Racism in India |Why India remain silent when it comes to their own country

Everyone might be aware of the incident happened in the USA a few weeks ago that led protest all over the world. George Floyd death. On 25 May 2020 George Floyd, a 46 -year old African American man was killed by white Minneapolis Police. This all started when a restaurant owner complaint about George Floyd using a counterfeit bill. During an arrest for allegedly using a fraud currency, officer Derek Chauvin kneeled on his neck for almost nine minutes while Floyd was handcuffed and lying face down, while repeatedly saying that ”I can’t breathe” until Floyd was motionless and had no pulse. The incident was recorded by bystanders, which was widely spread. People outsource their voice against injustice, the video goes viral activating protests and flaring global anger.

A few weeks ago I witnessed the people outsourcing their voice through the social media saying ”Blacks Lives Matter” against injustice. I am proud of all them for lifting their voices for the community which is highly oppressed over the years. But why we remain silent when it comes to our own country. In 2014, Nido Tania a college student died due to severe lung and brain injuries by an attack upon him in a South Delhi market by a shopkeeper and some men. He was beaten with iron rods and stick and another day he was found dead on the bed. What was his mistake? That he was from northeast India. Activists and students expressed their anger and outrage over Nido’s death with the candle-light march. But nothing has changed over the years. Still so many Indians are voiceless about the disease prevailing in our own country. It is not the only case of injustice against northeast people. During this COVID-19 crisis in Bangalore, a report was filed against the staff of a popular supermarket chain, when two northeast people were denied to enter the supermarket, came to buy grocery items. They were denied because of their appearance. Ethnic discrimination is one of the biggest problem in India. I ask all of you again what was their mistake? They just came to the supermarket to buy groceries they were denied because they were from northeast India. Is this justified? Indians outsource their voice against Injustice for George Floyd and we have to stand with our own people facing this discrimination over the years .” Be the change that you want to see in the world”. Northeast Indians are not only community suffering. Siddhi community (African-Indians) are still going through the same phase. Siddhis are the African tribes that were brought 600 years before as a Slave and caste system keep them in extreme poverty for centuries. In 2003, they have been granted as the status of scheduled tribes. There are many cases of discrimination with the tribe in India, which make India as the most racist country. Every life matter and its high time we stand against injustice and raise our voice.

Please let me know your thoughts in the comment below and have a wonderful day.

I’ll Do That Later

pro meme

If you can relate to even one of these memes then you, my friend, are a procrastinator.

Many of you won’t even know what procrastination means. So let us begin with that. It is the act of delaying or postponing something. Perhaps an example would help you better.

It is Sunday night. Or Monday morning, whichever way you want to classify 2 a.m. at night. You have to get up at 6 in the morning for a presentation for which you started working just two hours ago. The clock is ticking and you’re working furiously all the while cursing yourself for not starting sooner.

How did this happen? Where did all the time go? What were you doing earlier?

Now you remember that you were not motivated enough to do the task at hand. The hours you were busy scrolling through your various social media accounts are slowly starting to haunt you. The time you spent on all the coffee breaks is coming back to you in flashes. You regret doing small and comparatively less useful tasks that could safely be left for a later time.

pro title

Procrastination is a common trap that many of us fall into without even realizing it. It is often confused with laziness but they are not the same. Laziness is an unwillingness to act. Procrastination, on the other hand, is ignoring an important task in favor of one that is easier simply because you find it more interesting. So, how do you deal with this everyday evil in your lives?

Dealing with Procrastination

  • Realize: To overcome procrastinating, the first step is to realize and accept the fact that you are procrastinating. Some signs include your day being filled with low priority tasks, or you wait for the right time to start a task, or you switch focus when you want to avoid doing something.
  • Work out the why: The next step is working out the why of the problem. Sometimes the task could be boring or it could be your poor organization skills and decision-making skills. More often than not, perfectionists avoid doing a task completely assuming that they don’t have the required skills for it rather than doing something imperfectly. Many people also fear success as much as they fear failure.


  • Strategies: The final step is adopting some of the anti-procrastination strategies to make your life better. Commit yourself to a task and promise yourself an immediate reward. Tackle the tasks as soon as they arise and avoid a buildup. More importantly, know that peer pressure works. Ask your friends and family to check up on you. Minimize the distractions in your day. These include surfing on the web, watching television while doing your work, or killing time in other creative ways. The most important thing is to do the task that you find unpleasant the first thing in the morning. This will clear up your day to concentrate on things you find enjoyable and will leave you in a better mood throughout the day.

Act bravely daily. Starting today. Take a first step, then another, and then another. After all, life rewards action.

Image Courtesy: GOOGLE


Hide and Seek with the plants around you

The plants in your pot are ready to interact. A plant starts its life from seed, maybe from a spore, etc. So, can it talk to us if it is living? It can but not directly when we don’t water a plant, and it does dry up, indicating it requires to be hydrated. Do you know the oldest tree was the Prometheus, but it was cut down in 1964 when the tree aged about more than 4900 years? Another name on the list is the Pando, located in Fishlake National Forest in the US, which may be around a million years old.

A tree is outshining in the hill with full glory.

In the era of technology, plants also get advanced by smart gadgets, like using a moisture sensor, know if the soil is moist and does it require water or not. Also, many nature enthusiasts do find creative ways of plant saplings in a plastic bottle, reusing it rather than cluttering up in the ecosystem. The noticeable fact is that trees are being relentless cut for the development of a new area, timber production, and the ecosystem air quality is decreasing day by day. Now, let’s know what the actual matter is.

Dewdrops on the grass.

Researchers at a reserve tropical forest in Chamela-Cuixmala, Mexico from Europe and North America investigated around 28 different species of insects, 20 varieties of plants. They concluded that the plants hide with their chemical secretions to protect themselves from insects. The plants are already vulnerable due to human intervention and now evolved itself to protect from other intruders too. The actual working which got noticed was that the plants try to smell like the neighboring plant by its volatile organic compounds (VOCs). A herbivore may not be able to distinguish the favorite plant by its smell. This phenomenon happens because plants are at the lowest level of a food chain, it cannot fulfill all expectations, even the plants can vanish all of a sudden, but this won’t happen in reality until some worse scenarios do pop up in the environment.

A deer feeding on the grass.

Similarly, the smell emitted by the plants also works for insects such as caterpillars that eat plants. They distinguish between edible and toxic plants and try to avoid feeding them to themselves by the sense of their smell. In 2018, during the rainy season, the scientists searched up for hatchlings on leaves of target plants alongside leaves gathered from host plant species. The plants changed and camouflaged to prevent itself eaten by insects.

The ants are moving around on the leaves.

There’s a complicated relationship between the plants to nature. It won’t be able to demystify it very quickly. There are more than 300 thousand different species of plants and growing every day. Instead of such changes in nature, we can protect the plants by keeping it pest free, although not all insects are harmful to a plant. Like the bees helps to pollinate the flower, you may also notice the ladybugs. They help to get rid of other insect pests without damaging the plant they grow on. There are lots of miracles to be disclosed by nature.

River ganga – the goddess of India

Emerging from the pure hairs of the lord Shiva, the river Ganga, is considered the holiest and the purest of all, which is said to heal up all the pains and grievings of those who worship it with a pure heart. Despite being worshipped for centuries, its condition is has been worsened over the past few years. Continuous growth of the human civilization and performing the rituals at the same time has become a bane for the river that is worshipped with love and respect.Originating from the lap of Himalayas, it has made its way through most of the states in India. Right from Gangotri, to West Bengal it sheds its water and provides livelihood to million and thousands of humans as well as animals.

Ganga – the holy river

The Ganges, it is the sacred river to Hindus along every fragment of its length. Every year millions of people come and pay homage to the holy river and bring back with them the pure water of this river, along with performing lots and lots of rituals, such as paying homage to their ancestors, offering flowers. And its historic significance is worth noting that makes it the most beautiful and sacred rivers in the history of Indian culture.

The story begins with a sage, Kapila, whose intense meditation has been disturbed by the sixty thousand sons of King Sagara. Livid at being disturbed, Kapila sears them with his angry gaze, reduces them to ashes, and dispatches them to the netherworld. Only water of Ganges, then in heaven, can bring the dead sons their salvation. A descendant of these sons, king, Bhagirath, anxious to restore his ancestors, undertakes rigorous penance and is eventually granted the prize of Ganges’s descent from heaven. However, her turbulent force could also have shattered the earth, Bhagirath persuades Shiva in his abode on Mount Kailash to receive Ganges in the coils of his tangled hair & break her fall. Ganges descends, and arrives in the Himalayas.

It’s history and religious significance is far from what we hear and believe today. The river that has been given the status of “mother”, it has been seen from time to time in different contexts and religious books. Yet, one or the other story is left behind which seems to be there in Puranas and books.

Ganga – geology and humans

Made with the confluence of Bhagirathi and Alaknanda rivers, the length of the river is frequently said to be slightly over 2,600 km long. The discharge of of the Ganges also differs by source, and it has changed its course a different periods of time.Human development, mostly agriculture, has replaced nearly all of the original natural vegetation of the Ganges basin. More than 95% of the upper Gangetic Plain has been degraded. The river suffers from severe pollution, caused due to dwelling of millions of people close to the river, industrial waste, sewerage disposal and mining, etc.

World Bank estimates that the health costs of water pollution in India equals 3% of India’s GDP.

Adding a huge amount of pollution to the river the cities of Varanasi, Kolkata, Patna, Kanpur produces the most waste that eventually results in conditions such as –

  • Shortage of water for basic requisites
  • Killing of large and rare fauna species
  • Degradation of quality of water
  • High risk of water borne diseases

Economy, environment and mission –

The river Ganga is not only a river, but attracts a large number of tourists every year because of its long history and religious beliefs associated with it. The Kumbh Mela, is one such example that attracts millions of “Bhakts” and tourists from every corner of the world. Adding to the country’s economy and providing a fair amount of money in terms of tourism. But, it is an unfortunate circumstances for the country that the holiest river is constantly loosing its beauty and religious belief due to increased risk of pollution and water degradation. Due to which the government is constrained to take stricter actions.Several projects, such as Namami Gange programme, NMCG (National Mission for Clean Ganga), Rejuvenation Protection and Management. The government has also made tireless efforts to maintain a ministry for Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation. A total budgetary outlay of Rs. 20,000 crores for 5 years period till dec. 2020 has been provided to accomplish the twin objective of effective abatement of pollution, conservation and rejuvenation of National River Ganga.It’s never too late to start off with a good deed and protect our national wealth, and its the right time to prevent our sacred river Ganga from getting degraded and providing it a new life, so that not only us, humans could be benefited, but can provide a home to rare and endangered species of flora and fauna. Be it government, or the common country man, the joint effort of both can bring unbelievable results and preserve its historicity, economy as well as the geology of the country.

What drives one towards Adventure Sports?

Adventure Sports are also popularized as Extreme Sports. Notwithstanding, they are much more than your usual outdoor sports involving intense and also, at times, life threatening actions, thereby giving rise to an adventurous aura around an individual.
The basic requirement for Adventure Sports is extraordinary speed, scaling heights, physical exertion in order to ace these death-defying stunts.
The popular sports include Rock climbing, Mountaineering Rafting, Scuba Diving, Trekking, Base Jumping, Skiing, Hang gliding, Paragliding, Windsurfing, Skydiving, Kayaking etc.

Ah no, this article is not going to dig too much into the types of adventure sports and numerous ways in which they’re carried out but rather I’ll be here, generalizing the whole concept of adventure sports and taking information, pretty much in detail, about the human
mindset and psychological factors which drive one towards taking up those sports and  engaging in life thrilling actions.

1) Self Confidence Booster:
Individuals who take part in adventure sports are in constant competition with their own selves and therefore they take pride and valour in their achievements upon accomplishing their goals by overcoming fear and experiencing thrill which boosts there morale and uplifts the self confidence.

2) Facing Challenges Against Odd Scenarios:

  Adventure Sports help in developing traits which in return, help the individuals to face the challenges and also overcome them against all the odds quite, confidently and efficiently and they come out even stronger than before, as you must have seen in the interviews of some adventurous personalities. Thus, Adventure Sports aids in instilling courage and dedication in the individual.

3) Nurturing The Bond With The Natural Surroundings:

As we all must be well familiar that most of the adventure sports take place amidst the nature which give the participants a chance to explore it’s horizons and thus strengthening that natural bond with the ecology. This happens due to the constant exposure to the natural environment which also results in one becoming more kind & compassionate and learning to co-exist with the planet and its beings, something which we humans have terribly failed at.

4) Proper Utilisation Of Abundant Energy and Ardour:

Adventure Sports encourage the participants to channelise their energy and  enthusiasm in the right positive manner which helps in the holistic development and in relieving all kinds of stress and anxiety. Moreover, taking up Adventure Sports also helps the individual in developing habits of extended attention because one goes through a series of absorbing experiences,  thereby increasing concentration.

5) In Proving The Statement “Human Being Is A Social Animal” Right To Certain Degrees:
Adventure Sports includes hiking, trekking & camping, Mountaineering, rafting, Rock climbing which provide ample opportunities to nourish and recreate social relations because these adventure sports are often undertaken in small teams or groups where one is supposed to interact constantly and communication skills development follows. Notwithstanding, one becomes more kind and open and thus it helps in improving social relations. It helps in stimulating an environment of friendliness, supporting the basic principles of humanity in general. Qualities such as cooperation, helping tendency, mutual understanding, sincerity, patience fraternity, tolerance, sympathy, acceptance are also developed

So, besides the fact that Adventure Sports offer opportunities to push one’s limits, battle it out in the extreme conditions, make full use of the overflowing passion and energy and gain thrill & pleasure; it also helps in shaping the personality of an individual.

“corona DEVI”

Woman worshipping “Corona Devi”

COVID-19 : Corona virus is believed to be originated from China’s Wuhan city has left the world in serious condition. Many countries are suffering with the spike of cases.

After India’s cases tally rises, parts of rural areas has started worshipping ‘Corona Devi’ . Suddenly corona virus converted into ‘corona devi ‘ Goddess in hope that this will protect them from covid-19 infection.

Corona Goddess is being worshiped in parts of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand and Assam. In Uttar Pradesh, women in some villages in Kushinagar district and in many districts of Bihar, including Nalanda, Gopalganj, Saran, Muzaffarpur superstition run deep.

These women have dug a small pit in the field, filled it with water and each one offers nine cloves and nine ‘ladoos’ to ‘Corona Mai’ to appease her. Women from adjoining villages are flocking to the ‘temple’ to pray to ‘Corona Mai’. The women, though, are seen maintaining social distancing. Chants of “jai Corona mai” and “Corona mata ki jai” echoed in some open fields. A group of women took a dip in the Ganga and offered prayers at the river bank. Seven pits were made and after lighting incense, jaggery and sesame along with ‘ladoos’ and flowers were buried into the ground.

In many areas, the worship is also done by offering ‘poha’ to the ‘Corona Devi’.

According to the village in Dhanbad, women said that Corona Mai, who had come in dreams in the form of a cow and gradually turned into a lady saying that if people in India would start worshipping her, she will go from where she has come. Therefore, villagers performed puja here today to ward off corona virus from this country. Some said, viral videos and messages forced them to worship to get rid off corona.

Some local people have appealed to the district administration to stop such activities which spread superstition and misinformation and also such activities marks a spot for risk of pandemic.

Videos of women performing puja have gone viral on social media. Twitter flooded with #CoronaMai and in many villages of Bihar, women have resorted to worshipping what they call #CoronaDevi, a perceived angry goddess who shall turn benevolent if prayers are offered. People can’t believe that people have come up with such a superstition in the time when the entire world is fighting against the pandemic. While scientists and doctors are struggling to invent Corona virus vaccine.

Amid the lockdown, these kinds of superstitions, misinformation, viral material are very dangerous which creates negative awareness among people.

Is Netflix Worth of your time?

Binge over on your favorite show is a best way to relax in your leisure time .But reality is that Netflix is become an addiction over a time.Stranger things ,Locke and key will definitely compel you to watch all the episodes in one go .I am saying it all by my own experience .Once you start watching you start developing a interest after that you can’t go back until you watch all the episodes in one go .I buy subscription of Netflix to watch little things 2 but later on I developed interest in more and more of their shows and sometime it lead to delaying my other stuff (like studies)just to binge over a show .After watching a series like locke and key one can’t let it go and start wondering about the magical keys whose that lady in the well and ultimately that curiosity make you watch the whole series in one go .

It is not denial ,that Netflix is highly addictive and letting your work suffer due to this is not a great deal at all.I am saying all this by my own experience .Okay , let me clear one thing i am not saying that Netflix is a waste of time .Well i just want to say binging over your favorite show on Netflix throughout your day letting your work suffer is not a great deal in my opinion . Some of people might think that Netflix can’t teach you anything and it’s only about fun to binge watch and that’s it all about .But i have a different opinion in this .Netflix offers some educational shows for elementary to high school students like Bill Nye: Science ,Guy,The Universe and many more .Even more than that Netflix have some documentaries that is worth of your time like “Steve Jobs: The Man in the Machine” and many more .Netflix shows eventually help you in improving your grasp over English language.In my perception Netflix offers numerous of learning shows and more than that it has some shows which teach life lessons ‘The Help’ and many more .So in my opinion Netflix is worth of time if we manage our time properly .

And surely one can think what made me write this .In this pandemic ,Even offices and malls have reopened due to economical crisis but still we students are locked up in their homes for our safety measures .Okay ,let me ask you a question .Please be truthful to yourself .How many of you have learned something new even if you binge watching over you favorite show ? Okay ,let me guess only few of you said yes .May be i am wrong .Most of you said yes .Okay but even few of said no remember rather than wasting your time start learning something new from now onward .It’s never too late.I am not saying that binge watching is not worth time .But it surely waste of time when you will not manage your time properly .It’s just a piece of advice from my side not i am imposing anything on anybody .Just think over it.

Please let me know your thoughts in the comment below and have a wonderful day.

9 Coolest New Gadgets of 2020

Precisely multi decade back, 4G was the hot new thing, TVs were monstrous, and everybody’s mobile phones slid open. Simply envision what the following ten years will bring. On the off chance that we truly satisfy our innovational potential, it’ll be a huge number of advancements that will effectively yank our planet away from the tricky edge it is wavering upon. You know, the one where we’re going to dive into irreversible atmosphere calamity. A dull reality! We should reign in the fate and anguish for a second however and center around the now.

Toward the start of January, a tremendous customer hardware public exhibition called CES is held in Las Vegas, where organizations of all shapes and sizes uncover all the cool new stuff that they’ve been taking a shot at. A lot of this stuff is not even close to being prepared to really offer to genuine shoppers, since it’s excessively extraordinary or advanced or high-idea or the entirety of the abovementioned.

What’s more, in case you’re searching for the cool sort of tech that you can purchase at the present time, head along these lines for our top picks devices—from earbuds to cutting edge jean coats—of the previous year.

Mercedes-Benz VISION AVTR


It is highly unlikely in damnation this machine will hit black-top in 2020. It may never hit black-top. All things considered, it is both crazy and earth-accommodating, so along these lines significant. To make the AVTR, Mercedes-Benz collaborated with James Cameron and the Avatar group, subsequently the name, to conceptualize exactly how a vehicle can get one with its condition without really being a plant—and converge with its driver with no essential tail interfacing. The appropriate response is the progressed, theoretical innovation of AVTR that Mercedes-Benz exhibited at CES, extending from independent driving (there’s no directing haggle) fiercely proficient electric battery to neurons that stream around the vehicle to detect travelers’ vitality. Sure! Furthermore, the depiction of this vehicle ish vehicle continues getting more stunning. It can roll sideways like a crab on turning wheels. The back is secured with smaller than usual sun based boards. It perceives its driver’s breathing examples. It does everything except for fly. We will need to reconsider how we envision the eventual fate of transportation.

KEEP Cannabis Storage


We’re jumping from the future back to the present, where cannabis is getting dressed up to facilitate its way to legitimization and social acknowledgment. The new KEEP stockpiling compartment for cannabis is watchful outwardly—its presentation has a clock and climate data—yet it opens to uncover various extra rooms for various types of cannabis items and a moving plate. The kicker is its locking framework, which works through facial acknowledgment or an information encoded application. On the off chance that somebody who isn’t you is attempting to get into your reserve, at that point you’ll get a warning, which is viable in the event that you have houseguests, children, or ravenous flat mates. KEEP is accessible for pre-request now for $152, with shipments inexactly wanted to go out in the spring. (Amusingly, Keep Labs was given an advancement grant by CES however banished from utilizing cannabis symbolism or verbage at CES, so it skirted the show.

Samsung Sero TV


CES is in every case enthusiastic about TV declarations, and particularly important is Samsung’s new Sero TV, since its characterizing highlight goes past LED and 4K and what have you. It appears to be so self-evident: a TV that advances from the flat plane to the, wheeze, vertical plane. That is the thing that Samsung is doing with The Sero, which signifies “vertical” in Korean. This QLED TV, effectively accessible in South Korea and going worldwide this year, flips with the goal that longways it looks like a 43-inch telephone screen. That implies it’s optimal for reflecting an Instagram or TikTok feed from your Galaxy telephone, should you have one. What a stunt. Also, here you trusted you’d be taking a gander at your telephone screen less in 2020.

LG Signature OLED TV R


One of LG’s 2020 TVs advances from even to non-existent by folding down into its base when it’s not required. LG appeared this OLED 4K HDR savvy TV at CES a year ago, and this year affirmed that the thing will go marked down in the U.S. at some point in 2020. And all you need is a reputed $60,000, as indicated by CNET. That’s right, $60,000 for a 65-inch TV that squares and afterward unblocks a view, embodying the expression “less screen time” yet leaving you with a not-irrelevant base to battle with. In any event that screen is move tried to guarantee the best quality (for example no breakage or scratches) for quite a long time. In any case, when one CES TV flips and another vanishes through and through, we realize tech organizations are getting astounding with how we sit in front of the TV.

Alienware Concept UFO


The selling point for this gaming contraption is straightforward: It’s the Nintendo Switch of PC gaming, with separable cons, a “connect” to associate those two isolates cons to make one major controller, an eight-inch show, and a kickstand to prop up the screen. Be that as it may, most fundamentally, Alienware analyzes its capacity to that of a PC gaming gadget to help games that the Switch won’t. Shockingly however, it’s only an idea with no solid designs for creation or rollout, so you’re left with the Switch library or your telephone until further notice.

PopSocket PopPower Home


This device should’ve appeared in any event a year prior. In the event that you’ve become tied up with PopSocket culture, you realize it’s fundamentally difficult to accuse a more up to date cell phone of a PopGrip on the back utilizing a remote, Qi-empowered charger without expelling the PopGrip, which is an undeniable irritation. So PopSocket discharged its answer, planned to CES: a remote charger with a little hole dug out on a superficial level for the PopGrip to fit snuggly into without hindering the charging procedure. They’re $60 each, and they’re as of now sold out. Clearly, there were a great deal of baffled PopSocketers out there.



Exactly when you’d thought you were paying for each spilling administration accessible to humanity, another springs up. As Quibi prepares itself for an April 6 introduction on cell phones, however not TVs, it gave a keynote address at CES to account for itself. The bluff notes form: It’s a membership based help with unique programming for telephone seeing as it were. For instance, its films could be sectioned into 10-minute clasps, or shows could have short-enough scenes to see effectively in a hurry. A portion of the substance was shot in a manner so that in the event that you flip your telephone while watching it, you’ll get an alternate point of view. What’s more, Quibi has huge name on-screen characters marked on for secretive tasks, as Chrissy Teigen, Zac Efron, Idris Elba, and Steph Curry. In case you’re sold—or even only a smidgen inquisitive concerning how this is not quite the same as Netflix—you can hope to pay $5 every month for Quibi with promotions and $8 per month for Quibi sans advertisements.

Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Fold


Collapsing screens are so hot at the present time. They’re simply not extremely down to earth, essentially on the grounds that, as for the situation with the Samsung Galaxy Fold, they feel as though a firm shake will break their screens. However, there’s space to develop and improve, as showed by Lenovo’s new foldable PC, the ThinkPad X1 Fold. There are a great deal of setups where to utilize it, and should you need a progressively conventional PC set-up, it accompanies a smaller than usual console connection that folds into the machine. The OLED show is 13.3 inches, the machine is 2.2 pounds, and the pivot in as far as anyone knows pressure tried. Lenovo plans to get it out mid-2020, beginning at $2,499.
Weber Connect Smart Grilling Hub


This is a great one: Weber designed a $130 gadget that connects to your flame broil and matches up with your cell phone so you can more readily screen the temperature and done-ness of your meat and veggies. That implies warnings and data through a Weber application. In the event that you name yourself a “barbecue ace” while utilizing it, that considers cheating. In any case, the food will represent itself with no issue.

Razer Tomahawk


This DIY work area PC is most likely not at all like one you’ve seen previously, chiefly in light of the fact that it’s littler than the large, blaring, form your-own PCs accessible at this point. Razer’s new Tomahawk is secluded, so you can pop parts into place—no instruments required, so Razer says—with an incredible and exceptionally minimized Intel PC and amazing designs for gaming.

The embodiment of L to P of Leadership and still learning!

“He listened to my idea for a minute, started (resumed) playing the game (on PlayStation) and said, ‘Do what you want, I have complete belief in you.’ And the next day I started bowling over the stumps.”
Said Ravichandran Ashwin in an interview with Cricbuzz decoding the strategy of Warner’s dismissal (in Bengaluru Test, 2017) that he had mentally worked out, to his Captain.
Need I say anything more about how should a good leader be?
“Ashwin had picked up 2 wickets in the first innings including that of Warner and in the second innings he ran through the Australian batting line-up by picking six for 41 as India drew level with a 75-run victory.

India then went on to win the series 2-1.”
(Source: Hindustan Times)
Virat has, for sure, set some high standards in always backing the instincts of his bowlers and letting them experiment freely, while also chipping in with his valuable inputs and setting the wickets of/field for particular batsmen.

“All three of us — Ishant (Sharma), (Jasprit) Bumrah, and I want to bowl with a new ball. When we are not able to choose, we approach Virat to decide. But he throws the ball back in our court saying whatever you all decide is fine by me,” Shami said.
Source: India TV

“We were playing the 3rd Test against Sri Lanka at the Feroz Shah Kotla. It was getting into a draw and Chandimal was batting on 140 or 150, Ash was bowling, Chandimal hit one towards midwicket. It was in the mandatory overs, the match was going to end and he got a 248 in that match if I am not mistaken. And he runs as if his life depended on that ball, picks that ball and does an acrobatic throw,” R Sridhar, The fielding Coach of Team India told FanCode.

“You have a captain, who comes out to fielding practice till the time he is bleeding, I have seen that. There have been times where I would tell him – Virat enough. I have to save Virat from Virat sometimes. You have a captain like that, for me, it’s a dream come true,” he added.
Source: cricketaddictor.com

During an exclusive interview on Star Sports Cricket Connected, Gautam Gambhir said, “He was always a very smart cricketer, but then he turned his entire T20 career into a very successful one, just by being supremely fit. Probably because he does not have the strength of Chris Gayle, he doesn’t have the ability of AB de Villiers, he probably does not have the ability of somebody likes Jacques Kallis or Brian Lara. The biggest strength he’s got is now his fitness and he’s turned that into his game as well, that’s why he has become so successful, so you got to give it to the guy. The most important thing is that he runs really well between the wickets, not many people do it.”
Source: m.mid-day.com
Also checkout: https://internationaljournalofresearch.com/2020/06/09/virat-kohli-the-man-who-brought-about-a-fitness-revolution-in-global-cricket/

“I remember when I was new in the team he backed me a lot. In fact, now also, he is always there for me. He always appreciates your skills and we have a great tuning together,” he further added.

Kuldeep further went on to reveal Kohli’s best quality. “The best quality of Virat is that he also understands the team and its player’s well which makes our job easy on field,” he said.

In an interview also with Hindustan Times, Chahal said that Virat ‘talks me out of the negative mindset’.
Even if I am being hit by a batsman, Virat Bhaiya turns to me and talks me out of that negative mindset. That rapport is also there when we play for RCB.

On Star Sports’ show Cricket Connected, Yuzvendra Chahal said, “I have been playing with him for around 6 years now since our RCB days. One thing I have learned is that he is a down to earth person. No matter how much fame he has got, he will take everyone with him — whether it’s personal or on field; that I have learned from him.”

I know that he’s a gym freak and how he has changed his body. I want to learn that from him. I have seen him since he was 18-19- the transformation after 2012 or 2013, if anyone adopts even 30 per cent of what Virat did, it’s more than enough.”

In a recent chat in the fifth episode of ‘The Mind Behind’,

Rahul was questioned which batsman he would pick if he had to select someone to bat for his life. In his reply, the 27-year-old named Kohli as his choice. “I’ll go with Virat because I know, everybody knows he is a great player,” he said. We share a great friendship and he will give it all to save my life”.

“Virat, Rohit (Sharma) or Ravi sir don’t come and teach you the game. They have given me that freedom,” said Hardik Pandya.

“The security that they gave me backing with all their heart helped big time. That was the reason I started taking decisions on my own,” he added

Being blatantly honest here, maximum of these quoted statements of the articles are published within the previous 24 hours only. And if I go on to find more instances to support the fact how great a leader this man is, I’d terribly fail cause there are umpteen number of incidents happening ever since the guy became the Test Captain in 2015 post World Cup and India’s full-time captain in early 2017 and there are a lot more bound to happen provided that he stays motivated & passionate, which I know, you know, whole of India knows and the entire cricketing fraternity knows too, that he would and the blessings from the God keep outpouring.

Kohli smashed his 28th ODI ton with a stunning knock of 111* off 115 deliveries during the 5th India Vs West Indies ODI on 6th July, 2017 in Jamaica while chasing 206.

However, one is always in the learning phase and never *The know-it-all* or *The Perfect* and Virat has always continued to keep this thing in mind, neglecting the impact of rankings on his game & mindset, but at the same time, staying grounded and expressing gratitude for the achievements. He is always keen to explore, learn more and improve consistently without thinking of the results cause they automatically follow if the process is done rightly and the intention is to drive the team forward.
Let’s hear the man himself post he won all the 3 ICC awards in 2018.

Google removed these 30 apps from Play Store, delete them from your phone now!

These apps have the ability to bombard users with unwanted ads

Google has removed over 30 popular apps, including the ones that add beauty filters to your photos, from the Play Store after these were discovered to have malicious malware. These apps will not be available for download from the Play Store for new users, but the 20 million users who have already downloaded them need to make sure they uninstall the apps from their phones to avoid security mishaps. Among the 30+ apps, it’s the third-party selfie apps that have found to be most fraudulent. As per security researchers WhiteOps, the apps have the ability to bombard users with unwanted ads and redirect them to websites without ever clicking on a link. It should also be noted that in some cases, it was nearly “impossible” for users to delete these apps once downloaded.

Here are the apps, published by WhiteOps, that have been removed from Google Play Store. If you have them installed, get rid of them as soon as possible.

The aforementioned apps have collectively amassed more than 20 million downloads. WhiteOps explained in its websites that these apps render fraudulent advertising in users’ devices. “What these apps all have in common – besides their fraudulent tactics – is their focus on beauty. Most purport to be selfie apps that add beauty filters to users’ pictures, while at the same time showing ads out of context and making it nearly impossible to remove the apps themselves.”

In the time since that first app was published, the fraudsters published a new app every 11 days on average. Notably, most of these apps were available for a duration of around 17 days each before they were pulled down. “But even with an average of less than three weeks of time on the Play Store, the apps found an audience: the average number of installs for the apps we analysed was 565,833,” the research reads.

If you’re wondering how these apps avoid detection in the first place? Well, the White Ops paper notes that most of these apps use “packers” that are hidden in the APK in the form of extra DEX files. “Historically, packing binaries is a common technique malware developers use to avoid being detected by security software like antivirus. Packed files in Android are not new and can’t be assumed to be malicious, as some developers use packing to protect their intellectual property and try to avoid piracy,” the research paper added.

Apart from this, the developers also use Arabic characters, reducing readability for people, in various places of the apps’ source code to avoid detection. “These numbers tell a story of a cat and mouse game, in which the Play Store hunts down the fraudster and keeps them in check by removing fraudulent apps as quickly as they’re discovered. The fraudster likely developed a more robust mechanism to avoid detection and removal. A batch of 15 apps, all published after September 2019, had a much slower removal rate using those new techniques.”
