A new Journey to the center of the earth

This post is not about the movie, but this is about reality. Whenever you stand on the ground, have you ever wondered what beneath the mud, stones, and soil. Groundwater, fossils? That’s true, but as deep as you go, there’s a lot more to discover until the inner core, which is 6, 371 kilometres equivalent distance from Bali to Amsterdam. But what exactly is present at the center-most point of the Earth.

A globe model in the hand.

We know almost 71% of the Earth is water. The deepest hole on the land is the Kola Super-deep Borehole, which is about 12.2 km deep, which is 0.019 percent till the center of the Earth. At the same time, the scientist of the Soviet Union had a target of 15 km, but the temperature was too high and more than 350 degrees Fahrenheit. The temperature of the core is estimated at up to 10800 Fahrenheit, even if Tungsten was in place for drilling, which has a melting point at 6177 Fahrenheit; still, it will be impossible to reach the core. But even the deepest hole is merely having a diameter on 9 inches.

A comparison to the tallest to the deepest point ever discovered. Courtesy: Pinterest

So, how do researchers predict the information they gather information about the Earth? Recently at the University of Maryland, the researchers used seismic waves to get the inside view of the Earth. But it has a drawback due to weak echo from the unwanted noise as a part of data collection. So, to overcome this, a team of space and earth scientists by analyzing thousands of seismographs from the past 30 years using an algorithm known as Sequencer. After replicating like how bats and dolphins use echolocation, which will help to create new theories to understand more about plate tectonics working in the development of the planet in the early ages of the planet Earth.

The new inner earth map after the research.

The geophysicists are progressively engaged underneath the Pacific Ocean bowl for the particular waveforms of seismic wave echoes traveling. The data gathered is backed the advancement in the computer sector, using Machine Learning, they were able to map the data collected. At the point when the earthquakes create seismic waves pulse, the waves move slow and disperse because of dissimilarities in rock thickness, temperature, and so on. After the movement, time took, and the power of the bouncing back signs as they strike seismometers in various zones set, researchers can make different models about the physical properties of rock under the surface.

The actual method for data collection. Courtesy: University of Michigan

But what is our benefit in the research? We will know more about our planet, but most importantly, we can discover minerals after knowing more about the composition more precisely. Mponeng gold mine in South Africa is the deepest gold mine at almost 4 km; the temperature down reaches up to 140 degrees Fahrenheit. Also, geothermal energy will generate by heating the water to produce steams, saving fossil fuels. Also, there can be new researches if the life of bacteria or microbes can exist at such high temperatures. We can also discover ancient fossil remains if it exists, and many more mysteries are yet to be solved.