Sustainable Forest Management Vs. Climate Conservation: Key Differences

Daily writing prompt
Are there things you try to practice daily to live a more sustainable lifestyle?

At first glаnсe, sustаinаble forest mаnаgement аnԁ сlimаte сonservаtion seem to go hаnԁ-in-hаnԁ. Aren’t they both just рroteсting trees аnԁ forests? Look а little ԁeeрer though, аnԁ some key ԁifferenсes emerge. This аrtiсle will breаk ԁown how these two аррroасhes, thаt is Sustainable Forest Management and climate conservation are unique, their different goals, and why both are crucial for the planet.

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Defining the Terms

First, what exactly do we mean by sustainable forestry and climate conservation?

  • Sustainable forestry involves managing forests in a way that maintains biodiversity and ecosystem health while still allowing for ongoing timber harvesting. The goal is a balance between production and conservation.
  • Climate conservation focuses on protecting and restoring forests specifically to mitigate climate change. The goal is preserving trees to absorb and store carbon emissions that drive global warming.

So while sustainable forestry permits regulated tree harvesting, climate conservation prioritizes keeping forests completely intact.

Unique Goals

The core goals and motivations behind these two frameworks are distinct:

  • Sustainable forestry aims for a “triple bottom line” balancing economic, social and ecological concerns. Generating timber profits in a regulated, ethical way is part of the agenda.
  • Climate conservation zeroes in solely on forests’ climate impacts. Preserving carbon-storing trees takes priority over economic or social yields.

Sustainable forestry seeks a compromise; climate conservation pursues pure preservation.

Timescales Differ

The timescales considered also differ. Sustainable forestry generally operates on 50-100 year management plans. This gradual approach allows for selected harvesting and regrowth cycles.

Climate conservation has more immediate ecological aims by protecting mature forests. Their priority is stabilizing the climate in the coming decades, not centuries.

Contrasting Management Approaches

You’ll see different management strategies under each framework:

  • Sustainable forestry may cut older trees but ensures rapid replanting. They optimize for a vibrant, diverse, all-age forest.
  • Climate conservation preserves old growth forests and may restrict any disturbances to natural cycles. Storing existing carbon is the priority.

Both value biodiversity yet approach enhancing it differently.

Tools Can Overlap

Some specific tools used on the ground can be similar between the two frameworks. For example, both may use:

  • Forest inventory and mapping
  • Soil conservation practices
  • Fire risk reduction techniques
  • Watershed management planning

Yet these same tools get applied to different priorities based on the overarching management strategy.

Working Together

Is one approach clearly better than the other? Not necessarily! Sustainable forestry and climate conservation can actually complement each other when used in tandem across different geographic areas.

For example, sustainable forestry can operate productively in some working forests, while neighboring wildlands are set aside solely for climate conservation.

Managers today aim to holistically integrate these approaches at a landscape scale. It’s about striking the right balance tailored to each forest.

Looking Ahead

As climate change progresses, sustainable forestry may need to gradually align more with climate conservation values. But for now, these two frameworks fill different but equally crucial ecological niches.

Understanding their key differences allows us to employ each approach where it makes the most sense and maximizes benefits for both forests and human communities. Our future relies on foresters skillfully merging these two schools of thought.

Which Small Businesses Need Skip Bin Hire?

Daily writing prompt
Who would you like to talk to soon?

Hey small business owners. If your company produces any type of waste or debris, you likely need an efficient and affordable waste management solution. Enter: skip bin hire. Renting skip bins like SkipBinFinder is a smart move for countless small businesses across a wide variety of industries.

Let’s look at some examples of small and medium businesses that can benefit hugely from skip bin services:

Photo by Oleksandr P on

Construction Companies

Builders, electricians, painters – construction crews of all kinds generate tons of waste. From debris like concrete, wood, and tiles to tins of paint and empty cable spools, construction sites become messy fast. Skip bins provide on-site rubbish removal so crews can focus on the project rather than waste headaches.

Cafes & Restaurants

Food prep produces high volumes of waste from food scraps, plastic and paper packaging, and beverage containers. Skip bins give cafes and restaurants ample space to collect all rubbish before scheduled pickups keep the premises clean. Options like compactors and recycling skips help cut waste costs too.

Retail Stores

From boutiques to bookshops, retail stores need to dispose of cardboard boxes, packaging materials, tissue paper, hanger waste, food remnants and more. Skip bins stationed out back offer easy back-of-house waste collection with minimal disruption to customer areas.


While not as intense as industrial waste, offices still generate their fair share of rubbish. Everything from junk mail, food waste, printout paper and stationery to furniture, electronics and equipment gets thrown out regularly. An office skip bin easily contains this varied waste.

Event Planners

Special events ranging from weddings to markets always produce extra trash that venues aren’t equipped to handle. Event planners can take the guesswork out of waste management by hiring skip bins for convenient event clean-up.

Salons & Spas

Cut hair, product containers, wine bottles, soiled towels – spas and salons have constant waste removal needs. Skip bin rental gives these businesses an affordable disposal solution without needing to run out with the trash after each client.

Auto Repair Shops

Oil, filters, tires, batteries, and other hazardous automotive waste materials require proper disposal. Skip bins help mechanics and auto shops safely contain these tricky waste products until transferred for recycling or disposal.

Farming Enterprises

Farms produce high volumes of green waste like shrub and tree prunings as well as food scraps from produce processing. Agricultural skip bins give farms room to collect and remove all this material efficiently.

Vets & Animal Care

Animal care facilities deal with medical waste like sharps, fluids, and expired drugs that need careful disposal. Clinical skip bins with hazardous waste protocols offer safe blood and sharps disposal.

Hardware Stores

Lumber, bricks, garden waste and other oversized waste quickly piles up at hardware stores and builders’ yards. Skip bins conveniently hold this bulky refuse until it can be removed.


As you can see, skip bins serve a critical purpose for small businesses across diverse industries. They make waste management more affordable, efficient and environmentally responsible. Contact a skip company to discuss bins tailored to your specific business needs. Let me know if you have any other questions on the benefits of skip hire for small enterprises.

Investment Imperatives: Nurturing Sustainable Development and Resilience

In today’s rapidly evolving world, the pursuit of economic growth and prosperity cannot be divorced from the imperative of environmental preservation and social equity. As we navigate through an era marked by unprecedented challenges, it is crucial to redefine our investment priorities and align them with the principles of sustainable development. This article delves into the investment imperatives that underpin resilient and sustainable growth, exploring the convergence of economic, environmental, and social factors that shape our collective future.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

Introduction: Redefining Investment Priorities in an Era of Disruption

The global landscape is undergoing profound transformations, driven by forces such as climate change, resource scarcity, technological disruptions, and shifting demographic patterns. These seismic shifts have profoundly impacted the way we perceive and pursue economic growth, necessitating a fundamental rethinking of our investment strategies. As we confront these challenges, it is imperative to nurture a holistic approach that harmonizes economic prosperity with environmental stewardship and social inclusivity. 

The Convergence of Economic Growth and Environmental Stewardship

Historically, economic growth has often been pursued at the expense of the environment, leading to the depletion of natural resources, the degradation of ecosystems, and the exacerbation of climate change. However, a paradigm shift is underway, where the pursuit of economic prosperity is increasingly intertwined with the preservation of our planet’s finite resources. Investments in sustainable practices, such as renewable energy, circular economies, and eco-friendly technologies, are not only vital for environmental conservation but also present immense economic opportunities.

Investing in Resilient Infrastructure: Building the Foundation for Sustainable Development

Resilient infrastructure is the bedrock upon which sustainable development rests. From transportation networks to energy grids, water systems, and digital infrastructure, investments in infrastructure that can withstand the impacts of climate change and other disruptive forces are essential. Incorporating principles of resilience, such as redundancy, adaptability, and resource efficiency, into infrastructure projects will not only safeguard economic activities but also ensure the well-being of communities and ecosystems.

Fostering Innovation and Technological Advancements

Innovation and technological advancements are catalysts for sustainable development, offering solutions to pressing environmental and social challenges. Investments in research and development, particularly in areas such as clean energy, sustainable agriculture, and resource-efficient manufacturing, can unlock transformative breakthroughs. Furthermore, leveraging emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, Internet of Things (IoT), and blockchain can facilitate the efficient management of resources, optimize supply chains, and foster transparency and accountability.

Strengthening Human Capital and Social Institutions

Sustainable development is not merely an economic or environmental endeavor; it is equally contingent upon investing in human capital and fortifying social institutions. Investments in education, healthcare, and workforce development are crucial for nurturing a skilled and productive workforce capable of driving innovation and adaptation. Additionally, strengthening institutions that promote social equity, inclusive governance, and human rights is essential for creating a resilient and just society.

Collaborative Efforts: Engaging Stakeholders and Forging Partnerships

Achieving sustainable development and resilience requires collaborative efforts that transcend borders and sectors. Engaging diverse stakeholders, including governments, private sector entities, civil society organizations, and local communities, is crucial for fostering a shared vision and pooling resources. Public-private partnerships, cross-industry collaborations, and global initiatives can catalyze the mobilization of capital, expertise, and innovative solutions towards achieving sustainable development goals.

Conclusion: Embracing a Holistic Approach to Sustainable Investment

In an era of unprecedented challenges and opportunities, nurturing sustainable development and resilience demands a holistic approach to investment. By aligning economic priorities with environmental stewardship and social equity, we can unlock a virtuous cycle of prosperity, regeneration, and resilience. It is through this lens that we can reshape our investment strategies, fostering a future where economic growth coexist harmoniously with environmental preservation and social inclusivity. The path forward requires bold vision, collective action, and a steadfast commitment to safeguarding the well-being of our planet and its inhabitants for generations to come.Through, we can unlock a path towards a more sustainable and resilient future.

Green Prosperity Amidst Water Damage Challenges

Where there is damage, there is always a way to repair and rejuvenate. This rationale is especially important today as people face unprecedented challenges in climate and environment. It is time to discuss a pressing topic – how your efforts towards green prosperity can help tackle water damage challenges and mold a sustainable path forward.

Defining Green Prosperity

The term “green prosperity” may seem abstract or esoteric at first glance, but it encapsulates an essential idea. It refers to the conjunction of environmental preservation with healthy economic growth. As people’s understanding of the lasting impacts of industrial expansion has matured, so too has the realization that economic success doesn’t have to come at nature’s expense.

In fact, green prosperity suggests that true, sustainable growth occurs when industries are aligned with the principles of conservation and restoration. It lays down an intersection between advanced social performance and environment-friendly practices. Challenges like water damages are precisely where green prosperity’s approach can make a significant difference.

Photo by Rachel Claire on

Dwelling on Water Damage

Water damage is one of the most prevalent issues everyone faces today. Unexpected events like flash floods due to irregular weather patterns or leakages resulting from failing infrastructure can lead to significant water damage. This damage not just affects property values but also poses serious threats to human health, considering it creates a breeding ground for microorganisms like mold and mildew.

Aside from this, long-term water logging can also affect structural integrity of buildings, tarnish wooden furnishings and corrode metals. Thus, while it may seem like a localized issue, water damage truly needs a global approach for successful mitigation.

Green Recovery Strategies

To leverage green prosperity principles in addressing water damage, people need green recovery strategies. These are all about minimizing environmental impact while ensuring effective recuperation from water damage. Also, these strategies promote sustainable practices and energy conservation. This has led many to navigate to the Water Damage Specialist for green restoration practices.

For instance, rather than discarding water-damaged items straight away, the green recovery approach would focus on thorough cleaning, decontamination and restoration. This method cuts down waste, reduces the need for replacement production, and ultimately contributes to a greener economy.

Incorporating Water Efficiency

Water efficiency plays an important role in the quest for green prosperity amidst water damage challenges. By adopting more water-efficient practices like rainwater harvesting, greywater recycling etc., you can minimize the risk of future water damages due to shortages or excess supply. Efficient use of water also leads to other environmental benefits like lessening energy required to treat and distribute water.

From installing efficient plumbing fixtures in homes and commercial spaces to changing agricultural irrigation practices – every drop saved contributes towards a more resilient future.

Collaborative Approaches Involved

The journey towards green prosperity through effective water damage control demands collaboration; be it between citizens and authorities, between different industries or even between countries. Working collectively enables shared learning, pooled resources and yields resilient solutions that are applicable at different scales.

Collaborative initiatives like community-level alarm systems for early flood warnings or joint investments into improved infrastructure can make a world of difference. Look out for opportunities where you can participate in these collaborative approaches.

Nature-Based Solutions Role

Finally, explore the role of nature-based solutions in this mission. These are strategies that focus on the natural ecosystem’s ability to tackle environmental challenges. For instance, restoring wetlands can be seen as a nature-based solution as it boosts water absorption capacity hence reducing flood damage.

Effective implementation of these solutions requires community-wide awareness and participation. Remember – aligning your actions with nature’s wisdom is central to achieving green prosperity and addressing water damage challenges sustainably.

Flood Resilience Planning

To preempt water-related damages, strategic and comprehensive flood resilience planning becomes indispensable. This involves recognizing prone-to-damage areas, devising emergency response strategies, and preparing contingency relief plans. It’s essential to understand that such planning not only encompasses built infrastructure but also natural ecology.

As individuals, it is crucial that people actively participate in community-led resilience initiatives, educate themselves about local flood risks, and be well-versed with evacuation plans. Implementing resilience practices at household-level such as rain gardens or permeable pavings can also significantly contribute towards larger goals.

Exploring the Water Damage Specialist

Fighting water damages at scale requires experienced professionals. The experts on this website are trained in assessing the extent of damage, identifying potential risks and implementing effective, eco-friendly recovery tactics. They employ advanced tools and proven methodologies that ensure comprehensive recuperation while minimizing environmental footprints.

While their expertise is irreplaceable, you can contribute by being proactive about addressing any signs of water damage promptly and opting for firms that prioritize green methods.

Economic Impact Analysis

An economic impact analysis takes into account the direct and indirect consequences of water damage on a region’s economy. This includes both short-term impacts like job losses or interrupted supply chains, and long-term ones like reduced property values or tourism. Understanding these helps formulate informed mitigation strategies and invest wisely in prevention measures.

As advocates for green prosperity, people must demand transparent economic impact analyses for water events in different regions. Utilize the findings to lobby for pertinent policy adjustments or effective resource allocation.

Climate Advocacy Efforts

While individual efforts are important, the scale of water damage challenge requires collective action – climate advocacy serves as an effective tool here. Advocating for stronger regulations against activities harming water bodies, pressing for transparency about companies’ water footprints, advocating government investment in sustainable alternatives – are all parts of the struggle.

Remember that every voice matters – use yours assertively to bring about transformational changes needed for achieving green prosperity.

Clean Energy In Recovery

Instead of conventional energy sources that leave a lasting imprint on the environment, opting for clean energy can be an effective method in recovery efforts from water damage. This implies using solar-powered dehumidifiers, wind-powered pumps or bio-energy sourced heating systems in the restoration process.

Choosing such options ensures that the path towards recovery doesn’t contradict the pursuit of green prosperity.

Sustainable Community Involvement

A collective approach is key to tackling water damage on a macro scale. Encouraging sustainable practices within local communities can go a long way in preventing future occurrences of such damages. These may include organizing tree-planting drives, encouraging rainwater harvesting, or advocating for waste management reforms.

Such community actions not only favors immediate mitigation of current issues but also promotes long-term conservation goals for broader green prosperity.

Policies Shaping Actions

Policies have a significant influence on how individuals and organizations react to and prepare for events like water damages. Effective regulations encouraging sustainability, resilience building and resource conservation can shape actions at all levels – from household habits to industry operations.

Educate yourself about existing policies, lobby for necessary ones and ensure compliance at your personal and professional levels to make sure policy influence is maximized towards achieving green prosperity.

To Summarize

The journey towards green prosperity amidst continual threats like water damage may seem daunting, yet the collective perseverance holds the power to overcome these challenges. By adopting resilient strategies, encouraging sustainable practices, advocating for effective policies, and harnessing technological and natural solutions, you can indeed transcend these trials.

Remember, each one of us has an essential role to play in this journey – commit to your part and help build a sustainable and prosperous future. The green prosperity amidst water damage challenges is not just about survival, but it is a path towards thriving with nature.

how your diet impacts the planet

We all know how important it is to maintain a balanced diet. But have you ever sat down and thought about how your diet impacts the environment? Let us take the example of one particular food item whose popularity has gone up in the past few years: Meat. It is a great source of complete protein and contains all the amino acids our bodies need. Vitamin B-12, a vitamin which helps in the formation of red blood cells and prevention of anaemia can be obtained from only animal sources. Meat is, therefore, great for your health, but is it all that great for the environment?

Eating meat has dire consequences for the environment. If we look at the land used to feed livestock, it is about eight times more than the land we use for feeding humans. In the US, approximately 260 million acres of land that was once occupied by forests, is now grazed by cattle. Raising animals for human consumption accounts for approximately 40% of the total amount of agricultural output in industrialised countries Most estimates claim that between 1,800 and 2,500 gallons of water go into producing each pound of beef. All these resources can be put to much better use, like feeding the millions of people starving in the world and growing vegetables or wheat. But we choose to use them to raise cattle; cattle which will eventually be slaughtered for human consumption.

Worldwide, livestock rearing makes up anywhere between 14.5 and 18 per cent of the total greenhouse gas emissions. If we compare it to the transportation sector, it is responsible for 14 per cent of the emissions. Not to mention the large amount of transportation required for the meat to reach from feedlots, to slaughterhouses, to processing centres and finally your local grocery stores. You’re probably better off driving your car than eating that meat on your plate.

Moreover, the conditions in which animals are kept in slaughterhouses is terrible. Animals are chained and dragged and beaten with tools ranging from cattle prods to shovels. They are packed into trucks and transported in masses, fearing the slow and cruel death that awaits them. Furthermore, they are hung upside down and decapitated. This allows them to bleed out quicker and is commercially beneficial for the processing of meat. If we look at poultry slaughterhouses, almost everything there is automated. They kill approximately 50,000 animals in just one week. Even the workers are affected by the work they do. Since most slaughterhouses are opened up in rural areas, where there are few job opportunities for the people, they are forced to work in such inhumane places, doing this horrible work. Most of us know this, yet we turn a blind eye to such events as we’re too afraid to face the reality of our food.

How can we prevent all this? The best thing to do would be to turn vegetarian or vegan. But we simply cannot expect the billions of people on the planet to give up meat. Not everyone has that privilege. Instead, one could try to reduce their meat intake. Educate those around you on the malpractices and evils of slaughterhouses and argue for reform. This is not something we should ignore. The time for change has come.


how to live more sustainably

“If it can’t be reduced, reused, repaired, rebuilt, refurbished, refinished, resold, recycled, or composted, then it should be restricted, designed or removed from production”

~ Pete Seeger

Sustainable living is something which needs to be adopted  now more than ever. It can be defined as a lifestyle that attempts to reduce an individual’s or society’s use of the Earth’s natural resources, and one’s personal resources. Our current methods of living are far from sustainable. Our planet is slowly dying; we’re the ones killing it. It has been talked about a lot, but not always taken into practice . If we are to preserve this Earth for the future generations, we need to switch up our lifestyles and make them more eco-friendly. Here are a few ways to achieve it:

  • Go Vegan/Vegetarian 

The Meat and dairy industry are one of the greatest contributors to climate change. If you want to reduce your carbon emissions, then try going vegetarian or vegan. Research has shown that a vegan diet can promote weight loss and reduce your risk of heart disease by lowering cholesterol levels. Even if you cannot completely give up meat and dairy, then try reducing your intake of them. Remember, it is better if a 1000 people practice sustainability imperfectly, than if 3 people do it perfectly.

  • Be mindful of your purchases

If you can afford it, then choose to buy fair trade, organic and non plastic goods. Fair trade certified products promote environmentally friendly production method, and safe working conditions for the works for goods like coffee or chocolate. Also, we all know the adverse effects of plastics, and how beneficial it is to give up plastic. Similarly, watch what materials comprise the clothes you purchase. Or, you can try thrifting and fixing up old clothes. So, making better purchasing choices can promote a sustainable lifestyle. (However, I understand that not everyone can afford to buy such products. So don’t worry about it, there are still many ways you can lead a sustainable life.)

  • Go for reusable options

You might not realise it, but the little plastic bags, straws and water bottles you purchase really add up. In the long run, it is crucial to give up plastic, a material which has damaged much of our oceans. Carrying around cloth bags, having a glass or metal straw, and keeping a reusable water bottle is not only much better for the environment, but also a much cheaper option as it saves you the hassle of having to buy these products whenever you need them.

  • Switch up your modes of transportation 

Greenhouse gas emissions emitted from the millions of vehicles driven around each day, and the flights which fly everyday,  are of no help to the environment. Substituting your car ride for a walk or cycling drastically reduces your carbon footprint, and keeps you in great health. Try limiting the number of flights you take in a year, or even replacing them with a train ride can prove to be far more sustainable.

Sustainability is not just limited to these practices. Don’t feel disheartened if you can’t always buy ethical produce, or completely quit meat and dairy. Planting trees, replacing our light bulbs, composting etc. can all be done to promote a greener way of living. The smallest of changes can sometimes have the largest of impacts 

International Tiger day

The Tiger is one of the largest cat in the world. Having black and orange strips with beautifully marked face makes his distinctive and amazing image. To aware the people about tiger conservation, 29th July is celebrated as a International Tiger day. The motive of this day is to spread the awareness to save the Tigers and their habitates. There are plathora of issues are facing by tigers across the world. Some of the issues include poaching, conflict with humans, and habitat loss. Only around seven percent of the historical range of a tiger is still intact today. That is an incredibly small and worrying numbers. A lot of people are not aware about these major losses but a little knowledge and through spreading awareness can make them aware and it leads to protection the lives of Tigers and their habitates


Loss of land


Desertification is a type of land degradation in drylands which biological productivity is lost due to natural processes or induced by human activities whereby fertile areas become increasingly more arid. It is caused by a variety of factors, such as through climatic changes and through the over exploitation of lands through human activity.Desertification is a significant global ecological and environmental with far-reaching socio-economic and political consequences.

Serious and extensive land deterioration is the causes for desertification.SAHARA DESERT is the most effected area. The impact of global warming and human activities are presented in the Sahel. In this area the level of desertification is very high compared to other areas.Another major area that is being impacted by desertification is the GOBI Desert.South America is another area affected by desertification, as 25% of the land is classified as drylands. In Mangolia, around 90% of grassland is considered vulnerable to desertification by the UN.  In India, The THAR affected most of lands.


The immediate cause is the loss of most vegetation.. This is driven by a number of factors, alone or in combination, such as drought, climatic shifts, tillage for agriculture, overgrazing and deforestation for fuel or construction of the most common causes is overgrazing.Overpopulation is one of the most dangerous factors contributing to desertification.climatic changes is likely a major contributing factor in the desertification process. . The continuous use of the land rapidly depletes the nutrients of the soil causing desertification and pesticide smay deplects its ph value.

The Effects of desertification is Sand and dust storms.There has been a 25% increase in global annual dust emissions between the late nineteenth century to present day. Food security: Global food security is being threatened by desertification and o er population.Vegetation patterning:landscape may progress through different stages and continuously transform in appearance.Desertification is decreasing the amount of sustainable land for agricultural uses but demands are continuously growing.

Lossing nature lives.

Due to Desertification, The world losses its habitat.They also suffer from poor economic and social conditions.This situation is exacerbated by land degradation because of the reduction in productivity.Agriculture is a main source of income for many desert communities. The increase in desertification in these regions has degraded the land.This has negatively impacted the economy and increased poverty rates.Planting more trees – the roots of trees hold the soil together and help to reduce soil erosion from wind and rain.

  1. Planting more trees – the roots of trees hold the soil together and help to reduce soil erosion from wind and rain.
  2. Improving the quality of the soil – this can be managed by encouraging people to reduce the number of grazing animals they have and grow crops instead.
  3. Control of population and overgrazing. These are reduction factors of Desertification.

International Tiger Day

“Let us keep the tigers in jungles & not in history, save tigers”

Global Tiger Day, often called International Tiger Day, is an annual celebration to raise awareness for tiger conservation, held annually on 29 July. It was created in 2010 at the Saint Petersburg Tiger Summit. In the summit, governments of tiger-populated countries vowed to double the tiger population by 2022. Almost a decade has passed since then. The goal of the day is to promote a global system for protecting the natural habitats of tigers and to raise public awareness and support for tiger conservation issues. According to the WWF experts Darren Grover,  the world had lost around 97 percent of wild tigers in the last 100 years. Currently, only 3,000 tigers are left alive compared to around 100,000 Tiger a century ago.  Many international organizations, including the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), and Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute (SCBI), are also involved in the conservation of the wild tigers.

“The roar is rare.”

The awe-inspiring tiger is one of the most iconic animals on Earth. The tiger population across the world dropped sharply since the beginning of the 20th century but now for the first time in conservation history, their numbers are on the rise. Union Minister for Environment, Forests and Climate Change, Prakash Javadekar, on Tuesday, released the detailed Status of Tigers Report 2018. According to the report, released on the eve of Global Tiger Day, tigers were observed to be increasing at a rate of 6 percent per annum in India from 2006 to 2018. In good news for India, Environment Minister, Prakash Javadekar on Tuesday said, the country “has 70 percent of world’s tiger population”, after releasing a report on tiger census ahead of International Tiger Day on July 29. 

There are a number of different issues that tigers all around the world face. There are a number of threats that are driving tigers close to extinction, and we can do our bit to make sure that we do not lose these incredible creatures. Some of the threats that tigers face include poaching, conflict with humans, and habitat loss.  Poaching and the illegal trade industry is a very worrying one. This is the biggest threat that wild tigers face. Demand for tiger bone, skin, and other body parts is leading to poaching and trafficking. This is having a monumental impact on the sub-populations of tigers, resulting in localized extinctions. We often see tiger skins being used in home decor. Moreover, bones are used for medicines and tonics. This has seen illegal criminal syndicates get involved in the tiger trade in order to make huge profits. It really is a worrying industry. In fact, it is thought to be worth 10 billion dollars per annum in the United States alone. This is why we need to support charities and work hard to put an end to poaching and the illegal trade of tiger parts. While this represents the biggest threats to tigers, there are a number of other threats as well. This includes habitat loss. Throughout the world, tiger habitats have reduced because of access routes, human settlements, timber logging, plantations, and agriculture. In fact, only around seven percent of the historical range of a tiger is still intact today. That is an incredibly small and worrying amount. This can increase the number of conflicts between tigers, as they roman about and try to locate new habitats. Not only this, but genetic diversity can reduce because it can cause there to be inbreeding in small populations.

Since the tiger is an “umbrella species”, its conservation enables the conservation of their entire ecosystems. Several studies have shown that Tiger reserves harbor new species, which are found practically every year. Tiger reserves have also improved the water regimes in regions where they are located, improving groundwater tables and other water bodies, thus contributing favorably to the climate. This year marks the tenth International Tiger Day. On International Tiger Day, several countries discuss issues related to tiger conservation and also try to amass funds for wildlife preservation. Moreover, many celebrities also pitch in for International Tiger Day and try to spread awareness about the conditions of tigers using their massive social media presence. India is especially important for International Tiger Day 2020 as the country currently has 75% of all tigers on the planet. A lot of people are not aware of these threats, and so spreading the knowledge can help to make sure that we all do our bit to ensure that the tiger’s future is a fruitful one. There will be a lot of videos, infographics, and interesting pieces of content going around that you can share with others.

“Tiger is a symbol of Beauty, Bravery, Strength and Nationality. So Save the Tiger, Save the Nation’s Pride.”

Anuran vocal communications

In the scientific book, sounds of frogs and toads is often said to be ‘croaking’. Whatever their musical qualities, vocalizations are conspicuous features of behavior of most frogs and toads. Acoustic signalling has a great importance in the breeding ecology of most frogs. Acoustic data are used in taxonomic studies of frogs. Thus, researchers today are very interested in studying sounds produced by anurans to know about their behavior, study their evolution, monitoring population, comparison of species and find ways for their conservation.


In anurans, generally males are involved in bioacoustic signalling. Only a very few female and at very few times are found producing signals. Anuran vocal repertoires can be into various calls namely advertisement calls( mate calls), courtship calls( responsive calls), aggressive calls, release calls, defensive calls. These are useful in male-male and male- female communications. These sounds are also used by them to protect them from predators too. They can estimate distance between opponent and get warned.  Further, the produced sound defines the species, it’s size, it’s habitat , it’s dominance, etc in some way or other.

Advertisement calls are often referred to as mating calls and are principal signals given by males during breading season. Experiments have shown that females approach conspecific calls. Advertisement calls are often found to stimulate hormone production in females. It also expertises male’s position to other males.

The vocal behavior of male frogs often changes when females are nearby or are approaching. Courtship call are a sort of continuous trill( unlike two-note advertisement calls). These are simply increased call rates. Female courtship calls also exists. These are given in response to the calls of male, which tends to be at low intensity and therefore, are hard to hear. It enhances the ability of males and females to find each other.

Aggressive calls are produced as a sign of defence for their calling sites against conspecifics. These are often called territorial calls. Then there are release calls given when male anurans are clasped by other males. Further exists distress calls, which are generally loud screams to describe vocalisations given by frogs being attacked by predators. Alarm calls and defensive calls are to warn neighbours of danger or startle the predator, to allow victim to escape.

The pitch(determined by frequency) of sound is an indicator of anuran’s body size. The frogs with higher pitch are found to be small in size while the frogs having low-pitched calls are large and heavy. Call structure is an indicator of habitat of frogs( whether near waterfall or near stream or in forest or in open habitat). For ex: frogs living in dense forest are large in size and produce low pitched calls and vice versa. Thus, there also exists preference in calling site for different species. If male and female, both are at the same level, then high frequency components will suffer greater attenuation than low frequency components. But, if either caller or receiver is elevated, then differential loss of higher frequencies is reduced.


Comparison of frogs living in Amazonian forests with those in floating meadow habitats revealed that forest species have significantly lower-pitched calls. The forest species generally are larger than those in open areas, and call frequency decreases with increasing body size. Calls of many species probably are not adapted for long range propagation, but for ease of localization at short distances. Phylogenetic differences probably are important as well. Forest frogs have very different call structure than open-habitat frogs. They tend to have more narrowly tuned calls with lower pulse repetition rates than open habitat frogs. Call intensity is related to factors other than habitat structure. For ex: frogs that call in open habitats tend to call in much denser choruses than those in forested habitats, and competition among males should favor the evolution of very loud calls.

Thus, understanding sounds of anurans is a very interesting part of study and researchers are working on it, striving to discover more, finding ways to conserve some endangered species( like N. sahyadrensis).