Taking notes or making notes

Do you remember when we were kids our parents always instruct us one stuff write down all the tasks that teacher taught during class. That written down task is called Notes. During school, college, and even in professional life notes taking a very important part. Especially when we are student notes are like our life Savior before the exam. I think approx Every student faced this situation one time in life 1 Or 2days before the exam we tried to read books, but there are so many things written, we don’t have enough time to read at that time we take the help of notes. For me, notes are like searching for keywords.

1.We take note when we attending lectures, classes, or meetings, we are listening about so many topics, matter. If we write down some important points issues from the lectures it helps us to identify the key ideas, the structure of the presentations.

2.organized notes also make it easier for us to link classroom learning to textbook readings.

4. Engage our minds. Note-taking keeps our body active and involved and helps us avoid feelings of drowsiness or distraction.

Farhan, Rancho, Raju should take notes ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†

  1. Note-making is very important as it involves us in the learning process. And whenever we read something we have to write down important points as we cannot hold them on the mind.
  2. Making notes allows us to reduce the information into a manageable size.
  3. when we make notes we try to describe the thing with our own words, it’s helpful to think and understand the subject.

Taking notes and making notes both are equally important in the process of learning

So listen, understand, write, and grow your knowledge.