We would all agree quarantine has taught as many things in our life! How to live with the limited resources, the way it brought back to the health and hygiene of our old years , the understanding, attachment and love bonding of our family members in fast world , learning new courses, training, certificates, cooking ,regaining hobbies, Netflix, prime and so on …Well sometimes we also miss those daily suprising days , Yes we can’t schedule those days suddenly our mind calls for cheeseburger to grab it, those thalapakati briyani with our friends party , packing up things for a long trip in weekends and back on Monday morning with sleepless classes and office.In quarantine Morning to Evening we would switch different news channels but we hear the same news Corona, lockdown, Stay home where I hope you also heard this news vaccine is developed by US,UK, China ,India that’s all and then we don’t hear that news. What will be reason behind this news? Let us read in detail the procedure and the formalities of developing a vaccine.

What is Vaccine?

A substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases, prepared from the causative agent of a disease, its products, or a synthetic substitute, treated to act as an antigen without inducing the disease. Simply Vaccination is a process of developing a immune system against a disease.

How vaccine works?

A vaccine works by training the immune system to recognize and combat pathogens, either viruses or bacteria. To do this, certain molecules from the pathogen must be introduced into the body to trigger an immune response.

These molecules are called antigens and they are present on all viruses and bacteria. By injecting these antigens into the body, the immune system can safely learn to recognize them as hostile invaders, produce antibodies, and remember them for the future. If the bacteria or virus reappears, the immune system will recognize the antigens immediately and attack aggressively well before the pathogen can spread and cause sickness. Source- Publichealth .org

Stages of Vaccine Development

The Resource and Development has major works in development of a new vaccine. They should firstly have look for the importance Vaccination in Publichealth. The vaccine must then be purchased, distributed, and used. Finally, a surveillance system is established to monitor immunization coverage, efficacy, and any adverse health effects related to vaccine administration.

There are 6 stages for the vaccine development

STAGE 1: PRIORITY SETTING : The decision making process of producing a vaccine to generated. To also know about the critique nature of the disease. Hence the vast resources will be collected to set up the common goal fo developing a vaccine in public and private sectors.

STAGE 2: BASIC AND APPLIED RESEARCH: The possibilities of developing a vaccine through the old traditional and fundamental way of medical practice in Development. The basic research is funded by the government and the authoritative scientists. Applied research indicates the involvement of the private hence that is funded by private concerns.

STAGE 3: CLINICAL EVALUATION:Good Vaccine must meet up the basic criteria of safety, purity, potency,efficacy. Here it involves the different phases 1, 2 and 3 . Animal checking and then to humans and brief description in the stage process of clinical evaluation.

STAGE 4: LICENSURE: Once the process is completed and the successfull news comes over the government would approve for licensing and to those government formalities rules and regulations are be formulated in this stage.

STAGE 5: PRODUCTION: Next stage of Vaccination is production it involves two major steps based on the requirements first one Pilot production where it rushes to produces for the pandemic . Second one scale up and full scale production where this method involves the full process of vaccine.

STAGE 6: RECOMMENDATION FOR USE: As the final stage of vaccine treatment the government will be recommend for the usage of this vaccine and dosage guidelines will be printed over it .

To be concluded that India has crossed the stage 3 of Development of vaccine in which the phase 1 of testing animals have gave the positive results and the Indian Medical research council have approved for human testing . Put you fingers crossed and hope this pandemic situation gets over and back to normal life.

The near-destruction: Asteroids

The destructive object, as you must have seen in different sci-fi movies, it is even forecasted that it might destroy the planet Earth. There were several discussions about the asteroids that are near, and we’ve finished along with this pandemic. Hopefully, there weren’t such incidents. 30th June, the world celebrates this day as World Asteroid Day. Let us know why.

The day after the declaration by UN General Assembly in December 2016, now it will be observed every year as a remembrance to the Tunguska impact in Siberia, presently Russia, in the year 1908. The effect was so powerful by flattening over 2000 area. The trees fell all over the village; it was a spark all of a sudden, and a loud sound filled in the nearby area equivalent to giant bomb detonated, but this is by nature itself.

A visualization of an asteroid approaching the Earth.

Asteroids, sometimes described as minor planets and some are called planetoids when they’re more substantial in size. Ceres, being the first asteroid noticed in 1801 by Giuseppe Piazzi, was discovered as a planet. Sir William Herschel, an astronomer, coined the term asteroid. Most of them found in the orbit of Mars and Jupiter. Even you might have heard about the Kuiper belt, the home to three dwarf planets, including the Pluto. It is similar to the asteroid belt.

Few asteroids are more than 100 km in diameter, which can be a threat, but hardly an asteroid hits the Earth so massively once in 2000 years or more. There is a possibility that the dinosaurs could have wiped away due to a colossal asteroid. The thing to consider is that comet, meteoroid, meteor, and meteorite aren’t the same. Hence, you might know a meteor is also a shooting star, which is said to fulfill your wishes when you see it up in the sky.

Meteorites in the space.

These NEOs or near-Earth objects can be a significant threat, although many small objects hit the Earth daily. According to an estimate, almost 17 meteors every day, and this can increase in the future exponentially. If you saw the movie, Ice Age: Collision Course, the film has a scene where an asteroid hit Earth. There are almost more than 600 thousand asteroids present in the space. The first asteroid, as described, did an explosion occurs at an altitude of around 5-10 kilometers, which resulted in wiping out 80 million trees and a glow spread about far from 700 kilometers. The sound could be audible from a thousand kilometers from the origin.

The most massive asteroid has a diameter of 900-1000 kilometers, with a mass equivalent to 32 percent of the entire belt between Mars and Jupiter. One of the documentaries by W.D. Hogan can release in the theaters on 8th October 2020. It has explanations about the origin, what risks can get involved, and how can we save against them. Luckily, the first asteroid fell in a barren land. If it were a living habitat, a lot of people would lose their life; they’ll have almost no time to escape. Prepare well in time, and sometimes the rumors may also turn true.

An illustration of possible destruction of dinosaur species by an asteroid.


Accredited Social Health Activists, ASHAs, are playing an indispensable role in rural outreach by educating village people on arresting the spread of the much-dreaded Coronavirus. Field reports from Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s constituency, Varanasi indicate that ASHAs credited with juggling multiple roles have been deputed to spread awareness on prevention of Coronavirus in their areas. They are after all the backbone of primary healthcare in more than seven lakh villages of India.

On April 14, the day Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced an extension of the 21-day lockdown till May 3, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, advised in a COVID-19 related tweet that persons having symptoms may approach national/ state helpline centres or frontline workers such as ASHA workers and field workers. The tweet said that these workers have been oriented about the process to be followed and can help in early detection and facilitate proper treatment in hospitals.

Rekha Sharma, a forty-year-old ASHA worker says that ASHA workers in Varanasi have been asked to cover 25 to 30 houses a day in the assigned villages till the end of May. After lockdown, some workers working in Bengaluru, Delhi, Pune and other cities have come back to the villages because they did not have any work in lockdown. They have been asked to undergo tests for COVID- 19.”

The ASHAs are given performance-based incentives for promoting universal immunisation, referral and escort services for reproductive and child health and other healthcare programmes and construction of household toilets. They counsel women on birth preparedness, the importance of safe delivery, breast-feeding and complementary feeding, immunisation, contraception and prevention of common infections including Reproductive Tract Infections/ Sexually Transmitted Infections (RTIs and STIs) and care of the young child. From time to time, the ASHA workers have been deservingly honoured as well. In December 2019, Balvinder Kaur, an ASHA worker from Khosi Kalan village of sub-centre Koomkala of Ludhiana, Punjab was honoured with the National Universal Health Coverage Award by Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare, Dr Harsh Wardhan. She was honoured for her contribution to promoting facilities of Health and Wellness Centres in her block, Likewise, Jamuna Mani Singh was also felicitated by the Odisha government. “From the time we came to know that COVID-19 is going to pose a big threat to India, we took it upon ourselves to strengthen our rural outreach. Since we have been working in several states of India with special focus on many districts of Uttar Pradesh for a long time, we offered our services to government departments like education, health, women and child welfare departments.

We have made sure that all facts on COVID-19 that are being put out by the World Health Organisation and the Ministry of Health, are disseminated to the villages daily. As and when required, we are seeking the help of community-based organisations and other voluntary organisations.” Mr Pradhan explained that MAMTA is using the existing WhatsApp groups through which they normally function with senior government officers on several social welfare and development-oriented schemes, to spread awareness on COVID-19 as well. We are working in all eight blocks in the Prime Minister’s constituency. We have also asked ASHAs, frontline workers, Nehru Yuvak Kendra, NSS (National Service Scheme) and NCC (National Cadet Corps) volunteers to ask villagers to download Arogya Setu App (a mobile app developed by the Ministry of IT and Electronics to help citizens identify the risk of contracting COVID-19 infection). All government departments of Varanasi are already actively promoting Arogya Setu. To make it easy, we have shared the Arogya Setu link with all volunteers and social workers. Surely, the army of dedicated and friendly health activists in India’s villages is taking on the COVID- 19 challenge by empowering people with knowledge.

Analysis Tools And software’s – Providing platform for Innovations

Humans have been working in science and technology for a number of decades and have brought advancement in the basic life’s so as to make it more comfortable and easier than it used to be. The advancement with industrial revolution and much more investment in new ideas and innovation helped us to make thoughts of the ideal things to turn into reality. Earlier humans used to pen down their ideas on paper and just gathered every part of the entity required to manufacture it. This really resulted in failure most of the time including, time, resource and money. Most of the people stopped working in this field of innovations as they cannot handle much of their losses.a

But soon came the softwares which made this job of innovation and ideas to be much easier through varied features in them. 

  1. Software of 3-d modelling and analysis not only helped most of the people to pen down their ideas, but also visualize them as complete models in those software with much less investment.
  2. These software helped scientists and researchers to modify any part of the object which they find doesn’t suit it or may create problems in the final operation.
  3.  Also these software helped humans to analyse various forces and stress acting on it while in motion. For example if we consider manufacturing a car or an aeroplane, to test it physically after creating would take time, loss of resources and money. This was a resource through proper analysis of 3-d models in software. 
  4. These Tools helped to analyze various forces ,stress and strain, at different highest and temperature and hence helped humans to understand the feasibility of their model and the required changes which must be done so as to assure proper working. Various other features of these 3-d softwares not only helped humans to build them, but also to test them, through various simulations. This truly transformed the ways in which things were made especially cars and airplanes and has saved much of resources and money. 

These days many other techniques have been discovered which not only makes these 3-d models in them but also print them out. 3-d printing provides us with the prototype of the actual model. It scales down the actual size if the object be it a car or any aeroplane  we could get a rough idea of how it would look like when it certainly lands as an actual one. These scientific tools and innovation in them have helped humans to create whatever they want, irrespective of their shape. The advantages of 3-d printing and these tools are that they can help us make complex shapes and of different sizes. These not only prove to be cost effective but also provide better efficiency in their work along with the best of accuracy. Accuracy is an important factor which we want especially while working on sensitive objects such as planes and small ignorance can lead to a big mishappening. Thus simulation and 3-d tools and analysis have transformed our life with better modes of production and manufacturing technologies. But the main issue with these software is that we do require skilled person to operate, and also takes time for new person to learn them. A single mistake can lead to mishappening, so companies do invest to get better use of the prison to operate these software and thus provide better and safe results. 

Humans have made a major shifted to 3-d printing and their analysis and almost all companies in today’s world working in the field of new idea and innovation, do use these software which not only save their time but also much of money and material. This we acknowledge  a future with much better ways to manufacture and produce and thus empower humanity with their dream to turn reality and ease their life. 

Box of rosEs

She is a box of roses

Wrapped in coffee stained newspapers

That you press under cups

Every time they sail with the wind

To hide the stories of abuse they print.

Every word your mouth exhales is capsuled in hate.

That fill her pockets so heavily

That she drowned into nothingness.

She looks at the stars and wishes them to consume her

She looks at her reflection and is surrounded by

Filters to filter out 

what they reject to call beauty.

Those crystals of herself, strained and censored

Dangle like yellow autumn leaves separating from a tree

That descend to the ground, 

dusted with self doubt. 

But when the night shines

and the piercing city lights are dim,

I will show you the brightness you carry within.

Reach out to me on instagram @ekanika_shah

World Bank enhances support for rejuvenating Ganga, sanctions USD 400 mn

It provides over one-third of India’s surface water, includes the country’s largest irrigated area and is key to India’s water and food security, the statement said. @martin_photography

The World Bank on Monday said it has enhanced its support for Government of India’s program to rejuvenate Ganga river with a USD 400 million (about Rs 3,000 crore) assistance that will help stem pollution in the river.
The assistance will help strengthen the management of the river basin which is home to more than 500 million people, the World Bank said in a statement.

“The Second National Ganga River Basin Project (SNGRBP), approved by the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors on June 25, will support the government’s Namami Gange program and its long-term vision for controlling pollution in the river and restoring its water quality,” it said.

It further said the bank has been supporting the government’s efforts since 2011 through the ongoing National Ganga River Basin Project, which helped set up the National Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG) as the nodal agency to manage the river, and financed sewage treatment infrastructure in several riverside towns and cities.

“The first World Bank project helped build critical sewage infrastructure in 20 pollution hotspots along the river, and this project will help scale this up to the tributaries,” World Bank Country Director (India) Junaid Ahmad said. “It will also help the government strengthen the institutions needed to manage a river basin as large and complex as the Ganga Basin,” he added.

The Ganga basin covers a quarter of India’s landmass, and is a critical economic and environmental resource for the country. It provides over one-third of India’s surface water, includes the country’s largest irrigated area and is key to India’s water and food security, the statement said.

“Over 40 per cent of India’s GDP is generated in the densely populated basin. But the Ganga river is today is facing pressures from human and economic activity that impact its water quality and flows,” it added.
The Second National Ganga River Basin Project comprises a loan in the amount of USD 381 million and a proposed Guarantee in the amount of up to USD 19 million.

The variable spread loan has a maturity of 18.5 years including a grace period of 5 years, it said.

Meanwhile, the Government of India, the Government of Tamil Nadu and the World Bank on Monday signed legal agreements to help low-income groups in the state get access to affordable housing. The legal agreements were signed for two projects — USD 200 million First Tamil Nadu Housing Sector Strengthening Programme and USD 50 million Tamil Nadu Housing and Habitat Development Project — to strengthen the state’s housing sector policies, institutions, and regulations, the Finance Ministry said in a separate statement.

The loan agreements were signed by Sameer Kumar Khare, Additional Secretary, Department of Economic Affairs on behalf of the Government of India and Country Director (India) on behalf of the World Bank.
Khare said providing safe and affordable housing is a key priority for the state of Tamil Nadu as identified in its vision document.

With the allocation provided under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban) and the two projects from the World Bank, a large number of urban poor in the state are expected to get access to better housing and, in the process, improve their living conditions, he added. Nearly half of Tamil Nadu’s population is urban, and this is expected to increase to 63 per cent by 2030.

Some way to spend a quality time in lockdown

The entire country is under lockdown, schools and other educational institutions are now closed. So, people have no other options but to spend their time at home. Many of the educational institutions conducting some webinars and other classes online but it is for a certain time after that the students have to spend most of their time in front of the television. Some of them watching television with a power-packed schedule.Without going and doing anything the people face problems like obesity, laziness, low immunity, etc. To overcome this, people have to exercise daily, it will improve strength and ability and helps to build your immunity and also distress and relax. It will also help to inculcate energy and boost your stamina. Gardening is another way to spend quality time. Select the plants which grow easily and found anywhere. Try to grow the plant which gives freshness and oxygen. It will relieve you of stress and make your home beautiful.

Painting is one of the best ways to spend useful time. It soothes your mind and keeps your mind think creatively. It will explore your creativity. We have so many photographs from our childhood. Make that photos into a collage by organizing them and it will help you to recall your past and happy moments. Children may spend their time playing games like chess and carrot with a family instead of playing video games. Good books make good people, spend time in reading good books also. During our working days, we didn’t have enough time to spend with a family but now we have a long leave for our works, so we must spend time with a family and be safe with the family.

Because I Could not Stop FOR Death

Because I could not stop for Death

He kindly stopped for me

The Carriage held but just Ourselves

And Immortality.

We slowly drove, he knew no haste

And I had put away

My labor and my leisure too,

For his civility.

We passed the School, where children strove

At recess in the ring

We passed the fields of gazing grain

We passed the setting sun.

Or rather, he passed us

The dews drew quivering and chill

For only Gossamer, my gown

My tippet only tulle.

We paused before a house that seemed

A swelling of the GROUND

The roof was scarcely visible

The cornice in the ground.

Since then ’tis centuries and yet

Feels shorter than the day

I first surmised the horses’ heads

Were toward eternity.


India- land of large physiography

Unity in diversity, So is said about India, is not true only about its people, but it’s physiography, beautiful and insane. Mountain chains, large deserts, beautiful coastlines, beaches, ever flowing rivers, dense forests and the swampy landscapes, all put together to make a divine country, named, India. All these features make India a place worth visiting for, and thereby creating an increase in its rank up on the world stage.

India has been divided into six physiographic zones –

  • Northern and north-eastern mountain
  • Northern plain
  • Peninsular plateau
  • Indian desert
  • Coastal plains
  • Islands

North and north eastern mountains –

Starting right from the Himalayan mountain range, where the heaven on the earth, is one of the most prominent features of Indian physiographic divisions. It not only protects the country from external attacks, but also is responsible for the controlling of the winds flowing in and out of the country. Starting from Hindu Kush mountains in the West, covering all of the Northern India, these get plunge towards the North East, in the states of Arunachal Pradesh and Meghalaya.

Northern plains –

Covering most of the Indian peninsula, the northern plains spread over 2.5-million km sq. Most of the production activities take place over this region, such as, farming, setting up of industrial areas, and other massive activities, also having the most fertile soil to grow crops, i.e. alluvial soil. The region is a way, or the region sustains India’s most of the perennial rivers, like The Ganga, The Yamuna, The Son, etc and etc.

Peninsular plateau –

Peninsular region is the oldest part of the Indian subcontinent. Most of the variations in the land geography, one can find plateaus, fold mountains, ridges, and contains most of the mountain ranges. Peninsular region of India is most famous for its forest areas and diverse range of flaura and fauna.

Desert –

Two type of deserts can be found in India

  • Hot desert
  • Cold desert

Hot desert covers the Western most states of the country, Rajasthan, Gujarat. But the type of deserts still differ from each other, in terms of appearance and salinity. The desert in Gujarat is more saline and is white in appearance, but in the region of Rajasthan, it is alike other deserts found in many of the parts of the world.

Cold desert of India is in the Ladakh region, which is also the coldest and highest regions of the country.

Coastal areas and Islands –

India is bestowed with a large coastline,running from Gujarat towards the South,and ending up in the state of West Bengal. It is because of this large coastal area, most of the economic developments could take place in the country,whether it is fishing, extraction of natural resources,development of ports, and way for exports and imports.

Major islands of the country are Andaman and Nicobar and Lakshadweep,where natural resources are easily available in abundant amount.

This diversity in the physiography of India makes it a beauty of the earth and the presence of natural resources makes the subcontinent into a land which is more favorable for human growth.

Why I love Mathematics

Friends, today I am going to tell you about my favorite subject mathematics. When I was studying in the fifth class, I loved the subject of mathematics. I always used to study maths subject diligently. Even today I have no problem in doing maths questions. Today I am going to tell you how I had achieved success in Mathematics.
When I came in the tenth class, my family had asked me to get good numbers in all the subjects. I knew that nothing could stop me from getting good numbers in mathematics. I do well preparing all subjects along with mathematics. Since childhood, I used to think that I have to be a good mathematician because my best subject is mathematics. I feel good when solving a math topic question. When I solve Mathematics questions, I have no problem.
I like to remember formulas about mathematics. I remember all the mathematics formulas very well and I do not face any problem in solving mathematics questions. Many of my friends come to me to study Mathematics because they know that I have no problem in doing Mathematics questions. I am perfect in maths subject. So I get time to read more subjects because I get good math questions. I have to remember other subject science, English, which takes much time but I do not take much time to solve maths questions.
I have been strong in math subjects since childhood. My school teacher says that this boy will get good numbers in maths subject and maths teacher is very happy with me. When a teacher gives a question to solve, he shows it in the question in a short time. I always think from childhood that if I become a mathematician I will be very happy. I will consider myself successful when I become a good mathematician, this is the biggest dream of my life.
When the children of my neighborhood come to me to learn mathematics, I feel happy and I teach them diligently. When those children come to me to study, I leave all the work and start teaching them maths and those children also get good marks in maths subject and then their parents say that this girl how good mathematics It teaches that it will definitely succeed in mathematics. I always keep reading about Aryabhata, a mathematics scientist and trying to become a good mathematician by getting as much knowledge of mathematics through his books. I want to become a good scientist by becoming a good mathematician and by teaching people mathematics, I also want to make them a good mathematician. I will definitely fulfill my dream, no matter how hard I have to work for it. Friends, in maths subject I have to solve questions of mensuration, geometry and trigonometry very well.
Mathematics is a science that deals with logic of number, size, quantity and arrangement. Mathematics is all around us in everything we do. In our everyday life, everything is present like blocks remain in the building everywhere. Even it is in our mobile device, in architecture, in art, in money, in engineering, and even in sports.