you feel uncomfortable is negative thought.

Now if being negative is not at all good for health so how to stay positive every time? Here are the few tips I have mentioned which will definitely help you to stay positive.

Tips to stay Positive

1) Don’t take other people’s negativity personally.

2) Use positive words while talking.

3) Accept yourself the way you are.

4) Always think one day you will achieve your goal.

5) Think failure is an opportunity.

6) Try to smile in every situation.

7) Try to forgive people.

8) Change the way you think.

9) Always focus on solutions rather than getting into problems.

10) Love whoever is around to be loved.

11) Try to spread happiness around yourself

12) Be the positivity you want to see in the world.

13) Spend more time with positive people.

14) Meditate for 10 minutes every day.

15) Follow your passion.

Benefits of staying positive

1) It reduces stress.

2) Increases our Confidence.

3) Helps to focus on our goal.

4) Helps to make more friends.

5) Helps to live a longer life.

6) Improves our management skills.

7) Improves our decision making power.

These were the tips and benefits of staying positive.

We need to learn to subtract negativity from our life. Every time you subtract negative from your life, you make new room for more positivity. People who are able to discern the positive points in negative situations are the one’s who prosper in long run. So defend yourself against the ‘ negative way’ and make room for a positive day. Realise that life is a series of ups and downs. Concentrate on today. Let go and move on when you must.

Don’t forget –

“What you live today is the result of your yesterday’s thoughts, and what you will live tomorrow is the result of your today’s thoughts. ”

Creative E-MAIL WRITING: 5 Sample drafts for cart abandonment mails.

We got a bit concerned when you were browsing through this amazing xyz product and chose to just leave it there in the cart itself. Given the stupefying list of its features, you wouldn’t surely want to miss out on bringing this home. No we aren’t exaggerating but working towards your best interest. Check out some reviews here and decide for yourself. Thankyou and Good Luck shopping.

Oops! Seems like you spent decent hours browsing through the right products, discussing their specifications and prices and then finally shortlisting it, you added them to the cart. But you haven’t made the purchases yet, all of your items are waiting to be delivered to you. Go, proceed with the payments and say yes to a new, more lavish lifestyle.
Thankyou and Good Luck Shopping.

Yes, you heard it right! You were SO close to trying the amazing goodies and services available at the xyz shopping platform. You would surely not want to miss out on the products that you shortlisted yourself. So here we are again, sliding into your emails to remind you about making your purchases and bringing the items home that have overstayed in your cart. Check out some customer reviews which might tempt you to place the order. Here’s to effective and affordable shopping.

Well yes, that’s the *cries* of the abandoned superbly functional items that you shortlisted yourself while browsing through the xyz website. Seems like you liked them but somehow weren’t still convinced to bring them home yet. Here, check out some reviews which might trigger a change of mind. Thankyou and Good Luck Shopping.

Hi! A friendly reminder that your shopping cart is full right now and needs to be emptied before you can continue shopping again at your most favourite shopping portal. So don’t waste any more time, h ead straight to the xyz website, make the payments and go grab your favourite products. Thankyou and Good Luck Shopping.

“Jhumka” – BAREILLY

Bareilly gets its famed jewellery ‘JHUMKA’

Jhumka ‘mila’ Re

BAREILLY : Bareilly city of Uttar Pradesh shot to fame when Asha Bhosle rendered “Jhumka gira re, Bareilly ke bazaar mein” in noted Hindi movie Mera Saaya (1966) , Late bollywood actress Sadhna preformed an attractive dance. In order to commemmorate it, a “Jhumka” of 14 feet high has been erected in Bareilly at Naitonal Highway number 24.

Actress Sadhna performance on song “jhumka gire re” in film Saaya

Bareilly has finally got its much-awaited “jhumka” when Union Minister and local MP Santosh Gangwar unveiled a 14-feet high replica at the zero point on national highway. The jhumka that weighs over 200 kilograms was intalled in the Parsakhera area and is embedded with colourful stones and decorated by the city’s famous ‘zari’ embroidery. The ‘Jhumka’ weighing over 2 quintals and studded with colourful stones has been suspended from a pole. Officials said the project has cost the BDA around Rs 18 lakh — Rs 8 lakh for the jhumka and Rs 10 lakh for the beautification of the landscape surrounding the main structure.

“The location was chosen to ensure that the first thing that catches your attention on entering Bareilly, if you are coming from New Delhi, is this fabled ornament,” said a senior Bareilly Development Authority (BDA) official.The official added that the jhumka gives the city its own distinct identity. BDA, meanwhile, conceived the project of installing a jhumka as an attraction for the tourists visiting the city.

The entire structure is surrounded by a rotary in such a manner that it give its surrounding area a landscape view. The silver-golden coloured ‘jhumka’ made up of multi-coloured stones embedded with ‘minakari’, an art form colouring and ornamenting the surface of metals by fusing over it brilliant colours that are decorated in an intricate design.

Although there is no connection between the city and the piece of jewellery. The city, also, had no speciality in making or selling ‘jhumkas’. But, it just got famous topic due to the song over 54 years.

Inaugurating the jhumka, Union Minister Santosh Gangwar said: “The collaborative effort made by the authority, various organisations and local residents in setting up of the ambitious jhumka in Bareilly is commendable. It looks beautiful and unique. Visitors will finally be able to associate the landmark jhumka in Bareilly with the evergreen song.”

The idea was first thought of 30 years ago, but could not be completed due to lack of funds. However, BDA Vice-President, found an alternative and discussed the idea with several eminent persons. BDA vice-chairperson Divya Mittal said: “The jhumka has been delayed for some unavoidable reasons. The beautiful project is a collaborative effort among Rohilkhand Medical College, Bareilly International University and few other organisations, and local residents, who helped the BDA with funds in giving the shape to the ambitious project that would be considered a landmark.”

The iconic jhumka is set to become the ideal location for tourists and those who love ‘jhumkas’ .So, next time you are on a visit to Bareilly you know the ideal place to get yourself clicked or take a selfie.

TUM BIN 2: Sharing my thoughts on a highly underrated movie.

I watched Tum Bin 2 some two months ago and then only, checked out its reviews on the internet which didn’t seem to do justice with the content of the film at all and that is why i decided to express my views here and why i would say it is a must watch.

‎The story revolves around a girl named Taran who mistakens her fiance to be dead in a skiing accident caused on one of their vacations. The guy goes missing and she is heartbroken because she was about to get married. She has a hard time trying to move on upon the insistence of the guy’s father and her sisters. She would see him everywhere and the scenes are beautifully depicted with just the right kind of music playing in the background and the pain and the suffering of the girl is portrayed beautifully by Neha Sharma. I felt the pain myself. Soon a new guy named Shekhar (Aditya Seal) is introduced into her life. He is a very amicable guy and impresses off everyone else with this modesty. He tries to ease off the suffering of Taran, making her laugh and open up but at the same time not expecting anything from her so she gradually takes the first steps towords living freely.

SPOILER ALERT: And now after 8 months Aman, her fiance makes an entry. It is revealed that all this while, he was being treated anonymously and that, he went in a coma. Everyone is rejoiced and so is Taran. But somehow she finds it difficult to recreate that same bond with him because she had already decided to move on with Shekhar. Aman could not figure out the reason behind this sudden change of attitude. Taran initially maintained some sort of distance between her and Shekhar but she realizes that she loves him and needs to be with him only and that’s when she finally opens up to Aman and Aman gives a green signal to their relationship peacefully. And now after 8 months Aman, her fiance makes an entry. It is revealed that all this while, he was being treated anonymously and that, he went in a coma. Everyone is rejoiced and so is Taran. But somehow she finds it difficult to recreate that same bond with him because she had already decided to move on with Shekhar. Aman could not figure out the reason behind this sudden change of attitude. Taran initially maintained some sort of distance between her and Shekhar but she realizes that she loves him and needs to be with him only and that’s when she finally opens up to Aman and Aman gives a green signal to their relationship peacefully.

Soon Taran and shekhar begin a relationship witnessing which Aman’s heart aches but he chooses to stay happy in the happiness of his lover’s. Towards the end, Shekhar suddenly starts behaving quite odd like not answering her calls and decides to leave the city. Taran’s sorrow is uncontrollable, wishing to talk to him and try and stop him for the one last time and Aman is the man who drives Taran to the airport and this conversation is the one which altogether changed my whole perception on LOVE.
Shekhar questions Taran repeatedly and says that he would stay for her if just once, she would say, that she doesn’t love Aman anymore. He reminds her that she never did actually love him. She was always in love with Aman only and shekhar was just a replacement as it was him whose carelessness caused Aman’s accident in the first place.And that’s when he decided that he would take care of everyone involved with aman but that doesn’t mean that he didn’t love Taran, he loved her immensely but to Taran, maybe he was just an infatuation, happened when she needed support.

SPOILER OVER: I think the reason why this movie didn’t go well with the audience is because they failed to understand the true essence of love. This movie portrayed different shades of love with a beautiful story line and an even better jukebox of musical tracks which keeps you engaged throughout. Through the dialogues and the songs, you can actually feel the the emotions of the protagonists. It’s highly recommended from my side if you feel like watching some real love content, with a box of tissues handy and if you’re an emotional person who understands such sob stories well.