How Do Loan Apps Help to Make Money Online?

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

Loan apps have emerged as a significant force in the fintech industry, offering convenient access to quick cash loans through mobile applications. Loan apps are mobile applications that allow users to borrow money quickly and conveniently using their smartphones. These legit earning app typically offer small, short-term loans with minimal documentation requirements and fast approval processes. The loans are often disbursed directly to the user’s bank account or mobile wallet, making them accessible to individuals, including those without access to traditional banking services.

Interest and Fees

One of the primary ways loan apps make money online is through the interest and fees charged on the loans they provide. These loans often come with high interest rates and additional fees, such as processing fees or late payment penalties. While the convenience and accessibility of these loans appeal to users in quick cash, the cost of borrowing can be substantial, resulting in significant profits for the loan app providers.

Volume of Transactions

Loan apps benefit from a high volume of transactions due to the large user base and frequent borrowing activity. With millions of users accessing these apps to borrow money for various purposes, the cumulative effect of numerous small loans adds to substantial revenue for the providers. The ease of use and instant approval processes encourage users to borrow repeatedly, contributing to the app’s revenue stream.

Cross-Selling and Up-Selling

Many loan apps employ cross-selling and up-selling strategies to maximise their revenue potential. In addition to offering loans, these legit earning app may promote other financial products and services, such as insurance, investment opportunities, or credit monitoring tools. By leveraging user data and behavioural patterns, loan app providers can target personalised offers to users, increasing the likelihood of additional purchases and generating income streams.

Advertising and Partnerships

Loan apps often monetize their platforms through advertising and partnerships with third-party companies. They may display targeted ads within the app interface or collaborate with other businesses to promote their products or services to app users. These advertising arrangements generate revenue for the loan app providers through ad impressions, clicks, or lead generation, while also providing additional value to users through access to relevant offers and discounts.

Data Monetization

Another lucrative aspect of loan apps is the monetization of user data. This data is valuable to advertisers, marketers, and financial institutions seeking insights into consumer behaviour and preferences. Loan app providers may anonymize and aggregate user data before selling it to third parties or leveraging it for targeted marketing campaigns, creating an additional revenue stream.

Referral Programs

Many loan apps incentivize users to refer friends, family, or acquaintances to the platform through referral programs. Users are rewarded with cash bonuses, discounts, or other incentives for each successful referral that results in a loan application or funding. Referral programs help loan apps attract new users but encourage existing users to remain active and engaged with the platform, ultimately driving revenue growth through increased loan volume and user acquisition.

Risk Management and Loan Recovery

While not directly a source of revenue, effective risk management and loan recovery strategies are crucial for the long-term sustainability and profitability of loan apps. These apps invest in advanced algorithms, machine learning models, and data analytics tools to assess the creditworthiness of applicants and mitigate the risk of defaults and delinquencies. By minimising losses associated with non-performing loans, loan app providers safeguard their revenue streams and maintain the confidence of investors and stakeholders.

Regulatory Considerations

Compliance with applicable laws and regulations is crucial to avoid fines, penalties, or reputational damage that could impact the app’s revenue and viability in the long run. Adhering to ethical business practices and prioritising customer satisfaction is essential for building trust and maintaining a positive reputation in the market.

How to Customize a Promissory Note Template in Microsoft Word

Promissory notes serve as legally binding documents outlining the terms of a loan agreement between a lender and a borrower. While there are various templates available, customizing a promissory note template in Microsoft Word allows for flexibility and personalization. This guide will walk you through the process of customizing a promissory note template in Microsoft Word to suit your specific needs.

I. Selecting the Right Template

A. Finding a Suitable Promissory Note Template in Word

Begin by locating a suitable promissory note template. You can find templates within Word’s template library or download them from reputable online sources. Look for templates that adhere to legal standards and include essential sections such as identification of parties, loan amount, payment terms, and interest rates.

II. Modifying Template Layout and Design

A. Adjusting Margins, Fonts, and Spacing

Once you’ve selected a template, customize the layout and design to meet your preferences. Adjust margins, fonts, and spacing to enhance readability and visual appeal. Consider using a professional font style and appropriate font size for clarity.

B. Adding or Removing Design Elements

Depending on your preferences, you may choose to add or remove design elements from the template. This could include adding a logo or removing unnecessary graphics to streamline the document’s appearance.

III. Inputting and Editing Text

A. Filling in Required Information (Parties, Loan Amount, etc.)

When customizing a promissory note template in Microsoft Word, the first step is to input all necessary information accurately. This includes identifying the parties involved in the loan agreement, such as the lender and borrower, by providing their full legal names, addresses, and contact information. Additionally, specify the loan amount and the terms of repayment, including the total loan amount, the frequency of payments, and the due dates for each installment.

Ensure that all information is entered correctly to avoid any misunderstandings or disputes later on. Double-check the accuracy of names, addresses, and financial details before finalizing the document.

B. Editing Text for Clarity and Precision

After inputting the required information, it’s essential to edit the text of the promissory note for clarity and precision. Use clear and concise language to outline the terms of the loan agreement, avoiding ambiguity or complex legal jargon that may be difficult for parties to understand.

Pay attention to the wording of each clause and ensure that it accurately reflects the intentions of both parties. Review the document from the perspective of both the lender and the borrower to ensure that all terms are clear and easily understood by all parties involved.

C. Ensuring Legal Terminology is Accurate

In customizing a promissory note template, it’s crucial to ensure that all legal terminology used in the document is accurate and complies with relevant laws and regulations. Verify that the language used in the promissory note template aligns with legal standards and conventions applicable to loan agreements in your jurisdiction.

If necessary, consult legal counsel to review the document and ensure that it meets all necessary legal requirements. Legal advice can help identify any potential issues or discrepancies in the document’s language and provide recommendations for addressing them to ensure the enforceability of the promissory note.

By inputting and editing text carefully, including all required information accurately, and ensuring that legal terminology is precise and compliant with relevant laws, you can customize a promissory note template in Microsoft Word effectively and create a legally binding document that accurately reflects the terms of the loan agreement.

IV. Incorporating Specific Loan Terms

A. Customizing Payment Terms and Schedules

Customizing payment terms and schedules in a promissory note template allows parties to tailor the repayment structure to their specific agreement. When customizing payment terms, specify the frequency of payments (e.g., monthly, quarterly), the amount of each installment, and the due dates for payments. This section should also outline any grace periods for late payments and specify the consequences of defaulting on payments.

When customizing payment schedules, consider factors such as the borrower’s financial situation, income sources, and ability to make timely payments. Flexibility in payment terms can help ensure that the borrower can fulfill their repayment obligations without undue financial strain.

B. Adjusting Interest Rates and Penalties

The promissory note template should allow parties to adjust interest rates and penalties to reflect the terms of their loan agreement accurately. When adjusting interest rates, specify whether the rate is fixed or variable and outline how it will be calculated (e.g., simple interest, compound interest). Additionally, include provisions for any penalties or fees for late payments or defaults, ensuring that they are reasonable and compliant with legal requirements.

Adjusting interest rates and penalties should take into account factors such as market conditions, the borrower’s creditworthiness, and the lender’s risk tolerance. By customizing these terms, parties can establish a fair and mutually beneficial arrangement that incentivizes timely repayment while protecting the lender’s interests.

C. Adding Clauses for Security or Collateral

Incorporating clauses for security or collateral in the promissory note template provides added assurance for the lender in case of default by the borrower. When adding clauses for security or collateral, specify the type of collateral being offered (e.g., real estate, vehicles) and outline the procedures for seizing and liquidating collateral in the event of default.

Consider factors such as the value and marketability of the collateral when adding these clauses to ensure that they provide adequate protection for the lender. Additionally, include provisions for notifying the borrower in case of default and allowing them an opportunity to cure the default before taking action against the collateral.

By customizing payment terms and schedules, adjusting interest rates and penalties, and adding clauses for security or collateral, parties can create a promissory note template that accurately reflects the specific terms of their loan agreement and provides clarity and protection for both parties involved.

In conclusion, customizing a promissory note template in Microsoft Word allows for personalized loan agreements tailored to specific needs. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can create a legally binding document that accurately reflects the terms of the loan agreement between the lender and the borrower. With attention to detail and accuracy, a customized promissory note template ensures compliance with legal requirements and provides clarity and protection for all parties involved.

Can Hair Relaxers Increase Cancer Susceptibility?

For decades, millions of women have relied on hair relaxers and chemical straighteners to achieve smooth, sleek styles.

But what many may not realize is that hiding underneath the glossy surface of these products could be harmful chemical ingredients lurking, quietly increasing their risk of a deadly disease.

A new NIH study has linked a commonly used hair product to a concerning double risk of developing a malignancy in a most intimate area. Just what could be in our beauty products that has researchers so alarmed? The answer may catch you off guard and give you pause for thought regarding your next straightening session.

What Are Hair Relaxers?

Hair relaxers refer to chemical processes used to straighten hair that is curly or wavy in texture. Relaxers can come in two primary types – lye and no-lye.

Lye relaxers contain sodium hydroxide as the primary straightening agent. Sodium hydroxide works quickly to relax curls and is often used by hair professionals due to its effectiveness and processing speed. However, sodium hydroxide can be harsh on hair. Some popular brands that use lye relaxers include TCB Naturals Crème Hair Relaxers.

No-lye relaxers contain milder alkalizing components like lithium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, calcium hydroxide, or guanidine hydroxide rather than sodium hydroxide. While no-lye relaxers don’t straighten hair as quickly as lye relaxers, they are less damaging to curls. The trade-off is they may require longer processing times.

Hair Relaxers and Concerning Link to Cancer

Over the past five years, extensive studies in the United States have explored the potential association between cancer and hair products, specifically focusing on hormone-dependent cancers like breast, ovarian, and uterine cancers.

A recent investigation conducted by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) indicated an increased risk of uterine cancer among women who use chemical hair straightening products.

The study found that women who frequently utilize hair straighteners face more than double the likelihood of being diagnosed with uterine cancer. It was based on data from the Sister Study, which had 33,497 U.S. women tracked for about 11 years.

While the doubling of risk is concerning, it’s crucial to contextualize this information, considering that uterine cancer is relatively rare. The research highlighted that approximately 1.64 out of every 100 women who never used hair straightening products may develop uterine cancer by 70 years old. In contrast, for frequent users, the risk increased to over 4 out of every 100 women.

The study did not specifically examine differences by race in the link between straightener usage and uterine cancer. However, it was noted that negative impacts could be more considerable for African-American women, given their higher reported rates of usage.

Approximately 60% of participants reporting straightener use were self-identified Black women. The study underscored the need for more research to confirm these findings in diverse populations, explore potential contributions to health disparities, and identify specific chemicals that may heighten cancer risk in women.

Legal Complications

Numerous lawsuits, such as the hair relaxer lawsuit alleging the development of health conditions, including uterine cancer, breast cancer, and uterine fibroids due to the use of hair relaxers, have been filed in various jurisdictions. These related cases have been brought together as a group (known as multidistrict litigation or MDL) in the US District Court for the Northern District of Illinois.

Unlike class action lawsuits where any settlement is distributed collectively, TorHoerman Law notes that in an MDL, any resolution would be given out individually taking into account each person’s specific situation and claim. 

The consolidated lawsuit involves victims who have experienced adverse health effects from toxic chemicals in hair relaxers manufactured by multiple companies.

A number of cosmetic manufacturers are listed as defendants in the legal cases linking hair straightening products to cancer risk.

The companies named include L’Oreal, Softsheen-Carson (known for Optimum Relaxer), Dark & Lovely, Just For Me, Motions Hair, ORS Hair Care (produced by Namaste Laboratories, LLC), and African Pride (part of the Godrej Group).

The claimants allege that these companies knowingly released products containing cancerous chemicals and failed to warn users about the potential risks, particularly the risk of uterine cancer associated with their products.

In conclusion, while hair relaxers have been a popular choice for smoothing hair textures for many decades, recent research increasingly points to potentially serious health risks associated with their use.

The doubling of uterine cancer risk found among frequent users is highly concerning, especially for Black women, who make up a large percentage of consumers. Many experts recommend limiting or avoiding straightening products and reading labels carefully to avoid ingredients like sodium hydroxide that are harsher on the body.

As legal cases against manufacturers move forward, more transparency around product safety is crucial so that consumers, especially those in high-risk groups, can make truly informed choices about the hair products they use and potential long-term health tradeoffs.

Overall, this research highlights the need for safer, natural alternatives for straightening textures without compromising health down the line.

Video as a Tool in Qualitative Research: Insights and Applications

The evolution of technology has triggered a crucial shift in the landscape of qualitative research methodology. Among the myriad of tools available, video has emerged as a remarkable medium for data collection, analysis, and presentation in qualitative research. It enables academics to examine a wide range of social phenomena because of its multidimensional methodology.

This article gives a thorough investigation of the usefulness of video as a tool for qualitative researchers.

1. Embracing Authenticity: Video in Data Collection

Video recording facilitates the collection of raw, unedited, and comprehensive data – free from the subjective interpretations of the researcher during the initial stages. It helps capture the sequence, context, and non-verbal cues often missing in textual transcripts. Video data also offers a rich visual and auditory record serving as a reference for repeated playback and analysis.

A. Recording Interviews

Incorporating video into interviews allows researchers to preserve the nuances of the interaction. Software development can also involve utilizing coding tools to examine expressions, body language, tone of voice, and other forms of verbal communication.

The video also allows researchers to capture the physical environment of the interview, providing a more holistic account of the context. A visual rеcord with a tеlеpromptеr allows rеsеarchеrs to sее what was said and how it was said, as wеll as thе physical еnvironmеnt in which thе intеrviеw took placе. The visual record can be used to support or challenge a researcher’s interpretation of the interview.

B. Ethnographic Observations

Through the capture of nonverbal cues like gestures and facial expressions, video may show the organic flow of an interaction. Visuals also make it possible to record social encounters in audio and visual ways that writing down notes on paper cannot.

For researchers who wish to get a thorough record of an interaction, like a therapy session or focus group discussion, video is especially helpful.  Video can also be used to create animations like a GIF that illustrate key concepts in the findings. A GIF compressor is used to reduce the size of the file and make it easier to share and post online. The GIF format is an image file that uses lossless compression, which means there’s no loss of quality when you compress the file that way it can be used for visualizing data in a way that is engaging and easy to understand.

C. Onlinе Survеys

Online surveys can be utilized as a productive technique to quickly get data from a large number of individuals. For example, You might desire to obtain input on the user-friendliness of your website or unveil the opinions of customers regarding a novel product design before its official launch into production.

2. Expanding Perspectives: Video in Data Analysis

Qualitative data analysis pivots on interpretation, and video data offers a multi-layered realm for making sense of phenomena. It goes beyond words and voice tones, taking into account body language, spatial dynamics, and interactions that might otherwise be overlooked.

A. Microanalysis

Video allows for microanalysis, helping readers scrutinize every frame for rich information – such as changes in facial expression or variations in voice pitch.

B. Macroanalysis

Macroanalysis Video allows readers to zoom out, taking a macro-level view of the interaction and seeing how it fits into the larger context of an event or group setting.

For еxamplе, a vidеo can hеlp you sее how pеoplе movе around thе room or how thеy rеact to what othеr pеoplе say. It’s easy to miss these details in transcripts, but when you watch a video of a meeting or classroom discussion, these things become much more apparent.

C. Longitudinal Studies

The ability to review and reanalyze data over time ensures a reliable comparison and improved conclusions. Video recording makes the implementation and tracking of longitudinal studies simpler.

Videos can be compressed using an MP4 compressor to reduce their size while maintaining their original quality. This frees up storage space and enables researchers to access the videos later.

3. Enhancing Communication: Video in Data Presentation

In today’s agе of knowlеdgе, vidеos havе bеcomе a tool for rеsеarchеrs to undеrstand and convеy thеir discovеriеs. Thеy offеr a platform to showcasе rеsеarch rеsults in an intеractivе and еasily undеrstandablе way.

A. Video Abstracts

Instead of standard, text-based abstracts, video abstracts give an overview of a study, improving the accessibility and dissemination of research findings.

The ability to skim or ignore text-based abstracts makes video abstracts more attention-grabbing than those that are only text-based.  A video abstract can also be embedded in a webpage, which makes it more accessible for researchers and readers. As it facilitates the sharing and dissemination of information, the usage of video abstracts is growing in popularity among scientists.

B. Interactive Media in Academic Publishing

Complementing Written Findings: Vidеos providе visual support to tеxtual dеtails, еnhancing undеrstanding and intеrprеtation of thе rеsеarch contеnt.

Clarity: Visual representations can simplify complex information, making it easier for readers to grasp the core concepts or findings.

Strengthening Reader-Researcher Connection: Vidеos can fostеr a morе pеrsonal and intеractivе еxpеriеncе comparеd to tеxt-only formats, potеntially еngaging rеadеrs at a dееpеr lеvеl.  

Elevating Pedagogical Value: Multimеdia contеnt can support various lеarning stylеs, thus еnriching thе еducativе potential of academic publications.

Researchers should be aware of ethical problems even if the use of video in qualitative research creates a wealth of opportunity. Consent that has been informed is essential, along with the protection of participant privacy and confidentiality. The effects of technical difficulties and the significance of data management must also be considered by researchers.

Utilizing the potential of video qualitative research allows us to explore the intricacies of behavior in greater depth. It enables us to uncover nuanced insights and significantly enhances our knowledge and comprehension.

Author Bio: (If needed)

Cris is currently working in as a Search Engine Optimisation Specialist. He is a tech enthusiast who loves capturing photos and videos. He loves technology and can do video editing, programming, QA system testing, and writing.

History of Bhopal

Rain: Nature’s Blessing.

Shashikant N. Sharma (Urban Planner)

Write a poem on rain

Rain, oh rain, how sweet your sound, As you pour from the sky and hit the ground. A symphony of droplets, a melody so fine, As you wash away the dirt and make everything shine.

You bring life to the earth, and refresh the air, As you fill the rivers, lakes, and oceans with care. The plants rejoice as you quench their thirst, And the animals play in the puddles, unrehearsed.

You come in many forms, a drizzle or a downpour, A misty fog, or a thunderous roar. Your colors range from gray to blue, As you paint the sky with a beautiful hue.

Your aroma fills the air with a pleasant scent, As you awaken our senses, and bring calm and content. You soothe our souls, and heal our pain, As you wash away our worries, and clear our brain.

Rain, oh rain, how blessed you are, A gift from above, a shining star. You bring joy to the heart, and peace to the mind, As you remind us of the beauty, that we often find.

Shashikant N. Sharma (Urban Planner)

History of Bhopal

Bhopal is the capital city of the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh. The history of Bhopal dates back to the 11th century when the city was founded by Raja Bhoj, a famous king of the Paramara dynasty. The city was originally known as Bhojpal, named after its founder.

Over the centuries, Bhopal was ruled by various dynasties including the Mughals, the Marathas, and the Nawabs of Bhopal. It was during the rule of the Nawabs of Bhopal in the 18th century that the city began to prosper and grow.

In 1818, Bhopal came under the British rule, and the city remained a princely state until India gained independence in 1947. The last Nawab of Bhopal, Hamidullah Khan, signed the Instrument of Accession to India in 1949, and Bhopal became a part of the Indian Union.

In 1956, the state of Madhya Pradesh was formed, and Bhopal was chosen as its capital city. The city underwent significant development during the 1960s and 1970s, with the establishment of various industries and the construction of modern infrastructure.

However, Bhopal is perhaps best known for the tragic gas leak disaster that occurred in 1984, when a toxic gas leak from a pesticide plant owned by Union Carbide Corporation led to the deaths of thousands of people and affected the health of many others.

Today, Bhopal is a major cultural, educational, and commercial center in central India. It is known for its beautiful lakes, historical monuments, and vibrant bazaars. The city also has a rich tradition of arts and crafts, including embroidery, beadwork, and weaving.

Big Leap of India in Research Publication

India is one of the
fastest growing research hubs
in the world. But not all of that
research matters. And that
may be a matter of concern,
according to the QS which
took a deep look at what is be-
ing published, by who and
how much.
Between 2017 and 2022, In-
dia’s research output grew by
about 54%, according to re-
search insights database SciV-
al. This is more than double
the global average and far
greater than that of its more
academically established
western counterparts. The
global average for research
growth is at 22% between 2017
and 2022.
India’s research output
was the fourth highest world
wide (1.3 million academic pa-
pers between 2017 and 2022), be-
hind world leader China (4.5
million), the US (4.4 million)
and the UK (1.4 million). At its
current growth rate, India is
poised to surpass the UK for re-search volume in the near future. In all, India produced 1.3
million academic papers in the has scientific output that is
more than triple India’s size
2017-2022 period, generating 8.9
China has a scientific output
that is more than triple of Indian’s size and generates five times as many citations
million citations. But look clos-
er and there is another reality
at play. “When it comes to im-
pact of the research produced,
in citation count, India falls be-
hind, placing ninth in the world
for citations generated be-
tween 2017 and 2022, indicating that effort and funding would
be best directed towards high
quality, relevant research and
ensuring this research is dis-
seminated among the scholarly
community,” said QS research
director Ben Sowter.
China, on the other hand,
Times View: It is good
news that India is publishing
such a high number of
academic papers. However, the
goal should be improving the
country’s rank in the number of
citations, which is the real
indicator of the merit of an
academic paper.
and generates five times as
many citations. India’s most
prolific field of research is en-
gineering and technology
(52.6% of total research out-
put), in which its primary fo-
cus is evenly split between pet-
puter sciences, followed by an
roleum engineering and com-
almost equal proportion of re-
(36%) and life sciences and
search in natural sciences
medicine (35%). India pro-
duces 19% of its research out-
put along with international
collaborators, which is in
keeping with the global aver-
age of 21% and aligned with
that of its closest competitors.
India’s 11 public and private
Institutes of Eminence have
produced more than 1,50,000
academic papers, generated
1.4 million citations and re-
corded an average research
growth rate of 35% since 2017.

The earliest Historical Letter Written by a Woman in Britain

“Can you please come to my birthday party? It sure would be cool. Thanks.”

Sure, those aren’t the exact words, but a very personal message with sentiments was found on a wooden tablet written just about 2,000 years ago.

It was part of a group of about 750 tablets, each roughly the size of a postcard, that were discovered in northern England at the site of the Roman community of Vindolanda, near the present-day Northumberland region.

Photo by Pixabay on

The area was considered the northern frontier of the Roman Empire, near the future site of Hadrian’s Wall, marking the empire’s official northern boundary. The time range of the tablets is estimated to be 95-105 ACE.

While many of the discovered historical letters from Vindolanda are considered of interest to scholars because of what they say about military activity, frontier life, or interactions and communications with officials in Rome, one particular note has received a lot of attention since its discovery: a message from one woman to another woman discussing an upcoming celebration and why her attendance would be welcome.  

This historical letter is considered the first recorded letter in Britain to be written by a woman. Although it’s more than likely that women painted much of the early art in caves or were involved in creating early religious displays and taking part in ceremonies, no formal letters have been found that specifically indicate female authorship.

The historical letter was hand-written in Latin, in cursive script, both of which showed a high degree of literacy. Handwriting and reading by women weren’t necessarily common in that time period.

Its author was Claudia Severa, who Roman records showed was married to Aelius Brocchus, who was the appointed commander of an unnamed Roman fort believed to be located near Vindolanda.

In her letter, she was addressing Sulpicia Lepidina, who was married to Flavius Cerialis, who at the time was the commander of the Vindolanda fort and garrison.

The short note extended an invitation that Sulpicia would please consider attending Claudia’s upcoming birthday party, saying “it will be more enjoyable for me for your arrival.” She exchanged affectionate terms, calling Sulpicia her sister, and saying the festivities would be more enjoyable if she were able to attend.

The historical letters on the tablets were found in 1973 and not fully translated and published until the early 2000s.

Historians say they are unique beyond the subject matter. Previous tablets with this type of routine information were usually carved into stone, but these were carved into wood. It is surprising they were still intact, especially since they were found in an area of the fort that had stayed damp over the centuries. 

The tablets are currently part of the British Museum’s collections, although discussions are taking place to have some of them, or at least decent reproductions, to be displayed as part of the interpretive displays at Vindolanda.

Interestingly, Vindolanda is still considered an active archeological site and more tablets are found regularly. It’s a good way to show life in that part of the world as well as in the Roman legions during that time.

Revealed: The Existing State of Employee Onboarding Satisfaction in the UK and Ireland

Onboarding is a critical process for both employers and employees. It sets the tone for the new relationship and can make or break a successful transition into the company.

As a Cezanne HR onboarding report shows, there are some major trends that will shape the onboarding process in the next few years. The survey polled over 1,000 employees across the UK and Ireland to find out their thoughts and experiences of onboarding.

Photo by fauxels on

Here’s a look at some of the key findings from the report and what they mean for the future of onboarding:

1. Remote working is popular, but most employees still work in a physical office

Most employees work in a hybrid environment, with a mix of office-based and remote working. This could be since the traditional workplace is still popular, with 40.9% of people surveyed working in a shared workspace full time.

Despite the rise of remote working, only 15% of employees work from home full time. Many companies still don’t offer the option to work from home, or some employees feel they need the social interaction that comes with working in an office.

2. Face-to-face meetings are vital when building lasting engagement with new hires

Employees value the personal touch when it comes to onboarding. Meeting their manager and colleagues in person helps them feel more comfortable and part of the team. It also allows them to ask any questions they might have about the company or their role.

When asked about the best part of their onboarding experience, 42% of people said meeting their manager in person was the highlight. This was closely followed by a virtual meeting with 34.6% of employees, and the rest didn’t find any difference.

3. Onboarding should make employees feel part of the team before day one

Effective onboarding should be for every employee joining a business, and it should start as soon as a candidate accepts a job offer – not when they ‘walk through the door’ on their first day. This means having all the ‌paperwork and equipment ready for them and making sure they know where to go and who to ask for help.

The findings showed that nearly 21.5% didn’t know what to expect on their first day. This is ‌worrying for remote workers, who make up a growing percentage of the workforce.

4. A lack of communication can lead to a rocky start in a new job

Many new employees don’t receive any communication from their new line manager before starting their role, which can lead to confusion and a lack of clarity about what is expected from them.

The survey found that 22% of employees didn’t receive any information about their new role before starting work. HR should encourage managers to contact their new joiners to confirm their roles and duties and what their first week at work will look like. This will help them to fully prepare for their first day and get off to the best possible start.

5. Misleading job listings are a turnoff for potential candidates

Inaccurate job descriptions can lead to high staff turnover. In fact, over 17% said their current role if it wasn’t what they were expecting, which can lead to disengagement and a lack of motivation.

Recruiting managers must ensure job descriptions are accurate and realistic. This will help to attract suitable candidates for the role and reduce the risk of them leaving if they’re not happy with what they find when they start work.

6. New hires feel they’re missing out on crucial training

About 26% of new employees feel they’re not receiving enough training to help them settle into their roles. Organisations should ensure that all new employees receive adequate training as part of their onboarding process. This will help them feel more confident in their roles and better equipped to perform their duties.

Regular training and development opportunities will also help to keep employees engaged and motivated in their roles. Encouraging managers to provide performance feedback can also help ensure employees are aware of their development needs and know what they need to work on.

7. Poorly designed onboarding processes can lead to a high staff turnover

Organisations with inefficient or poorly designed onboarding processes risk losing new employees. Over 21% of respondents were concerned that they might leave their current roles because of the onboarding process.

The onboarding process is the first impression that a new employee has of their organisation, so it’s essential to get it right. Creating a positive and supportive environment from the start will help new employees feel valued and motivated in their roles.


Onboarding is a crucial part of the employee lifecycle, yet many organisations are not doing it effectively. The findings from this survey highlight some of the key areas that need to be addressed in order to improve the onboarding experience for new employees.

Organisations should ensure that they have a well-designed and implemented onboarding process in place to help new employees settle into their roles and feel supported in their development.

Why Do Companies Need Harassment Training in the Workplace

Harassment, whether physical or verbal, can be a significant problem at many workplaces. However, this doesn’t mean it’s not worth addressing, and this is something that should be taken seriously. Your human resource or the higher-ups should have an official policy in place to address harassment and deal with the aftermath of these kinds of issues. You can look for best sexual harassment lawyer New York city.

When it comes to bullying, racial slurs, sexual innuendos, abuse, and others, a prompt investigation should occur after someone has reported this incident. This is why many corporations need to undergo a DFEH harassment training program so everyone will know what to do during these instances. No one would want to experience abuse, but this is something that should not go unreported, or the offender should be given a penalty or a consequence of their actions.

Definition of Harassment

Harassment is a form of abuse that involves verbal or physical conduct, which is offensive and frightening to the target, who may feel threatened or believe that they are in danger. Harassment can take many forms: physical, verbal, written, or Internet-based.

This is intimidation that can be directed at any individual and may be repeated multiple times for one day or the course of years. Harassment may be carried out by means of a single act or by a number of actions. It can include offensive slurs, sexist remarks, unsolicited sexual favors, unwanted touching, and many more.

How to Recognize these Behaviors

Bullying or getting sexual favors are not just things that happen in an office setting, but they can also occur anywhere. And as a result, employees often don’t recognize it when they see it.

To help the companies handle these kinds of complaints, they can go ahead and get in-depth training about clear-cut policies that they should have in the workplace. With this type of training, employees can identify and prevent instances of when someone is taking advantage of them and what to do about it. However, if this method doesn’t work, employees may resort to filing lawsuits or cases against the offender or even the corporation itself.

Preventive Policies to Know About

1. Have a Zero-Tolerance and Clear-Cut Policy in Place

It’s essential to have an easy-to-understand, clear-cut, and comprehensive zero-tolerance policy in the company about these activities. These should apply to all employees with no exceptions. Make sure that in crafting this guidance, the HR personnel will get the help of legal counsel to make sure that they’re fully compliant with the federal, local, and state laws. More about the rights to get legal counsel in this link here.

2. Instituting Awareness Programs for Employees

Everyone needs to get trained and have refresher courses with harassment. The new hires should have orientations, and everyone must participate regularly. What everyone will learn in these orientations are the following:

  • Unacceptable and acceptable behaviors while in the workplace
  • How they can recognize sexual harassment and whether it’s taking place with their colleagues
  • Steps to take to report the inappropriate behavior

Just because some comments are not going to bother you does not always mean that it’s not offending someone else who will hear it. It’s not the intent that’s important but the actions and their effect on the recipient.

3. A Specialized Training for Supervisors and Managers

Managing employees is the supervisors’ responsibility, and this should be done impeccably in the workplace. Managers must be skilled at recognizing harassment and making clear warnings about these kinds of behaviors. This can’t be tolerated, and everyone should be aware that they can be punished for a highly inappropriate behavior.

The training that’s specific for managers is highly individualized and specialized. This is where they know where to call, report the abuse to the proper authorities, file the appropriate sanctions, how to call out the behaviors and make sure that the offenders are warned the first time. It’s also worth noting that either women or men can be a victim or instigators of bullying, and this is where they should know where to step in.

4. Building a Culture where Harassment is Absent

The leaders and owners of businesses should mold and reinforce a culture where the employees and managers should act professionally at all times. This includes on-site gatherings, off site parties, and off-hour assemblies. The intimidation or demeaning of someone and calling it “humor” should never occur in the office. Read more about related posts for bullying when you click here:

Behaviors of the perpetrators that promote disrespect and making advances to anyone should never be tolerated. Those who are in charge of this should continuously ensure that they are dedicated to a bullying-free workplace. Get in touch with your HR for training about sexual harassment and know the laws surrounding it so you would know what to do when you’re faced with it. Gather evidence and witnesses if it’s necessary if this is something that has happened to you.

Five Signs That You Need to Hire an Employment Lawyer

The contract between employer and employee is meant to provide protection to both sides. But when the employer isn’t living up to their end for certain reasons, it may be time to bring in an employment lawyer.

There are more than a few signs that your employer may not be playing fair. When that happens, it is time to bring in a professional who will defend your rights and not allow the employer to take advantage of you. Here are some of the signs that you need to hire an employment attorney.

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1. Employer Not Taking Abuse Seriously

A serious issue in recent times has been workplace harassment. It can run the gamut from sexual harassment to racial abuse. Companies in both the public and private sector are having to face it head on because if they don’t, there are serious consequences.

If you are a target of abuse, inform human resources or your employer directly. If they haven’t done anything after a certain period of time or multiple submissions, bring your case to an employment attorney. That will get the company’s attention for sure.

2. Labour Code Violation

There are codes in place that are meant to place employees from being taken advantage of by employers. Proper businesses should hire an employment attorney of their own to ensure that they are abiding by laws and regulations.

That said, it still doesn’t stop some companies from violating said code. If you feel as though your employer is in violation of a major code, getting in touch with an employment attorney is the way to go. It may prove beneficial not only for yourself, but for current colleagues and even future workers if wrongdoing is proven.

3. Too Many Papers

At the end of the day, businesses are doing what they can so that they can be protected from lawsuits or any other legal wrongdoing. That may include trying to get you or other employees to sign documents that absolve them of said wrongdoing.

If your employer is putting a lot of papers in front of you and trying to get you to sign them quickly, there is a good chance that there is something amiss. An employment lawyer can advise you on what to do next and could potentially save you from signing something that will come back to haunt you.

4. Not Receiving Benefits

For the most part, companies are pretty good at providing benefits owed whether they are for current employees or recently departed. That said, there are always a few that are really not very good at this kind of thing.

If you haven’t been given severance pay or are missing vacation pay, then you have a claim against your employer. Sometimes following up is enough, but there are times where you have to dig your heels in and bring in an employment attorney to stand up for your rights.

5. Wrongful Termination

The majority of modern-day regulations are also meant to protect employees from being let go in an unjust manner. Depending on your situation, there is a chance that you have a wrongful termination case which would need to be pursued.

Having an employment attorney means having someone who knows cases similar to yours and potentially fighting against that wrongful termination. It could mean getting your job back, getting pay you are owed, and so much more depending on the circumstances. But the first step is to bring in the professional help that will protect your rights and put you in the right position.