What you will when we will tell you that we are going to use every single space of your home. Therefore came up with matte colour wardrobe attached open racks that will be going to make up a lot of space for you. That will be going to perfectly suit your white background and wooden floor.


What is your kitchen if your cabinets and appliances are not fitted properly?I had the answer for you because the kitchen cabinets today we made are not more than the wings to future. The stainless steel gives and additional style and finish to the cabinets and the sliding racks just changed the game for you.


White and brass today are taking place of every colour in the kitchen. I came up with white colour kitchen design with a brass touch to every appliance. This kitchen contains both cabinets and open shelves. The floor is also given a reddish touch with the help of floor paper and a table in between it so it can be used to take out activities and used as a dining area too.


What will be the things that might entertain you while dining with your family and friends? For that I will provide you the world class dining with the beautiful combination of colours and lighting. Today our team came up with a open area dining concept, which consist of a large white colour U-shaped shelve to take out kitchen activity and have your meal. The attached cabinet gives it a “peninsular kitchen” look which shows it modernity. The shadow lighting also gives it a amazing look which makes your kitchen look more amazing. The floor paper gives an overwhelming and astonishing look to the dining area.


Are you in love with you washroom or not? If not then I am there for your help, by building an international standard of washroom console. The combination of matte black and dark colour gives an over whelming shape to your washroom. Every appliance is given a dark colour finish whether it’s that commode, taps and hangar etc. The walls are given a matte finish to make it look astonishing. The floor is cover with white shiny tiles which looks pleasant to the eye. The ceiling is brightening the floor with led light as well as the mirror has given the background light to give luxurious look.


What is a room without some shine in that? Today I came up with a living room design with a wall covered long wardrobe. With a wooden colour floor paper a textured look is given to it and the rest of the work is done with the natural lighting through the window and the astonishing look by appliances and wooden cabinet.

The True Price Of The Medals

John Brown went off to war to fight on a foreign shore
His mama sure was proud of him!
He stood straight and tall in his uniform and all
His mama’s face broke out all in a grin

Bob Dylan begins off by saying that John set out to fight on a foreign shore and his mother was very proud of her son as she thought taking part in the war was of glorious essence. John stood straight and proud in his uniform and his mother couldn’t help but smile.

“Oh son, you look so fine, I’m glad you’re a son of mine
You make me proud to know you hold a gun
Do what the captain says, lots of medals you will get
And we’ll put them on the wall when you come home”

She exclaimed to her son that he looked fine and she was glad to have given birth to him. Her blatant glorification of war is evident in the statement that he made her proud by holding a gun which she considered to be a virtue. She advises him to listen and do whatever the captain tells him to do and he would surely win a lot of medals and then they would the medals on the wall when he would return from the war.

As that old train pulled out, John’s ma began to shout
Tellin’ ev’ryone in the neighborhood:
“That’s my son that’s about to go, he’s a soldier now, you know”
She made well sure her neighbors understood

As the train began to leave, John’s mother began to shout proudly, telling everyone in the neighborhood that it was her son that was about to go in the train and the fact that he was now a soldier. She made the declaration emphatically so as to ensure everyone truly understood the importance of her son being a soldier.  The mindless glorification of going into battle is foolhardy which is subtly implied by Bob Dylan.

She got a letter once in a while and her face broke into a smile
As she showed them to the people from next door
And she bragged about her son with his uniform and gun
And these things you called a good old-fashioned war

She got a letter once in a while and that used to make her smile. She used to go about bragging about her son in the soldier’s uniform.

Oh! Good old-fashioned war!

Then the letters ceased to come, for a long time they did not come
They ceased to come for about ten months or more
Then a letter finally came saying, “Go down and meet the train
Your son’s a-coming home from the war”

Then the true picture of war is shown when the letters from John ceases to arrive for a long time. They had stopped coming for more than ten months and then finally one day a letter came telling her to go down to the train station for her son was coming back home from the war.

She smiled and went right down, she looked everywhere around
But she could not see her soldier son in sight
But as all the people passed, she saw her son at last
When she did she could hardly believe her eyes

She smiled and went to the station and looked everywhere but she couldn’t see her son anywhere and finally after all the people had passed she saw her son at last and she could hardly believe her eyes.

Oh his face was all shot up and his hand was all blown off
And he wore a metal brace around his waist
He whispered kind of slow, in a voice she did not know
While she couldn’t even recognize his face!

John Brown was a picture of pity and his face was all messed up and his hand been blown off and he wore a metal brace around his waist. He whispered slowly in a voice that her mother had never heard before and she couldn’t recognize his face.

Oh! Lord! Not even recognize his face

“Oh tell me, my darling son, pray tell me what they done
How is it you come to be this way?”
He tried his best to talk but his mouth could hardly move
And the mother had to turn her face away

Her mother cried and asked her son to tell her how he came to be in such a horrible condition. However John Brown tried his best yet he could barely speak and his mother turned her face away unable to bear the condition of her son.

“Don’t you remember, Ma, when I went off to war
You thought it was the best thing I could do?
I was on the battleground, you were home . . . acting proud
You wasn’t there standing in my shoes”

John Brown breaks his mother’s perception of war by stating the obvious. He mocks her by stating that she had thought that his going to war was the best thing he could do. He fought in the battlefield while she was home feeling proud. Yet she didn’t know what he was going through for she wasn’t standing in his shoes.

“Oh, and I thought when I was there, God, what am I doing here?
I’m a-tryin’ to kill somebody or die tryin’
But the thing that scared me most was when my enemy came close
And I saw that his face looked just like mine”

John Brown tells her that he wondered as to why he had gone to the battlefield while he was in the midst of the battle. He knew that he had to kill or be killed and the thing that scared him the most was the fact that his enemy looked just like him, human!

Oh! Lord! Just like mine!

“And I couldn’t help but think, through the thunder rolling and stink
That I was just a puppet in a play
And through the roar and smoke, this string is finally broke
And a cannonball blew my eyes away”

He knew through the mud and thunder that he was just a puppet amidst all of this. Then the inevitable happened when a cannonball was fired and he was physically handicapped.

As he turned away to walk, his Ma was still in shock
At seein’ the metal brace that helped him stand
But as he turned to go, he called his mother close
And he dropped his medals down into her hand

As he turned to walk away, his mother was in shock seeing the metal brace that was helping him stand. As he turned to go, he called his mother and put down the medals into her hand that she had once glorified not knowing the price one had to pay to earn them.

Biogas: a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels

Food, meat waste saves electricity bills of Salem Corporation ...
Biogas Plant

Biogas is obtained from anaerobic digestion process, a fermentation process, which takes place in a closed airtight digester where organic raw materials such as manure, food waste, sewage sludge and organic industrial waste are converted into biogas and digestate as products. The produced biogas is a mixture of 50-70% methane and 30-50% carbon dioxide and smaller amounts of water vapor, hydrogen sulphide and other minor components and trace elements. The wet digestate results from anaerobic digestion of the substrates, which are pumped out of the digester tank, after the extraction of biogas.

Very simple biogas digesters have been in use in China, India and many other Asian countries for many years. Industrial applications of biogas production started well over 50 years ago as a means of stabilizing sewage sludge at waste water treatment plants. The biogas industry expanded in the 1970’s and 1980’s as increased production of different organic materials (such as manure and industrial wastewater from sugar refinery and pulp mills) became more widely used. Starting in the mid 1990’s extraction of landfill gas (low quality biogas) came to the fore, along with the construction of farm-based biogas plants and anaerobic digestion of solid wastes from food industry and food waste. After 2000’s, there was an increased interest in biogas and so, construction of farm-based biogas plants took place and an industrial sector was established.

The multiple functions of biogas in circular economy:

1. Biogas: a part of the modern society’s energy supply system

Biogas, made from organic waste streams, does not add to the carbon dioxide load in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide produced during combustion of biogas is offset by either the carbon dioxide consumed by the biomass, which is digested. Biogas is thus a “green” sustainable energy vector and has a significant role in shifting to a sustainable decarbonized society. Biogas has many uses in the sustainable society that can be utilized in a broader perspective than today. Industries, as well as households, can use biogas for heating and hot water supply. Biogas can be used to supply warm air for drying, for example, in laundries, carpentries, industrial coating facilities and other places where there is a need for fast and efficient drying. The exhausts from upgraded biogas combustion are clean and do not generate odours or particles.

2. Biogas used for heat and electricity production

The most common use of biogas is in a non-upgraded form for production of electricity and heat production. The default use of biogas is for CHP (Central Heat and Power) production, which is in fact production of renewable electricity and heat, also known as cogeneration. The heat from the CHP engine can also be used to drive an absorption chiller to give a source of cooling, resulting in a combined cooling, heat and power (CCHP), also known as trigeneration. The utilization of the renewable heat is very important, as it brings about significant additional economic and environmental benefits, on top of the utilization of biogas for renewable electricity production.

3. Upgraded biogas or ‘bio-methane’ used as vehicle fuel

Raw biogas can be upgraded in a process which removes hydrogen sulphide, water, particles and CO2 present in the gas. The process creates a gas consisting mainly of methane and thus increases its energy content. Clean upgraded biogas is used as fuel for cars, buses and trucks of various sizes. In several countries, there is a well-developed infrastructure for vehicle gas, and it is possible to fuel natural gas vehicles (NGVs) in the most densely populated areas of such countries. Today, vehicle gas like CNG, LPG is used mostly for buses, trucks and passenger cars.

4. Upgraded biogas ‘bio-methane’ injection into the gas grid

Biomethane from renewable sources is also fed into the national transmission network for natural gas in several countries.

5. Reduction of Green House Gas (GHG) emissions

One of the main reasons for a transition from fossil energy and fuel to renewable energy and fuel is the reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The production of biofuels and bioenergy contributes to a significant reduction of GHG emissions. In many areas around the world, organic substances, considered as waste, are still deposited in landfill sites where they decompose, releasing methane (CH4) with a global warming potential (GWP) 21 times that of CO2. When these streams of organic waste are redirected from landfill to a biogas facility, a significant reduction in methane emissions from landfills occurs.

6. Improved nutrient up-take efficiency in agriculture

Intensive agriculture is one of the major greenhouse gas sources worldwide. These emissions are associated with enteric fermentation, management of manures and production of synthetic fossil fuel based fertilizers. Anaerobic digestion systems remove the easily degradable carbon compounds in feedstocks such as slurries, and converts them to biogas. When the remaining digestate is applied as biofertiliser, the slow to degrade carbon is recycled back to soils, contributing to build up of the humus content of the soil and its long-term suitability for agriculture. Macro and micro-nutrients contained in digestate are predominately in mineral form which makes them easily accessible to the plant roots, compared with nutrients in raw manure and slurry, which are mainly organic compounds, and must be mineralized in order to be up-taken by the plants. As such digestate has a higher nutrient uptake efficiency, compared with raw manure and slurries.

Organic matter in digestate can build up the humus content in the soil; this is a benefit unique to organic fertilizers, which is particularly crucial for arid and semi-arid lands with low carbon content. The destruction of weed seeds in the AD process is another significant benefit to organic farmers.

7. Energy security

Fossil energy is still in abundant use around the world. This energy comes in the form of coal, oil and natural gas from a relatively limited geographical region and is used worldwide. Many countries are thus dependent on a few countries for energy supply. A transition to a bio-based/renewable energy production system would better balance the energy supply situation around the world; more countries and regions would be able to become energy self-sustainable.

8. Optimal utilization of resources

In a sustainable society where resources are used efficiently, what previously was considered to be waste is instead included in a production circle where organic material and nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus are returned to the soil to replace chemical fossil fuel sourced fertilizer. When digesting municipal and industrial food waste such as waste from super markets and restaurants or slaughterhouse waste, biogas is produced, and valuable nutrients accumulate in the digestate where they are easily used as fertilizer. One ton of digested food waste produces 1200 kWh biogas energy, which is enough fuel to drive 1900 km with a gas fueled car. The food waste from 3000 households can fuel a gas bus for a year.

Some countries already have targets for energy recovery from food waste. The Swedish government, for example, has a target that at least half of all generated food waste from households, shops and restaurants be separated and treated to recover nutrients and that 40% is treated to recover energy by 2018.

9. Generating income in rural areas

The biogas plant itself is not labor intensive but it can create new business opportunities in rural areas which otherwise suffer from depopulation. Through collaboration with different farms, the biogas plant can create different job opportunities along the process chain, such as raw material cultivation and collection. By increasing local energy production, income stays in the local area instead of going to global energy markets.

In the future bio-economy, wastes will be transformed to highvalue products and chemical building blocks, fuels, power and heating; biogas facilities will play a vital role in this development, and in the implementation of the novel production paths that arise in the transition to a bio-economy.

The future of the biogas facility is a factory where value is created from previously wasted materials. This ensures sustainability of the environment and potential for financial gain for the local community. The flexibility of the anaerobic digestion system and its ability to digest a multitude of organic feedstocks, while producing a significant range of products ensures the role of anaerobic digestion and biogas in the circular economy.

If you were a food item, what would you have been? And why?

I figure the food I would be is a chocolate secured strawberry. It truly is one of my preferred things to eat. Strawberries are regularly developed in summer which is my preferred season. Chocolate is the best thing on this planet to eat particularly when I or anybody hungers for something extremely sweet. Additionally strawberries have a tart taste to them and the chocolate helps make them better. So in a manner I am a sweet individual to become more acquainted with.

Chocolate Raspberry Cake :: Home Cooking Adventure

Strawberry cake is a cake that utilizes strawberry as an essential fixing. Strawberries might be utilized in the cake player, on cakes and in a strawberry cake’s icing. Some are served chilled or mostly solidified, and they are now and then filled in as a Valentine’s Day dish. The cake has been filled in as a major aspect of the occasions at the Strawberry Festival around of La Trinidad in the Philippines.

Strawberry cakes might be set up with strawberries in the batter,with strawberries on them, with strawberries or a strawberry filling in the middle of the layers of a layer cake, and in any mix thereof. Some are set up with strawberries consolidated into an icing. New or solidified strawberries might be utilized. Some may use strawberry-enhanced gelatin as an ingredient,which can give the cake a pink shading when it is blended in with the hitter. An embellishment of strawberries is utilized on some strawberry cakes.Strawberry cake might be set up as a sans gluten dish.

A few renditions are served chilled, and some are solidified and afterward served in a mostly solidified state. Ricotta cheddar is now and then utilized as a fixing in the cake player or as a garnish. Strawberry cake is in some cases arranged utilizing a readied cake blend as a base, for example, a white cake blend, whereupon extra fixings are added to the player or on the cake.It is here and there arranged and filled in as a dish on Valentine’s Day

On March 20, 2004 at the Strawberry Festival in the La Trinidad, Benguet region of the Philippines, the world’s biggest strawberry shortcake was arranged and affirmed by Guinness World Records. The cake was set up by a few pastry specialists and gauged an all out .

In March 2015 at the La Trinidad Strawberry Festival, 6,000 cuts of strawberry cake were filled in as a component of the occasions. The cakes for the cuts were readied utilizing new strawberries. Extra nourishments served at the occasion included strawberry cupcakes, strawberry kutsinta (a steamed rice cake) and strawberry wine. A few bread shops and eateries provide strawberry cake as a piece of their toll.

Cake is a type of sweet food produced using flour, sugar, and different fixings, that is generally prepared. In their most established structures, cakes were alterations of bread, yet cakes currently spread a wide scope of arrangements that can be straightforward or expound, and that offer highlights with different sweets, for example, baked goods, meringues, custards, and pies.

The most generally utilized cake fixings incorporate flour, sugar, eggs, spread or oil or margarine, a fluid, and raising specialists, for example, heating pop or preparing powder. Basic extra fixings and flavorings incorporate dried, sweetened, or new natural product, nuts, cocoa, and concentrates, for example, vanilla, with various replacements for the essential fixings. Cakes can likewise be loaded up with organic product jam, nuts or treat sauces (like baked good cream), frosted with buttercream or different icings, and beautified with marzipan, funneled outskirts, or sugar coated natural product.

Best Chocolate Cake Recipe | My Baking Addiction

Cake is regularly filled in as a celebratory dish on formal events, for example, weddings, commemorations, and birthday celebrations. There are endless cake plans; some are bread-like, some are rich and expand, and many are hundreds of years old. Cake making is not, at this point a confused technique; while at one time extensive work went into cake making (especially the speeding of egg froths), preparing hardware and headings have been disentangled so that even the most beginner of cooks may heat a cake

The Ultimate Chocolate Cake with Erin McDowell - YouTube

Chocolate cake is made with chocolate. It can likewise incorporate different fixings. These incorporate fudge, vanilla creme, and different sugars. The historical backdrop of chocolate cake returns to 1764, when Dr. James Baker found how to make chocolate by granulating cocoa beans between two monstrous round grinders. In 1828, Coenraad van Houten of the Netherlands built up a mechanical extraction strategy for removing the fat from cacao alcohol bringing about cacao spread and the somewhat defatted cacao, a compacted mass of solids that could be sold as it seemed to be “rock cacao” or ground into powder.The forms changed chocolate from a restrictive extravagance to a cheap every day nibble. A procedure for making silkier and smoother chocolate called conching was created in 1879 by Rodolphe Lindt and made it simpler to prepare with chocolate, as it amalgamates easily and totally with cake hitters. Until 1890 to 1900, chocolate plans were for the most part for chocolate beverages, and its essence in cakes was distinctly in fillings and coatings. In 1886, American cooks started adding chocolate to the cake hitter, to make the primary chocolate cakes in the US.

The Duff Company of Pittsburgh, a molasses producer, presented Devil’s food chocolate cake blends in the mid-1930s, yet presentation was required to be postponed during World War II. Duncan Hines presented a “Three Star Special” (alleged in light of the fact that a white, yellow or chocolate cake could be produced using a similar blend) was presented three years after cake blends from General Mills and Duncan Hines, and took more than 48 percent of the market.

Heavenly Chocolate Cake | Ready Set Eat

In the U.S., “chocolate debauchery” cakes were well known during the 1980s; during the 1990s, single-serving liquid chocolate cakes with fluid chocolate communities and implanted chocolates with intriguing flavors, for example, tea, curry, red pepper, energy natural product, and champagne were famous. Chocolate lounges and high quality chocolate creators were well known during the 2000s. Rich, flourless, everything except flourless chocolate cakes are “now standard in the cutting edge pâtisserie,” as indicated by The New Taste of Chocolate in 2001

I like chocolate cakes so I want to be a cake.

No Excuses: Work Hard

What’s stopping you? Are you too tired? Didn’t get enough sleep? Don’t have enough energy? Don’t have enough time? Is that what’s stopping you right now? Don’t have enough money? Is that the thing? Or is the thing that’s stopping you? Excuses sounds best to the person when the person is making them up. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Wake yourself up or at least wake yourself from inside. Its game on. It’s go season. It’s time for you take advantage of the access and the resources that you have in your country and your community. You got a problem with your life? You got a problem with your environment? Do something about it. If you want go get it.

Recognize the excuses are not valid. They’re conjured up, they’re fabricated and they’re lies. And how do you stop the lies? You stop the lies with the truth. And the truth is you have time, you have the skill, you have the knowledge and the support, the will power, the discipline to get it done. The best of everything good in life begins with a challenge. Everything is uphill that’s worthwhile. And it’s not going to come to you and it’s not going to fall in your lap and it’s not going to be something that, wow, it just was so simple, its always going to be difficult. If you want it, you got to get it. This is your chance. This is your shot. This is your moment. This is your time. This is your place. This is your opportunity. There is no such things for tomorrow but we only got today. It’s your dream if you’re going to have it than get up and make it happen. If you are going to possess it rise and grind. You still got work to do.

Nothing in life is worth it unless you’re taking risks. But giving excuses make your dreams falling apart. Self discipline and being able to perform and being able to keep your life on schedule and being able to keep commitments and promises and meet deadline is essential for success. Start by being responsible. Responsibility comes up with the way of thinking and being. You know your ability. Take the responsibility of improving yourself. Your skills are the best companion for you. Work hard to improve your skills. Don’t expect many but manage your expectations. Self empowering is all you need. Motivate yourself for day-to-day tasks. Don’t let any negativity enter in your mind. Take back your time, wasting it will make you weak.

Everybody messes once or many time in their life. But giving up is not an option. You need to build yourself. You need to improve yourself. Don’t lie about anything and specially when it comes to improvement of your own worth. Personal accountability is also important. Think, what needs you to improve, believe in yourself and then do it without giving an excuses.

“A winner is a dreamer who never gives up.”- By: Nelson Mandela

Free food grain scheme extension till November : PM Modi

PM Modi addressing Nation

Keeping the pandemic in mind Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday announced the extension of a key government scheme for free food grain to more than 80 crore poor people till November.

PM Modi’s announcement came during his address to the nation as the country’s coronavirus disease (Covid-19) tally surged beyond 5.66 lakh.

“This time of festivals also increases needs and expenses. Keeping all these things in mind, it has been decided that the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana should now be extended till Diwali and Chhath Puja, that is, by the end of November,” PM Modi said in his sixth address to the nation since the coronavirus pandemic started.

“More than Rs 90,000 crore will be spent in this expansion of Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Ann Yojna. If you add the expenses of the last three months to it, then it becomes almost one and a half lakh crore rupees,” he added during the virtual address.

PM Modi said that “hardworking farmers and honest taxpayers” have helped push the government’s food scheme as he thanked them for their efforts.

“Today, if the government is able to provide free food grains to the poor and the needy, the credit goes to two sections. First, the hardworking farmers of our country and second, the honest taxpayers. I thank you from my heart,” he said.

PM Modi also urges people of the country to continue to follow the rules of WHO, wearing masks, washing hands, and maintaining the distance of two-yard. He also stressed not to be careless about these rules.

“With this resolve, we 130 crore countrymen have to work together with the resolution to work and move forward. Once again I pray for you and urge all of you to be healthy, keep following the two-yard rule, use gamchas, and mask always. Do not be careless,” he said.

“Earlier, we were very cautious about masks, maintaining a two-yard distance, washing hands several times a day for 20 seconds,” the Prime Minister said.

He also appreciated that the ruled were followed by the government, local body entities, and citizens of the country.

“The rules were followed very seriously during the lockdown. Now governments, local body entities, citizens of the country need to show the same vigilance again,” he added.

India reported 18,522 new Covid-19 cases in the last 24 hours, slightly lower than Sunday’s record of 19,906, according to the Union health ministry Tuesday.

India is behind only the United States, Brazil, and Russia in total cases with more than 566,000 infections. More than 16,800 people have died in the country.


When the the ‘COVID-19′ was disvovered as pandemic then almost everywhere the lockdown has been announced. Here, in India people faced the crisis of lockdown due to this deadly virus started in the last weeks of March. When the cases were under control and people had the fear as the crucial consequences faced by China, Italy, USA,,,people were really afraid back then to come out of the houses. This lockdown have the positive consequences as well. These days just seemed like olden days where after 7 o’ clock people were not used to come out of the house, Spending time with family.., Watching epics of India ‘Ramayan and Mahabharat’ alleviating junkies and outside food..! Enjoying the pure home made food by our beloved mother.., Helping mother cleaning the house etc., Which taught us how to stick at home, how to avoid outside food, mingling well with family, watching some old Epics etc., The home looks proper home as everyone are home and sit together to have meals. The nature got healed it self, less of air pollution, the animals which were last seen in the late 80’s and early 90’s were yet again discovered. The animals again had the freedom… birds chirping were heard again..people were utilizing there terrace which were not given consideration before. People have less work load as work from home has been introduced and can work as per our convenience. Students has no tension as its vacation time..a long..long vacation..! But is a trouble for parents at the same time :/ 4 months has been completed of being home with some sort relaxation outside to buy essentials and to open shop for partial hours. Back then, when cases were less the fear of it was on peak and now the cases are crosing millions worldwide where the fear is almost nil for some people. The vaccination has been introduced and has got approval to test it on humans but the virus isn’t vanished..still the precautions has to be taken and almost for a year and half the mask and the sanitation has to be mandatorily followed.

Till then stay home, stay safe!!

Content is fire social media is gasoline.

Social media is a medium that is growing quite prevenlant nowadays because of its user freindly characteristics.It is a kind of platform through which we can connect to people sitting in any corner of the World at any time (24*7).Every year on 30 the June is celebrated as ‘Social Media Day’.Social media is a bliss to humanity as it makes interaction with people in a faster way, it makes globalisation a reality, it gives a chance to introvert to express themselves.It is way to build international relationships whether it is a business or social.Website such as ‘Facebook’ makes communication much easy task.Facebook allows people to share photos,post -comments, and view people personal information.The most notable feature of social media is its magnificent source of education.All the knowledge which one wants is a snap away.Furthermore it provides a live platform through which you can achieve lectures occuring in America while you seated in India.Most importantly Instagram, pinterest provides a way through which young aspiring artist can showcase their skills for free.Through LinkedIn,Instagram,Facebook people can get job now opportunities.Now even companies are using social media platforms to promote their buisness.It has converted a hub for promotion and proposes great shot for combing with the customers.

Growing level of competition good for youth

A horse never runs so fast as when he has other horses to catch up and outpace.-Ovid

Competition!competition!competition!No matter,if you go to a school,or an higher institution, or you are a job aspirant (government or private),or you own a shop, you work at any sector;a certain level of competition will hang on your head to gear you up at every point of your life. And if you try and escape from the monster, in one way or the other, it comes back to you, to remind your purpose of existence over this earth.But the real question of the hour is, does competition pumps up a person? Or does it make them feel more distressed? We all are surrounded by innmuberable questions, that makes the most intrinsic parts of our lives, but eventually fail to answer them. Who scored the best? Who is this year’s CBSE topper? Who all got the promotion? Why did you not achieve that rank? And etc etc etc. finally making, either the person think upon it, do to better, or sadly making them disheartened over their loss.Living in a society as this, who wants nothing but success, it has now become common phenomenon to see people competing against each other, sometimes winning, and sometimes failing. The extent to which their winning and losing matter, does nothing, stretches the line of demarcation about how good or evil the competition becomes for them. The term, healthy competition, which is getting more and more popularity today, may seem convincing, but it actually does not matter, unless the person understands its literal sense. So, consequently, the question is still the same, directly or indirectly, how good is competition for the youth? Whether you are a youngster, or a child, competition begins right from the day you step out of the womb of your mother. But, for an adult or youngster, it becomes much more difficult to get up and walk along the path that they have choose for themselves. If you are a school pass out, first thing you have to do is try and get the best carrier path for yourself, and the tussle doesn’t end there, to get the right job becomes another duty. But, if you are fighting for a competitive exam, dedication and struggle is all, that you have to do, but if you fail, the responsibility comes upon you, and to kill your motive, “words of the world” are enough. And if you are seeking for a job, you have to be perfect of all. Leading to more and more compitiveness among the youth.Talking about the goodness of competition in youths’ lives, it is totally dependent upon the perception of oneself, so as to be a burden of oneself, or just get pressurised over what hasn’t been well, yet. The term, healthy competition, which has been called upon many a times to motivate people, has worked out for those who really know what it is conveying, but the people who have less dedication towards what they want, and are confused as to what to do, ones they fail, are more likely to be disappointed with their own expectations. Putting all your heart and soul into something and still not getting out the results, and seeing everyone else moving ahead, is like a jerk to the soul. But, still working over it is the indication, that you are progressing in life, cutting through all the rough routes you have been into.

Competition actually pumps any person up to work more and more over something, but giving up on it does not have to be the only option, because once you stop, starting from the scratch remains the only option, eventually seeing others moved far off.

Daddy ❤

You do not do, you do not doAny more, black shoeIn which I have lived like a footFor thirty years, poor and white,Barely daring to breathe or Achoo.Daddy, I have had to kill you.You died before I had time–Marble-heavy, a bag full of God,Ghastly statue with one gray toeBig as a Frisco sealAnd a head in the freakish AtlanticWhere it pours bean green over blueIn the waters off beautiful Nauset.I used to pray to recover you.Ach, du.In the German tongue, in the Polish townScraped flat by the rollerOf wars, wars, wars.But the name of the town is common.My Polack friendSays there are a dozen or two.So I never could tell where youPut your foot, your root,I never could talk to you.The tongue stuck in my jaw.It stuck in a barb wire snare.Ich, ich, ich, ich,I could hardly speak.I thought every German was you.And the language obsceneAn engine, an engineChuffing me off like a Jew.A Jew to Dachau, Auschwitz, Belsen.I began to talk like a Jew.I think I may well be a Jew.The snows of the Tyrol, the clear beer of ViennaAre not very pure or true.With my gipsy ancestress and my weird luckAnd my Taroc pack and my Taroc packI may be a bit of a Jew.I have always been scared of you,With your Luftwaffe, your gobbledygoo.And your neat mustacheAnd your Aryan eye, bright blue.Panzer-man, panzer-man, O You–Not God but a swastikaSo black no sky could squeak through.Every woman adores a Fascist,The boot in the face, the bruteBrute heart of a brute like you.You stand at the blackboard, daddy,In the picture I have of you,A cleft in your chin instead of your footBut no less a devil for that, no notAny less the black man whoBit my pretty red heart in two.I was ten when they buried you.At twenty I tried to dieAnd get back, back, back to you.I thought even the bones would do.But they pulled me out of the sack,And they stuck me together with glue.And then I knew what to do.I made a model of you,A man in black with a Meinkampf lookAnd a love of the rack and the screw.And I said I do, I do.So daddy, I’m finally through.The black telephone’s off at the root,The voices just can’t worm through.If I’ve killed one man, I’ve killed two–The vampire who said he was youAnd drank my blood for a year,Seven years, if you want to know.Daddy, you can lie back now.There’s a stake in your fat black heartAnd the villagers never liked you.They are dancing and stamping on you.They always knew it was you.Daddy, daddy, you bastard, I’m through

Sylvia Plath