CBSE result declared -what are the positives & negatives?

13th, july, 2020, the day CBSE declared the result of class 12th board examination, which were held haphazardly, only due to the ongoing series of a pandemic called the Novel Coronavirus. Students gave their sweat and hearts to perform gloriously in the examinations, some passed away with flying colors, but unfortunately some were unable to stand up to their own and the family’s expectations.

The total passing percentage of students has been recorded an incredible increase of 5.38% compared to 2019, and it touched the parameter of 88.78%. Where girls outshine the boys.

But, it was not the end of the session, as CBSE decided not to announce the merit list, which is a great step indeed. People were still worried and dumbstruck listening about a girl getting 100% pass percentage.

Consequently, every body have their opinion about the results declared. While some applaud the efforts made by students,as well as CBSE for declaring such positive results, some other group of people reckon that, it is an unfair decision or way to promote the students, i.e. without taking any examination.

The positives –

Amid the pandemic, when everyone panicked about the completion of the remaining examinations. The Central Board of Secondary Education, decided not to mention the names of the meritorious students, in order to lower the burden of competition among students, and more importantly the parents.

Also, it has miraculously swept away the mental pressure that earlier alarmed as a bell in the students’ ears. Along with lowered burden of competition, the news have not been exposed by the media like a wild fire, consequently avoiding all the stuff that was heard from the neighbors, relatives, family members, friends, and the teachers. Let’s take in other way, the pandemic proved to them, a saviour, a Messiah, the escape from all the problems that could have possibly bumped into them, then.

The negatives –

While there were many things that made everyone very happy and light headed. The other flip of the coin has to reveal something else;since teachers were the unable to gather at the centers to check out the copies,due to the norms set up by the government, the sheets were directly sent to them at their respective homes to fulfill the same,without any eye keeping a check on them, leniency was at its best. Therefore making it easy for the students to score more than what they really deserved.

It is clear that, the earlier batches who gave their sweat and heart to achieve the highest score, but, instead, the present batch was passed without any pressure among them,doing injustice to the previous ones. Ease in the checking criteria, will definitely result in an increase in cut off in many of the top universities of the country,making it difficult for them to nail the admission criteria in the top universities of the country.

Despite there being so much hubbub about the examinations and the consequences of those, the pandemic has proven the humans that, conducting the exams, along with classes, and many other things online is a new way to live our lives.

Are women really empowered?

“What are you staring at?” groaned a twenty year old job aspirant, when fifty three year bald headed man unapologetically stared at her breast.

People, try and oftentimes associates the word empowerment with women actively participating in every single field that a man is capable to pitch in. Be it handling the economy of a country, or handling the economy of his own house. But, the question remains unanswered, as when activists and feminists go up and strike to ask whether it is the only way to describe women empowerment, or it is beyond the coverage of human brain?

What is missing in the whole argument is the word “equality”. Even the longest Constitution of the world claims that –

No citizen shall, on grounds only of religion, race, caste, sex, place of birth or any of them, be subject to any disability, liability, restriction or conditions.

When the Constitution itself provides us with the idea of equality among all, then on what grounds do we differentiate the two? But, certainly, we can. For us,our society equality has now a new definition, giving especialised equality to female. Deepa Karmakar, Sunny Leone, Nirmala Sitharaman, Chanda Kochhar, or any commoner, never have thought that they could be the moonlight of their respective fields, but at what cost? When they are looked upon as a “woman” working in the community where men are supposed to be the ace of cards . Be it in terms of salary the are paid, or handling the chorus of the work place, or capability to act against a man, if she is a human being with XX chromosomes, she is objectified, “Oh! A woman has joined us. “Or “Wow! Woman sprinter has won a medal. ” Or what happens the most is looked upon as an object to be healthily flirted with.

But, but, but, nevertheless, it is not the fault that lies with the man. God’s plan has been so, therefore, its an obvious nature for a human being with XY chromosome to get attracted towards the one who has biological been given “that one”, when in mother’s womb. Women stands guilty, here, for embarrassingly enjoying, her own objectification, and not complaining at the same time. Rabindranath Tagore has very beautifully quoted –

You are a woman, by serving you must worship, and by serving you must rule.

Which is true at some point. If a woman can worship by bestowing her services to the world, how come, she can’t rule by providing the same services to herself? The same care, the same affection, the same love, the same respect. At the end of the day, it is us, or the women community, who have to rise up for themselves, if they want empowerment to be a real phenomenon, unlike the ones, who, at one flip of the coin support feminism and the idea of feminism, but at the other flip of the coin, grabs every chance to showcase that they are women, and women only seek help, and feel weak at the knees.

The idea how much you love yourself the most, is finally the path to shackle the boundaries of criticism, and at the same time empowering every individual women in a real sense. Empowerment will definitely fall on the feets of those who will understand main reason behind approaching towards it, and therefore achieving thereal women empowerment.

Rabindranath Tagore’s Chandalika

Self consciousness, up to a point, is necessary to self development;for without an awareness of the dignity of one’s own role or function, one cannot give one’s best to the world.

The above, are the lines from one of the most underrated dramas of Rabindranath Tagore, in the world of literature – Chandalika. A drama with a lots of love, compassion, over compassion, feeling of inferiority, new birth, and culmination of great teachings of Buddha. This drama has a vast history and has been portrayed over centuries as a musical drama, music to give more life to it, and make the audience understand the intensity of the emotions that the protagonists carry in themselves, during the play.

Themes –

A religion that insults is a false religion. Everyone united to make me conform to a creed that blinds and gags. But since that day something forbids me to conform any longer. I’m afraid of nothing now.

The story that is revealed in the plot is all about discovering new dimensions of life, as well as, discovering one’s inner self. Readers also come across new experiences of life through the characters themselves, in each and every scene that is being played on. Set in an old city of Shravasti, in the then Uttar Pradesh, the story has to offers many aspects of human approaches, such as, over obsession for something can be as disastrous as gulping poison. Another aspect of the play is discovered through the act of quenching thirsty Buddhist monk, that proves to be a kind of “rebirth” for a girl who is meant to be untouchable. The presence of the mother is a cue of saying that, one should not step out of the boundaries that are set by the religion and society for any person living on this earth. Rebellion against the wall of system and society, is another thing that is portrayed by the drama. The presence of a Buddhist monk in the play, rejuvenates it, bringing whole of a new sense to the play, teachings of Buddha, determination towards life and bringing up the best of a person, is that converts it into a multi dimensional and psychological drama of intense spiritual conflict. Finally, turning into a sort of redemption, along with self realisation, the drama yet has a tale to tell, that –

Love does not claim possession, but it gives freedom.

Introducing the characters –

Chandalika, as the name suggests, is about a chandal girl belonging to the lowest untouchable caste, who gives water to a beautiful monk and falls for him. Unable to restrain herself, she made her mother chant the spells and bound him to be presented at their house at night. Filled with lust and sensitivity, the character of Prakriti portrays the nature’s qualities, she is aggressive, ready to make sacrifices, adorably tolerant, love excessively, mostly alike our mother nature. The story is not of a wicked girl roused to lust by the physical beauty of the monk, but of a very sensitive girl, condemned by her birth to a despised caste, suddenly awakened to a consciousness of her full rights as a woman.

Anand, the famous disciple of Buddha, is a monk in a real sense, pure, loved all the creatures of the world, spread the enlightenment, and victim of the lust of a girl, who unknowingly, is put to remorse and shame.

Symbolizing the social evils prevailing in the society, in the contemporary time, Prakriti’s mother, is yet another character of the play, who, unfortunately had to pay heavy price of her daughter’s love, by giving sacrificing every nerve and cell of her body. She is, as protective, as every other mother ever lived on this earth. At the same time, preventing her to not to claim such a pure soul, Anand, as her’s.

The plot –

For wisdom is not happiness, and renunciation is not fulfilment.

Forgotten that I was a human being, these words always pinched Prakriti’s ears for many years, when one day in vaisakh, she, sitting under the blistering sun was introduced to a person in town, whom she could only think to be standing some fifty feets apart from “a girl, as she. ” It is, Anand, the monk, pure as heaven, beautiful,englitened, who has renounced the earthly leisures, approaches her to quench his thirst. But, being a Chandal, Prakriti was bound not to offer him water from a lake as unpure as herself, on which he laments, and speaks to her, if the black clouds of sravana are dubbed chandal, what of it? It doesn’t change their nature, or destroy the virtue of their water. Don’t humiliate yourself;self humiliation is a sin, worse than self murder. It is when comes twist in the tale, she is revealed to a new birth of herself and is determined to bring him back to her, and discover a cherish her new birth with herself.

Hearing this from Prakriti’s own mouth, her mother is shaken up and thinks that somebody has chant some spell over her. She is awestruck by the idea of her talking of the humanism, caste, and want for the monk. Not ready to listen to her mother, Prakriti wants the monk back, by hook or by crook, that could be achieved when the mother chants her spell over him, and call him off straight to her place. The mother rebels and protests against this idea of her, saying, we only churn up the mud, his power is much more greater than hers, and by chanting spell over him, she can commit a great sin.

The utmost desire to have the monk right next to her is unshakable, and being the only loveable daughter of her, the mother is bound to chant the magic spells. She makes her prepare all the stuff that is required to fulfill the strength of the words, and giving her a magic mirror, tells her to be attentive of the paththat Anand will choose to come over here. Magically, her spells worked out, but in a different manner, though Anand came all the way to her house, without any second thought, but his radiance withered, the shining, the purity, the heavenly glow, all gone, faded, destroyed to pieces. Also, her mother was exhausted till now, she was lying on the floor, counting last of her breath,as overpowering such a majestic personality was a difficult task to do.

It was the time when Prakriti again realised, was awakened to life, that she has committed a sin, redeemed for the second time, purged of the pride and egoism that had made her forget that love does not claim possession, but gives freedom. Also, the holy monk is taken back into his earlier state by the powers of The Buddha.

The drama is a delight to the readers, a tragedy with a lot of teachings and morals to tell. Self redemption, obsession, realization, rebirth, it is a bunch of great dialogues, that takes the reader into in itself.

Renewable sources- Future of India

Imagine waking up one day, without any natural non-renewable resources left on this earth, how will it feel? Certainly, in a sense, we will be half dead.

Without any resources,without any foundation to support livelihood on this earth, survival of the humans is equal to null. The reason for which its important today to utilize the natural resources in such a manner that it becomes a boon for the generations to come. Provision of renewable resources by the nature itself, is a remedy for the same.

In case of a country, like, India, its a icing on the cake, surrounded by water on all the three sides, bestowed with a range of seasons in the country, the location on the world map is quite advantageous for India. The presence of oceanic water and large number of rivers in the country, is a significant edge in providing with hydroelectric power to the country;along with blowing winds, at the time of autumn and winter, that is a great opportunity to grasp the use of wind energy, in performing various tasks;also, the hot summer season, when sun is at the peak, is probably best suitable in providing the solar energy to the country, that directly comes from the nature, without harming any livelihood.

Renewable sources of energy –

  • Water resources –

Water, one of the basic necessities of any humans’ life, is considered as a renewable material when carefully controlled usage and treatment is followed. If it not, it would become a non-renewable resource at the location. Hydroelectricity, is generated from the fast flowing water, which becomes a renewable source. In India, projects like, Bhakra Nagal, Damodar Valley corporation, the Kopili Hydel project, are currently in working, but a lot more can be produced using Tidal waves, which is currently in not a much use, as it could be.

  • Solar Energy

India being a tropical country, has enormous possibilities of tapping solar energy. Photovoltaic technology converts sunlight directly into electricity. Today, the solar energy is used mostly by the people living in remote and rural areas, which contributes to environmental conservation and adequate supply of manure in agriculture. The largest solar power plant of India is located at Madhapur, near Bhuj, here solar energy is used to sterlise milk cans.

  • Wind Power

India stands as a wind super power in the world. In most of the states in the country, such as, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Gujarat, Kerala, Rajasthan, and even Lakshadweep, have the largest wind farm cluster which are well known for effective use of wind energy in the country.

The above stated are the major sources of renewable energy, apart from these, Biogas, and Geothermal energy, are major renewable sources that are helpful in generating mass energy, as well as electricity. Being a progressive country, India is heading towards the development of these resources that can help control the exploitation of other natural non-renewable resources.

Where are we lagging?

Despite having the largest availability of natural renewable sources of energy, India is producing less than what its capacity enables it to. Every state of the country has some or the other resource accumulated within it. But, due to –

  • Lack of technology
  • Lack of human approach to the resources
  • Lack of precise knowledge of resources
  • Lack of interest of financial institutions to fund projects
  • Safe guard duty on imported solar panels
  • Ambiguity over goods and services tax on solar equipment
  • Low investor sentiment due to delay by discoms to clean energy developers

It has become difficult to use them, also, the presence of other natural resources that are in use, currently, people are not inclined towards using these renewable energy resources.

Plans and programs –

India’s installed capacity touched around 86GW by November end. This includes solar, wind, small hydro, biomass, waste to energy and others. Around 30GW renewable capacity including 18GW solar and 10GW wind energy is under implementation. Besides, around 40GW including 36GW solar and 3.4GW wind energy, is being tendered.

Schemes such as, PM-KUSUM, SPDA, PRAAPTI, have helped the private sectors to pull up their socks and work in the director that would make the country self reliant, or Atam nirbhar. The future certainly depends on these energy resources, bringing a new stream of development into the country.

Prevention from depletion of natural resources from the earth is a step ahead, by installing the new type of techniques for the development of human race.

Blood – by Kamala Das

Kamala Das as a poet presents us with a powerful and, yet emotional poem, that plays with the emotional as well as cultural instincts of the reader. It is not merely a work with hundreds of lines, but is connected closely to the poet’s heart, dedicated to her grandmother and a promise that could never be fulfilled. Blood is a poem that promises the readers to think about the promises they make, and their failure to get them fulfilled. Also, reminds them to keep carrying the good qualities and cultural heritage, all along their generations, causing a failure of which can lead to a vas gap between the traditional customs and present generation.

Remembering all the fun and floric days of childhood, spent with her brother, back in the their grandmother’s home. She happily rediscovers – at the beginning of the poem – , that she would play in sand, draw birds and animals. But at the same time, she is envisaged with the ugly memory of her worried grandmother, about her falling home. She told her (the poet), the house is as old as, three hundred years, and now falling to little bits. The grandmother is helpless that she could not do, but repent, since all the things of the house are now cracking, whether Lord Shiva’s temple, or the doors with holes. She cries and worries so much for the house, that even her eyes have got reddend;seeing which, the little Kamala Das promises to repair it some day when she grow old, and very very rich. Hearing this innocent promise, made out of curiosity, her grandmother touches her cheeks and smile.

Further, the laureate speaks up about her grandmother, who was really a simple lady, with least desires in the world. “Fed on God for years”,her only espouse was God, for she had became a widow the next year of her marriage. Her grandmother was a princess, rode on elephant, always went to temple, she had a lot of jewel, and every kind of quality oil, perfume and sandal.

The poet is proud to be born in such a lineage, that “had the oldest blood”, the blood, in terms of heritage and traditional values. Unlike others, who either are new-richmen, or are always poor, having the hunch, “muddy as a ditch”. But, alas! one very poor day, she lay died in her eighty sixth year. The poet remembers her as –

A woman wearied by compromise
Her legs quilted with arthritis
And with only a hard cough
For comfort

She looked deep into her eyes, and prayed for her, that she always grieved for the house. Also, by now the poet herself has learnt how difficult it is to fulfill a promise, compared to making one. And once again, she saw “the house was crouching”, this time because nobody will be there to care of it, the way she used to have.

Here, the use if personification, beautifies the poem, and shovea more liveliness in the whole picture of the house, ruing, regretting, and repenting at the same time. When her grandmother was burnt into ashes, she looked at the house and thought, the house which was once loved a lot by her grandmother, its windows will be shut forever, like the closing of the eyes;pillars will groan;and the rooms sigh. And she set forward towards town, leaving the house, and all the good memories of her childhood.

Assuming the rats running around ever corner of the house, darkened halls, white ants covering the doors, one night, she fret, as the poet moved from one town to another. Since, it was nearest to her heart and grandmother, she felt as if the house is creaking and falling to sherds, also, she now regrets and seek forgiveness from the house, as was not able to fulfill the promise made to her grandmother. She quotes-

I have let you down
Old house,I seek forgiveness
O mother's mother's mother
I have plucked your soul
Like a pip from a fruit
And have flung it into your pyre

She had disappointed her grandmother and has destroyed her dreams. And therefore is asking her to either call her callous, or selfish, but do not blame her traditions and moral values given to her by her ancestors. Finally she assures her dead grandmother, even if she has not kept her promise, but she has not forgotten the good ethics, and morals taught to her by the grandmother.

Marriages- a pure relation or a money deal

A great marriage isn’t something that just happens; it’s something that must be created.” – Fawn Weaver

Almost everybody, once in their lifetime, must have heard of the great saying, marriages are made in heaven. One of the purest of all relations that exist on the earth, is certainly in danger in one or the other manner.

Child marriage, have been into practice in our country for many centuries, but it is due to the tireless works of Keshab Chandra Sen, founder of Brahmo Samaj, the ill mentality which was pulping in earlier are now demolished from it’s roots. Another practice that prevailed during mid eighteenth and late nineteenth century, Dowry System, was also a big reason to worry. Since, it put great financial strain on the bride’s family, its ebolition was a must. But, today, these practices have almost come to an end, and people are leading towards more independent and maverick lives.

Although, the ill practices that were prevailing earlier in the Indian subcontinent, have now been put to an end, or we can say that, though not from the roots, above the board, it is all sorted. But, at the same time, a more ill and heart melting practice is being put into force, by most of the literate, along with illiterate people, i.e. people nowadays sale their bride and groom, in order to get them married at any cost.

It is a common tendency among Indians to get their children married once they enter their twenties, but if their marriage happens to fail, any cost is being given to the other party, in order to get them married. The reason why these things happen is the greed, as well as the pathetic excuse for their getting old.

And the only meaning driven out of these practices is that, people, or the young people, are being sold out, under the name of getting married, which is often hidden behind the pure and holy relation of marriage. Which is equal to a crime, also, it can be associated with Human Trafficking. It is simply selling of people, but the only difference here is, they know at what price, and where they are being sold to.

It is a common practice in most of the hindu families, that are supposed to be one of the literate class, but unfortunately are into such practices that lead to detoriation of the human values, and morals, along with cultural heritage. We often blame it on most of the Muslim families, or people that they are much more into practices such as marrying more than one lady, instead all are equally guilty in promoting every kind of ill practice that is prevailing in the society, and continue to be there forever.

It is a massive problem, that has settled its roots into the society, behind the name of marriage. Often, it is neglected and taken for granted, but until its ebolition is done with a force, it will take over the society forever and will detoriate the pureness of such a relation.

Ways to make college more fun and productive

Along with passing out of the school comes anxiety, curiosity, excitement, and nerves starts cracking up, as to even think about how and what will be it like going to be a college, which is apparently whole of a new place to be in. There are certain ambitions, and goals;a plethora of feelings just move in and around the head, making the new kid on the block, a bit stressed out.

Going to the college, is like entering into a world, where you have to fight, fight for your identity. The new age teens are abruptly taken into perplexity, chaos and astonishment, at the same time, forgetting that they could make most of their college life by opting enormous number of other course works and activities which they really looked forward, since their childhood. As, college is not just a place where education is to be cramped up, with education comes up many other optional activities that seize to make a apprentice really settle down in the world.

  • Here are some ways in which a fresher can make college a fun place –

Joining into a society –

College is a place with vast array of opportunities, as well as activities, one can opt for anything they desire for. And for the sake of the same, they provide large options to join in any society of their interest, these can be –

  • Music society
  • Dramatics society
  • Dance society
  • Fashion society
  • Debating society
  • Entrepreneurship cell
  • Fine arts
  • Cyber clan
  • Photography society
  • Other academic societies

Joining into these societies is both, fun as well as, a lot of knowledge is gained about every bit of life. Whether it is the team work, or time management, handling the posts, life skills, and makes the person ready to get go for a career opportunity in these fields only.

Activities to take up in college –

If a student feels it hectic or not worth much to be part of any society of the college, many activities are still there that can enhance their knowledge at both the grounds of education and skills. Such as –

  • NCC
  • NSS
  • Sports
  • Joining student union

Taking up these, as a part of their curriculum can make their college life more interesting, and the students could really make these a most important, and integral parts of their college.

Choices out of college –

Sometimes it becomes very difficult for a stranger just to choose what the college offers him/her, and end up hanging on between DOs and DON’Ts. But the societies and activities of college are not the end of the choices life has to offer to them. Opportunities out of college is available to them –

  • Internship programs
  • Language classes
  • Preparing for competitive exams
  • Joining NGOs
  • Providing classes to students at school level
  • Opting for other courses

There is a world beyond books, and to experience that is the best education of all.

Taking up these activities,courses and programs as a part of college education, not only is a chance to enhance knowledge, but can also lead to improve at life skills. Activities as these can also become a a greatareer option for the student, if they really want to be in the field.

It is not difficult to choose what society or activity one has to go for. Just, the student skeeing upto doing something can try and let himself/herself know what they were wanting to do, since childhood, or in which field they best find their career as, which activities attract them the most; or even if they desire to choose something that they have nothing experienced, can also be a good part to take up.

The pride Month

Recently, people suddenly came up with the posts on social media, using the hashtags, pride, or pride month, and etc. But, many of us may be wondering with many questions stuck to our minds, why? What is it? Where? When? How?

Although, there is a huge mass of people vocal about such a topic as this, but many still feel bad, or to say embraced in thinking about every aspect of a human being’s physique, which is a great reason to worry. It is not what we expect from the generation of sciences and revolutions, they must be vocal for the issues that are prevailing in the current society, and are making people in their surroundings and even themselves, mentally distressed, which is even worse than any physical tensions.

What is the pride ?

Gay pride or LGBT pride is the promotion of self affirmation, dignity, equality, and increased visibility of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people as a social group. Pride, as opposed to shame and social stigma, is the predominant outlook that blosters most LGBT rights movements.

It is not a recent phenomenon that we are experience through, but has a long history that commemorates a turning point in a country’s LGBT history, for example Moscow Pride in May for the anniversary of Russia’s 1993 decriminalization of homosexuality.

The common symbol of pride are the rainbow or pride flag, the lowercase Greek letter lambda, the pink triangle, and the black triangle.

The history of Pride Month –

LGBT Pride Month occurs in United States to commemorate the Stonewall riots, which occurred at the end of June 1969.As a result, many pride events are held during this month to recognize the impact LGBT people had in the world.

It is because of the struggles of a Bisexual activist Brenda Howard, who is also known as The Mother of Pride,coordinated the first LGBT pride march, and she also originated the idea for a week-long series of events around Pride Day, which then become the genesis of the annual LGBT Pride celebrations that are now held around the world every June. Not only Brenda, the two Presidents of the United States have officially declared a pride month. And Barack Obama even said

I call upon all Americans to observe this month by fighting prejudice and discrimination in their own lives and everywhere it exists. –

Proclamation 8529 by U. S President Barack Obama, May 28,2010

Although,from both outside and inside the LGBT community,there is criticism and protest against pride events. The “Straight Pride” incidents have gained some media attention,especially when they involve government and public institutions.

Pride Month 2020 –

2020 has been a year that has seen several changes happening around all over the world. And celebrating Pride Month, is one such event that has brought a great revolution around the world, people are more attentive towards what one feel, or what a person has to say about their sexuality, neglecting the orthodoxy of the past.

As well as being a month long celebration, Pride Month is also an opportunity to peacefully protest and raise political awareness of current issue facing the community. Parades are the prominent feature of Pride Month, and there are many street parties, community events, public speaking, street festivals and educational sessions all of which are covered by mainstream media and attracting millions of participants. The digital concert which was conducted recently, by the world’s best musicians and activists, is a significant step towards promoting pride and accepting every human being generously and with great respect.

Since, we have jumped into a generation of broad spectrum, where each and every human being has the right to be the way they are. It is definitely a great time to start talking over such issues that hold people behind, and make them feel comfortable and respected in every manner.

India- land of large physiography

Unity in diversity, So is said about India, is not true only about its people, but it’s physiography, beautiful and insane. Mountain chains, large deserts, beautiful coastlines, beaches, ever flowing rivers, dense forests and the swampy landscapes, all put together to make a divine country, named, India. All these features make India a place worth visiting for, and thereby creating an increase in its rank up on the world stage.

India has been divided into six physiographic zones –

  • Northern and north-eastern mountain
  • Northern plain
  • Peninsular plateau
  • Indian desert
  • Coastal plains
  • Islands

North and north eastern mountains –

Starting right from the Himalayan mountain range, where the heaven on the earth, is one of the most prominent features of Indian physiographic divisions. It not only protects the country from external attacks, but also is responsible for the controlling of the winds flowing in and out of the country. Starting from Hindu Kush mountains in the West, covering all of the Northern India, these get plunge towards the North East, in the states of Arunachal Pradesh and Meghalaya.

Northern plains –

Covering most of the Indian peninsula, the northern plains spread over 2.5-million km sq. Most of the production activities take place over this region, such as, farming, setting up of industrial areas, and other massive activities, also having the most fertile soil to grow crops, i.e. alluvial soil. The region is a way, or the region sustains India’s most of the perennial rivers, like The Ganga, The Yamuna, The Son, etc and etc.

Peninsular plateau –

Peninsular region is the oldest part of the Indian subcontinent. Most of the variations in the land geography, one can find plateaus, fold mountains, ridges, and contains most of the mountain ranges. Peninsular region of India is most famous for its forest areas and diverse range of flaura and fauna.

Desert –

Two type of deserts can be found in India

  • Hot desert
  • Cold desert

Hot desert covers the Western most states of the country, Rajasthan, Gujarat. But the type of deserts still differ from each other, in terms of appearance and salinity. The desert in Gujarat is more saline and is white in appearance, but in the region of Rajasthan, it is alike other deserts found in many of the parts of the world.

Cold desert of India is in the Ladakh region, which is also the coldest and highest regions of the country.

Coastal areas and Islands –

India is bestowed with a large coastline,running from Gujarat towards the South,and ending up in the state of West Bengal. It is because of this large coastal area, most of the economic developments could take place in the country,whether it is fishing, extraction of natural resources,development of ports, and way for exports and imports.

Major islands of the country are Andaman and Nicobar and Lakshadweep,where natural resources are easily available in abundant amount.

This diversity in the physiography of India makes it a beauty of the earth and the presence of natural resources makes the subcontinent into a land which is more favorable for human growth.