Virtual classes- boon or bane?

Amid the tensions of the world pandemic, (the ‘Novel Coronavirus’)all at once changed in our lives, as if the time has stopped and we all have been taken into thinking that everything would sank back and our lives would become monotonous and dull. But thanks to our technology, the rapid growth of the science community that our lives have been eventually saved, despite all the worries and abominable thinkings of getting stucked at our houses. And surprisingly, we were and are still able to connect to our nearest and dearest ones.

This boon of technology massively profited the professionals and people engaged in tertiary sector to try and get back to the track of life through virtual meetings, so to say webinars;the idea of work from home which was only associated with big MNCs and IT companies now became one of the major revolution in the country like India. But this revolution also approched to every little child who always tried and escaped from going to school. And here comes the irony, children enjoyed taking these virtual classes more seriously contrasting with the adults who thought it has been a punishment to them, to manoeuver both home as well as offices at the same time. Talking about the children who eventually grew desire to attend these online classes, we unopposedly can come to a conclusion that they must have taken such an interest because of the following-:

Having the smartphones in their hands make them look that they are busy and tend to be the apple of their parents’ eyes.

Since it’s a common tendency of today’s adults, who are parents to make their child busy by providing them the weapon called the smartphone, and as a result their child sinks into the world of their own creation and stop being a burden on them.

Online learning or e-learning is one the new trial for all of us to ease the learning process and provide more of the information in short period of time. It will be definitely and surely a worthy experience to start a new initiative and promote more of virtual learning in the near ffuture-government is doing so by starting “Diksha for school students and EVidya Programme for college going ones-. While we could appreciate the sudden rise in the desire of studying in the students, we can also not forget the children of remote areas who pay off a good amount to study in cities but could not afford a good internet connection back in their homes. What about them? It is one of the big question that has been heated all over the country. Although we find that most of the students do not face a big deal with attending these virtual classes, still many lack at the village and remote levels.

A recent incident of a girl from the state with almost 100 percent of the literacy, i. e. Kerala is evident enough to show us that we are still somewhere lagging behind. Although she had the access and Kerala government did a great deal by starting a channel to ease the pain of poor students, but then her blind will to study online made her sacrifice her life.

The agitation of students protesting against online exams is no less a situation which is to be taken no notice on, since it flooded over all over the internet.

Although it’s one of the effective methods for the coming future and will bring more and more students on a digital platform. But for now the problem lakhs of children are facing is inevitable, and cannot be ignored but has to be repaired. The addiction to our smartphones and the desire to grab this new method on has also made the situation to get worsen.