Sensory poem

A sensory poem describes a scene, an object, or an idea with vivid words that appeal to the five senses. It tells how the subject looks, feels, smells, tastes, and sounds.

Sensory poems are an excellent way to encourage children to experiment with using words to describe their senses, and in doing so bring their writing to life for others. Even the youngest children can have a go. A big advantage of sensory poems is that tend to come out very well, so they are good for boosting confidence!

Start by picking a season, holiday or event. Then brainstorm with the children what you might see, taste, smell, hear, feel. In a classroom setting, students might call out words and phrases to be written up on the board, or they can use one of our printables to capture their ideas.

Format of sensory poem

It’s usually written in the pattern mentioned below.

___(emotion) ___ is _____(colour)___.

It sounds like _________.

It tastes like___________.

It smells like __________.

____(Emotion)____feels like.

Here are some of my writings what I have peneed.

It’s a great work inking your thoughts,a composition in verse, especially one that is characterized by a highly developed artistic form and by the use of heightened language and rhythm to express an intensely imaginative interpretation of the subject.