Ways to make college more fun and productive

Along with passing out of the school comes anxiety, curiosity, excitement, and nerves starts cracking up, as to even think about how and what will be it like going to be a college, which is apparently whole of a new place to be in. There are certain ambitions, and goals;a plethora of feelings just move in and around the head, making the new kid on the block, a bit stressed out.

Going to the college, is like entering into a world, where you have to fight, fight for your identity. The new age teens are abruptly taken into perplexity, chaos and astonishment, at the same time, forgetting that they could make most of their college life by opting enormous number of other course works and activities which they really looked forward, since their childhood. As, college is not just a place where education is to be cramped up, with education comes up many other optional activities that seize to make a apprentice really settle down in the world.

  • Here are some ways in which a fresher can make college a fun place –

Joining into a society –

College is a place with vast array of opportunities, as well as activities, one can opt for anything they desire for. And for the sake of the same, they provide large options to join in any society of their interest, these can be –

  • Music society
  • Dramatics society
  • Dance society
  • Fashion society
  • Debating society
  • Entrepreneurship cell
  • Fine arts
  • Cyber clan
  • Photography society
  • Other academic societies

Joining into these societies is both, fun as well as, a lot of knowledge is gained about every bit of life. Whether it is the team work, or time management, handling the posts, life skills, and makes the person ready to get go for a career opportunity in these fields only.

Activities to take up in college –

If a student feels it hectic or not worth much to be part of any society of the college, many activities are still there that can enhance their knowledge at both the grounds of education and skills. Such as –

  • NCC
  • NSS
  • Sports
  • Joining student union

Taking up these, as a part of their curriculum can make their college life more interesting, and the students could really make these a most important, and integral parts of their college.

Choices out of college –

Sometimes it becomes very difficult for a stranger just to choose what the college offers him/her, and end up hanging on between DOs and DON’Ts. But the societies and activities of college are not the end of the choices life has to offer to them. Opportunities out of college is available to them –

  • Internship programs
  • Language classes
  • Preparing for competitive exams
  • Joining NGOs
  • Providing classes to students at school level
  • Opting for other courses

There is a world beyond books, and to experience that is the best education of all.

Taking up these activities,courses and programs as a part of college education, not only is a chance to enhance knowledge, but can also lead to improve at life skills. Activities as these can also become a a greatareer option for the student, if they really want to be in the field.

It is not difficult to choose what society or activity one has to go for. Just, the student skeeing upto doing something can try and let himself/herself know what they were wanting to do, since childhood, or in which field they best find their career as, which activities attract them the most; or even if they desire to choose something that they have nothing experienced, can also be a good part to take up.