The Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) has directed e-commerce companies such as Amazon, Flipkart and Patym to find out a suitable way that will help consumers to identify the country of origin for all the products sold on their platforms. This directive soon was released after the clash between Indian and Chinese soldiers on LAC in order to boycott Chinese products.

Though it is an attempt of the government to push for “atma nirbhar bharat” or “self reliance” but it cannot be exactly determined whether this idea of specifying the country of origin in today’s integrated world will serve to any economic purpose or not. The difficulty in executing this idea underlines it absurdity because products are usually assembled in one country and the raw materials or other components are often sourced from several other countries. Hence, this makes it challenging to identify who manufacturers the product.

A distinction has to be made between “assembling” and “manufacturing” and the extent of value added at each stage has to be estimated. Let us understand this with the example of an iPhone. It’s components such as touch screen display, memory chips and microprocessors come from a mix of US, Japanese, Korean and Taiwanese companies, not all of them manufactured in China. These individual components are shipped to China, where it is assembled and then shipped across the world.

So will an iPhone sold on an e-commerce website in India identify China as the country of origin? Even the products that are assembled in India have components from several counties. So the question is, how will the idea of country of origin work? Will it be based on value added? Let us keep an eye on government’s next move to solve these problems based on the place of origin.

“Be strong. Fight your fears.”

Everyone has got some of the other fear in life. Fear is something which doesn’t let you succeed in your work. It constantly drags you from going ahead in your life. Be it a small kid or a teenager or a grown-up adult, everyone has got some fear.

No matter how big or small your fear is, it has a very bad impact on your physical as well as mental health. It affects your overall personality. So, it is very beneficial to fight your fear and overcome it successfully.

Following are some methods which could be adopted to deal with fear effectively:

● The first thing that you should do to deal with your fears is to face them confidently. Identify the things or work that scare you and try to do them. Avoiding your fears will make you even more coward and it will act as a hurdle in your path of success. You might not be confident or comfortable while facing your fear for the first time, but be patient do not panic. Take someone’s help if needed.

● Sometimes your fear might be
related to some past experiences which were traumatic and left a bad impression in your mind. These experiences could bring the negativity in your thoughts and can also question your existence. So, you shall try to remain optimistic in your life and do things which give you pleasure and happiness. When you try to remain positive in your life, you become more productive even during tough times.

● One more effective way to face your fears is by engaging yourself in some kind of physical activity. Practising meditation or playing some kind of sport or doing exercise can help to reduce stress. This happens due to the release of stress-reducing hormones in your body while performing these activities. Hence, you feel cheerful and you go into a completely different zone where you entirely forget all your fears.

● Another useful way to deal with your fear is by spending some time with mother nature. Nature surprises you every time with its beauty and induces many happy emotions in your mind. The different elements of nature make you peaceful and joyful from within. You learn to not lose and not give up easily. It improves your mental health and uplifts your mood. It also controls your blood pressure, heart rate and reduces the levels of stress hormones in your body. These collectively help you to face all your fears courageously.

● You fear more when you are lonely or alone. So, to overcome fear, you shall try to communicate with someone whom you feel close to. Spend time with your family and friends. Create good memories with them. These memories will help you to forget your fear. Don’t hesitate to talk to them about your fears. Speak openly and listen to their advice. Their support will make you more confident and can also calm you thus preparing you to face fearful situations.

When you have confidence and belief in yourself, you can conquer all your fears. So, just believe in yourself and face whatever life has to offer confidently. This will surely help you to overcome your fear.

Indian it firms plan to move to Mexico & Canada due to h-1b visa restrictions

Indian and U.S. technology firms advise the Trump administration to reverse an executive order restricting access to certain job visas, saying the change would disrupt a market model used to bring high-skill expertise to Wall Street and Silicon Valley clients.

Last week’s order from Donald Trump inhibits approvals of a range of visas all through to the year-end, including those for intra-company transfers and study-outside programs, and aims to give American preference after recording job losses from the coronavirus pandemic. H-1B visas used by Indian workers and other countries to occupy key roles are vital to the tech industry.

Visa delivery is an complex, month-long undertaking and some interruption could affect vital employees’ ability to fly to consumer locations for an prolonged period of time. The virus lockdowns have now delayed vital consulate access to the network and pushed hundreds of thousands of employees into demanding work-from – home conditions.

India’s technology trade group, Nasscom, called Trump’s order “misguided and harmful to the U.S. economy” and warned it would exacerbate the country’s economic pain. 

Indian companies provide technology staff and services to U.S. hospitals, drugmakers and biotechnology companies, Nasscom pointed out. In addition, the industry may send more workers to Canada or Mexico without access to the U.S. market.

“These are highly-skilled workers who are in great demand and they will be mobile no matter what,” said Shivendra Singh, president of global trade development at Nasscom.

Among the other critics of the order were Alphabet Inc. Chief Executive Officer Sundar Pichai, Microsoft Corp. President Brad Smith and Tesla Inc. founder Elon Musk. Pichai, himself a beneficiary of the H-1B visa system in the 1990s, tweeted, “Immigration has contributed immensely to America’s economic success making it a global leader in tech, and also Google the company it is today.” Tata Consultancy Services Ltd., Infosys Ltd. and Wipro Ltd., among the largest outsourcing companies in Asia, declined to comment.

According to immigration numbers, India accounts for around 70 per cent of the 85,000 H-1B visas granted annually. Of this number, 65,000 visas are given to international professionals with bachelor’s degrees, while the remaining 20,000 will be assigned to employees with more advanced degrees. The visa program was developed to allow businesses to recruit foreign staff to address a lack of highly qualified technical services and product creation expertise. The reality that every year Indian outsourcers receive a large amount of the visas has rendered the scheme problematic, with opponents alleging that businesses misuse the system by replacing American employees with cheaper foreign labour.

Shortly after assuming office, Trump promised to clamp down on work visas and overhaul the “broken” immigration framework. A long-term issue for outsourcers is the proposed redesign of the existing H-1B visa scheme by the government, which will substitute the established allocation mechanism to decide who accepts visas with a merit-based method that prioritizes wage-based applicants.

Now, outsourcing firms are grappling with the unpredictability of the visa situation and the possibility of an H-1B revamp being able to make it impossible to take all but the most important of talent outside the world.


Is it better to be born rich or talented?

“If wishes were horses beggars would ride” This phrase is inconceivable as we can only wish to be born talented or rich. However if a chance was given to me then I would prefer to be born talented for having talent is more honorable, lasting and satisfying. Wealth can be temporary but talent is always permanent. It gives a different kind of satisfaction in an individual’s life.
To be born talented is tangible or real as it is inheritant in us. It is something by which we are recognised and appreciated throughout in our lives. It cannot be lost or abused where as wealth is transitory being there today and gone tomorrow. Moreover money can divert minds to other sides. It generates a feeling of proudness, fignity in one’s mind. Wealth declines if it is shared with others but for talents it increase with use, getting perfected.
Talent is bestowed on us for giving joy and happiness whereas riches are individualistic. Wealth can only be enjoyed with near ones. People possess different kinds of talents. Some can sing melodiously,Some can write well,ome may paint pretty well. There are many who have become famous through their talents. The famous personalities like Lata Mangeskar, Asha Bhoslay, Sourav Ganguly are the finest examples. There are many who had become immortal through their own talents. The plays and dramas written by Shakespeare has made him immortal. Rabindranath Tagore is immortal because of his exceptional talent of writing. Talents like these are not born everyday. They continue to inspire generations after generations.
Talent is pure. Wealth could be acquired by some unfair means but for talent it needs honesty, sincerity and dedication. Talent cant be weighed in beam balance. It can not be acquired in exchange of money for it is priceless. Had it been so all rich people would have been multi talented. Talent is like a diamond hidden inside a coal meal. We must recognize and inculcate it in front of the world otherwise it would be destroyed just as a machine gets rusted without its use.. Usually, talented people are never in want of money or fame. The only reason is that talent opens rather generate ways for money to come in one’s life. World has enough money but less talent. So if one has talent then one can give that talent to the world in exchange of money.World is in need of talent just like a thursty awaits for the well.So you can be that well for the thursty if you have the gift of talent in yourself. It also generates personality and reputation. In other words, talent calls money and reputation.
In conclusion I would like to say that if a chance is given to me then I would like to be born talented for William Shakespeare has rightly said in ‘Merchant of Venice’ -“Superfluity comes sooner by white hair, but competence lives longer”Moreover wealth and riches bring with it many worries that turn our hair grey but for the people who are talented, they have no such cause for worries and hence they live a more happy and content life.


The term Recruitment denoted that process by which the management locates the source of supply of manpower and then traps that source and it encourages outside manpower to apply for the jobs in the organization and search for the proper person for the right type of job at the right time is the basic function of the personnel department. The selection of wrong persons for the right job can ruin the process of work. A well-planned recruitment policy ensures increased productivity, decreased costs, increased employee morale and goodwill of the organization and thus recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and encouraging them to apply for the jobs in an organization and it aims at securing as many qualified applicants for the jobs as possible so as to decrease the hiring ratio and before searching for applicants, an organization should consider the most likely sources of the type of employees it needs. According to Edwin Flippo “Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating and encouraging them to apply for jobs in an organization”. Recruitment also includes seeking and attracting a pool of people from which qualified candidates for job vacancies can be chosen. There are various sources of recruitment of workers and the personnel manager will select a source of recruitment, keeping in view the requirements of the departments concerned, the type of persons needed and the advantages of a source of recruitment and different sources of recruitment can be tapped on different occasions for different types of persons.


One important source of recruitment is a promotion from within and it is the best method for recruitment of high and the medium cadre of managers and many companies feel that the best practice is to fill jobs from within the organization and they feel that inside employees already know the company and its policies and presumably have proved their ability and loyalty. This keeps the employees happy contented and in good morale and they know that they will earn promotion to a higher position. A performance test is the best test to determine a person’s suitability for a job. Filling of a vacancy from an internal source is very economical and no time and money are required to spend on a new candidate and a person who is selected for a job from within an organization knowns the organizational relationships.


By the external sources of recruitment, a vast mass of skilled, semi-skilled, and unskilled people is recruited from outside the organization. By using external sources of recruitment the organization can expect to get talented candidates from outside and the selection process is characterized by competition and the prospects that the organization can pick up the best candidates and fresh talents for the job are high. External candidates are expected to be trained and be efficient in work as they join the organization they work with great vigor and put in their best efforts to achieve the objectives and this creates healthy competition and congenial work environment in the organization.


Iran and Trump

Iran has issued an arrest warrant for US President Donald Trump over the drone strike that killed a top Iranian general in January, the semi-official Fars news agency reported Monday.

Trump is one of 36 people Iran has issued arrest warrants for in relation to the death of Qasem Soleimani, commander of the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC), according to Fars, but the Tehran attorney general Ali Alqasi Mehr said Trump was at the top of the list.

Tehran prosecutor Ali Alqasimehr said on Monday that Trump, along with more than 30 others Iran accuses of involvement in the January 3 attack that killed General Qassem Soleimani, face “murder and terrorism charges”, the semi-official ISNA news agency reported. Alqasimehr did not identify anyone else sought other than Trump, but stressed Iran would continue to pursue his prosecution even after his presidency ends. Also, Mehr claimed Trump would be prosecuted as soon as he stands down presidency after his term ends, Fars reported.

Iran also said it had asked Interpol to issue a Red Notice for these 36 individuals, semi-official state news agency ISNA reported, though it was unlikely that Interpol would grant the request.

Interpol, based in Lyon, France, said in a statement its constitution forbade it to undertake “any intervention or activities of a political, military, religious or racial character. Therefore, if or when any such requests were to be sent to the General Secretariat, Interpol would not consider requests of this nature.”

The US’s Iran envoy Brian Hook described the move as a “propaganda stunt”.

“Our assessment is that Interpol does not intervene and issue Red Notices that are based on a political nature,” Hook said at a news conference in Saudi Arabia. “This is a political nature. This has nothing to do with national security, international peace or promoting stability… It is propaganda stunt that no one takes seriously,” he said.

Red notice request

Alqasimehr was also quoted as saying Iran had requested a “red notice” be put out for Trump and the others, the highest-level notice issued by Interpol, requesting that seeks the location and arrest of the individual named.

Under a red notice, local authorities make the arrests on behalf of the country that requested it. The notices cannot force countries to arrest or extradite suspects, but can put government leaders on the spot and limit suspects’ travel.

After receiving a request, Interpol meets by committee and discusses whether or not to share the information with its member states. Interpol has no requirement for making any of the notices public, though some do get published on its website.

The US killed General Soleimani, who oversaw the Revolutionary Guard Corps’s expeditionary Quds Force and others in the January attack near Baghdad International Airport.

The assassination came after months of incidents raising tensions between the two countries and ultimately saw Iran retaliate with a ballistic missile strike targeting American troops in Iraq.

Political Stunt

US Special Representative for Iran Brian Hook called the move a “political stunt” during a joint press conference with the Saudi Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Adel al-Jubeir on Monday.

“It’s propaganda that we’re used to,” Hook said. “This has nothing to do with national security, international peace or promoting stability, so we see it for what it is – it’s a propaganda stunt that no one takes seriously and makes the Iranians look foolish,” he added.

Soleimani was killed in a US drone strike at Baghdad International Airport in January along with five others, including Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the deputy head of the Iran-backed Iraqi Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF).

The strike, condemned by Iran and its allies as an “assassination,” raised the specter of further regional destabilization.

A spokesman for Iran’s judiciary, Gholam-Hossein Esmaili, announced in early June that an Iranian citizen had been sentenced to death for allegedly working for foreign intelligence agencies. Esmaili claimed that Seyed Mahmoud Mousavi Majd disclosed the whereabouts of Soleimani to US intelligence officials.

The Trump administration viewed Soleimani as a ruthless killer, and the President told reporters in January that the general should have been taken out by previous presidents. The Pentagon blamed Soleimani for the deaths of hundreds of Americans and US allies in the months leading up to his killing.

“General Soleimani was actively developing plans to attack American diplomats and service members in Iraq and throughout the region,” the Pentagon said at the time, calling the strike “decisive defensive” action aimed at deterring future Iranian attacks.

Best Rangefinder for Long Range Shooting”

Are you looking for best rangefinder for long range shooting but still confused which one to choose? Then here I present to you some of the best rangefinders that will make your hunting super smooth and adventurous.
5 best rangefinders along with their details are given below. Have a look.

TecTecTec Hunting Rangefinder. (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B015FM1ZWY)

TecTecTec Hunting Rangefinder comes with advanced speed technology. It measures the angle and true ballistic distance accurately
Regarding the speed, it easily measures the speed of fast moving objects with +/-1 m Laser Accuracy.
It has multilayered lens and allows continuous measurement with 6 times more magnification so there is no question of missing your target.
The scenning mode works effectively by providing ultra clear optics and consistent accuracy.
The rangefinder comes with a pouch CR2 battery, wrist strap, microfiber, cleaning cloth and guick
Additionally it provides 2 years of Warranty and Happy customer Warranty. If you dont feel satisfied with the service then within 30 days you are liable to return the product and complete refund will be provided in that case
Overall,TecTecTec Rangefinder is a very good option for you if you want to invest in a good rangefinder and make hunting enjoyable.

2) Halo XL450 Range Finder. (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06XKN8N61)

HaloXL450Range Finder comes with 450 yard laser range finder and probides 6 times more magnification.
If you are a bow hunter then this rangefinder is just for you because its Angle Intelligence TechnologyTechnologymakes it perfect for bow hunting.
This hardy rangefinder has 450 yard reflective range and comes with eye pieces for focus which are adjustable.
Besides being light weight it provides distancereadouts in both yards and meters with accuracy of +/- 1 yard
Even when compared with big brands it stands with pride because of its dusk dawn display.
It is eater resistant and comes with 1 year of Warranty.
It has IIIA laser, 5mv or less and 2CR Battery.

3) Leupold TBR Laser Rangefinder-(https://www.amazon.com/dp/B078XJ72VF)

This rangefinder provides 6 times more magnification.
It provides accuracy in range ut to 1600 yard both in short and long distances.
It consists of Runnerized armour that provides secure grip in all conditions.
Completely waterproof and light weight.
It has Red OLED Display which gives bright and absolutely clear images.
It comes with 2 years of Warranty.
4) Bushnell 202208 Laser Rangefinder(https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00IN6ENWY)

1) The bone collector laser rangefinder comes with in- view LCD Display and gives the exact distance between 10-600 yards.
2) It provides 4X magnification and crystal clear optics.
3) It has an efficient, compact and vertical design.
4) It is weather resistent, durable and travel friendly
5)It is used by the professionals and comes with battery life indicator.
5)Nikon 16224 Bowhunting Laser Rangefinder(https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01AWSC8HC)

It is an appropriate bowhunting laser rangefinder
Its 20. 3mm eye relief helps in viewing and ranging easy and smooth.
It is compact, light weight and travel friendly which makes hunting comfortable.
It is water proof and comes with 2 years of warranty.
Tru Target Technology helps to choose between two different ranging modes and this changing os very very easy. This technology helps to target subject behind bushes or large trees.
Nikon’s advanced ID (Incline/Decline) Technology provides the horizontal distance to the target, even when ranging at various incline or decline shooting angles.

The “RATS” Feast😂

story by -Rabindranath Tagore-

It is very unfair, we will not study under a new teacher,” the boys said.

The new teacher, who is arriving, has the name Kalikumar Tarkalankar. Even though the boys had not seen him yet, they had nicknamed the teacher as “Black Pumpkin Fresh Chilli”, a ridiculous translation of the teacher’s name.

The vacations had ended and the boys were returning back to school from their homes in a train. Among them was a jolly fellow who had composed a poem entitled “The Black Pumpkin’s sacrifice” and the boys were reciting the poem at the top of their voice. Just then, when the train stopped at the Adkhola station, an old man entered their coach. With him was his sleeping bag all folded up, few pots that were closed at their mouths by pieces of cloth, a tin trunk and few bundles. One bully-type boy, who was called Bichkun by the others, roared, “There is no place here, old man. Get into another coach.”

The old man said, “There is a huge rush and there is no place elsewhere. I will adjust myself in this corner and will not cause you any trouble.” So saying, the old man vacated the seat among the boys and sat down after spreading his sleeping bag on the floor in a corner.

He asked the boys, “Where are all of you going, and why?”

Bichkun promptly replied that they were going for a “shraddha (a religious rite performed after the death of a person)”.

“Whose shraddha?” the old man wanted to know.

Black Pumpkin Fresh Chilli’s, he heard in reply.

The boys once again chanted at the top of their voice, “Black Pumpkin Fresh Chilli, we will show you your place.”

The train halted at Asansol and the old man alighted to bathe at the station. When he returned after taking a bath, Bichkun cautioned him, “Do not remain in this coach, mister.”

“Do tell me why,” the old man requested to know.

“There are a lot of rats here,” was the answer.

“Rats! What is all this talk of rats?”

“Just see what the rats have done after removing the covers of your pots.”

The gentleman saw that the pots that had contained sweets and other eatables, were absolutely empty.

“The rats even scurried away carrying away one of your bundles,” Bichkun said. The bundle had contained five or six luscious mangoes from the old man’s own garden.

The gentlemen laughed and remarked that the rats must indeed have been very hungry.

Bichkun said rats are like that; they eat even if they are not hungry.

The other boys joined in the fun and laughed out aloud. “Yes mister, had there been more eatables, they would have finished that too,” they said.

The gentleman said he had made a mistake. “Had I known there would be so many rats traveling together in the train, I would have brought more good things to eat,” he said.

The boys were disappointed that the old man was not angry at their prank. It would have been fun if he had lost his temper.

The train came to halt at the Bardhaman station. It will stop for an hour and the passengers have to board another train for their onward journey.

The gentleman said, “Boys, I will not trouble you any more. I will find a seat for myself in a separate coach.”

“No, no,” the boys cried out in unison, “you must complete the rest of the journey with us. If you have anything left in the pots, we will guard them and nothing will go missing this time”.

“Alright boys, you get into the train. I will join you in a moment,” the gentleman said.

The boys jumped into the connecting train. After some time, a confectioner approached their coach pushing his cart and halted by the window. Along came the gentleman too. He handed over a packet of sweets to each of the boys and said, “This time, the rats will not face any impediments in their feast.” The boys jumped in joy. Shortly, a mango seller also came by and delicious mangoes were passed around.

“Where are you going and for what purpose?” the boys demanded to know.

He said, “I am going in search of employment. I will get down wherever I find work.”

“What sort of work do you do?” the boys demanded to know again.

“I am a teacher. I teach Sanskrit,” the gentleman replied.

The boys clapped their hands in delight and said, “Then, you must come to our school.”

“Why will your school employ me?” he asked.

“The school will have to employ you; we will not allow Black Pumpkin Fresh Chilli to enter the school premises under any circumstance,” the boys cried out in unison.

“You have put me in a dilemma. What if the school secretary takes a dislike for me?” the old man wanted to know.

He has to like you – else, all of us will leave school and go away, they said.

“Okay boys, then take me to your school.”

The train came to a halt at their destination. The school secretary was himself present at the station. On seeing the old man, he said, “Come, come, come Tarkalankar Sir. Your room has been readied and spruced up.” The secretary then bowed and touched the old man’s feet in reverence.

Crowd: The Voice Of Cricket Match

Just Imagine a match without passionate fervent enthusiastic crowds who electrifies the atmosphere and produce sensation on every single ball delivered by baller tackled by batsman and collected by fielder. without crowd cricket match is like a ‘speaker without voice’ a ‘TV without signals’ and a ‘pizza without cheese’ . it is an obnoxious feeling even thinking about organising a cricket match without crowd. Crowd create the beats on every single ball. Not only ballers and batsman of opponent teams fought with each other but it is also crowd which fought with emotions hopes and contributes equally well as a batsman and a baller.

“The G” ground of Melbourne Australia known as MCG, or Cricket ground of lords known as ‘Home of cricket’ or whether it is Eden Gardens Kolkata or Wanderers Stadium Johannesburg, etc. all these grounds are a mark of Cricket where emotions and aspirations of crowd gather to support their nations their Heroes and produced triumph sensation in the field. A lot of fans and every cricket lover walk miles within the country or abroad to support to encourage their heroes and make the spirit of cricket live and unbeatable. May it is the scorching heat of summer or rainy season nothing stop crowd to gather for a cricket match and shows the great presence of fighting spirits supporting spirits. Clapping produce a thundering phenomenon when the baller starts to run up the crowd creates a rhythm of claps with his rhythm of run-up. All the facilities all the arrangements and beauty of ground is colorless without crowd sought noises chanting of star names over the electrifying atmosphere in the ground increase the beats of every single player. what makes the contest nail-biting? without any doubt, players are keys to making the contest thrilling with their efforts and skills and endeavor and fighting with the aim of never give up. every edition of the game produces some thrilling and terrific moments which stuns every single cricket lover witnessing contest live or on broadcasting channels sitting in their homes or anywhere else, the crowd also contributes significantly in synthesizing such key moments. it’s their enthusiasm and active participation which making beats high creating a phenomenon in which all the ground players produce magic played glorious innings took wickets to catch some stunning catches. this 2019 world cup we witness the same scenes of electrifying and thrilling stuff when England chasing down levels the score it was just an overthrow by martin Guptill which struck to the bat of stokes and gives extra runs and match got tied. World of cricket every cricket lover and fans all around the world witnessed one of the biggest contest worlds was on the verge of getting its new champion, but something dramatic was happening we have finals without result teams have to show their endeavor in super over to achieve the title of world champions. every single pulse witnessing the contest in ‘Home of Cricket’ at the Lord’s got stagnant beats were the high situation of worry and anxiety was at its high and crowd gots stunned cheers when first-time England lifts the world cup, no doubt it was the determination of all the players their fervent and arduous mindset not to loose which honored them the title of world champion but the crowd was also an inevitable part of this win who leaves their homes travel miles to enrolled in the spirit of their nation to stood for them to support their heroes. “Crowd is an inevitable part of Cricket” without the crowd Cricket match is like “A speaker without Voice”.

Facebook Finally calls for a ban!

Facebook very recently announced about putting a ban on advertisements claiming people from a specific origin, religion, race ,sexual orientation ,gender discrimination, racism or anyone who pose a threat to  the health and safety of others, with no exception to any politician or government of any country in the world. In order to protect the refugee and immigrants better than before, it has restricted the  use of derisive languages that could hurt the sentiments of people. This ban is just for the paid promotions, not for usual posts  as every user have their freedom of speech and encourages  expressing  their opinion freely, without  violation of content. This announcement by facebook was a result of the boycott by all the big companies to stop the message of hatred from spreading.

Last week, the campaign “StopHateForProfit ” was launched by Anti Defamation League(DFL) and NAACP , since Facebook repeatedly failed to address hatred on all platforms. The campaign  was started as a way of protest against Donald trump’s statement, involving shooting protesters invoking phrase about racism. Retailers like the North Face, RE, were the initial outdoor companies to do so.

In Big companies fight  against undermining their democracy, and to stop the flames of racism ,Ben & Jerry’s joined the boycott. Coca-Cola , on charges of expecting action and transparency , called of their advertising for at least  30 days .Hershey’s , in addition to one month long boycott, went on to cutting off it’s advertisement  cost in facebook and Instagram by nearly one-third for the remaining year. Honda, is the first automobile industry to sign in for this. In total, around 160 companies joined hands and came together for this boycott.

Facebook in it’s defence responded by saying that they deeply respect all the brands and their decisions. Their prime focus is to stop the hate speech , and  enforce back the trust of people encouraging freedom of speech and expression. They even went on to the extent to explain that they’ve no incentive to tolerate any hate speech, and instead wants a positive connection with it’s users all around the world.

This has led to the falling down of facebook shares by nearly 3%.Since a large amount of it’s revenue comes by way of advertising, this boycotting by companies is affecting it adversely to the extent that it’s value is deteriorating day-by-day. Starbucks ,one of it’s biggest  contributor to the total advertisement revenue earned,  have affected the brand value of facebook further.

Facebook is not new in imposing restrictions. Recently we’ve seen few cases where Facebook had put  an ban on advertisements promoting selling of masks. This was done to prevent the hoarding in bulks and then selling it off in double the price. Also, in month of February facebook had even confirmed a total ban on the misleading coronavirus advertisement, so as to stop the panic going around the world.  In order for facebook to prevent losses, it needs to follow strict restrictions, giving no chance for the public to complain .